lamp是什么意思|lamp的音标|lamp的用法( 三 )

基于光电转换原理,采用分光技术产生正比于被测细丝直径的差动电压,将差动电压放大并测量即可测出细丝直径;采用参考光负反馈法稳定光源的发光强度,从而消除漂移,提高测量精度 。
18. lamp是什么意思
18. In place of conventional halogen bulbs, they use xenon gas-filled lamp s that create an illuminated arc.
与传统的卤素灯泡不同,它们使用氙气充填,可形成弧形的照明效果 。
19. lamp在线翻译
19. The human does not leave, and in the activity, the switch continues the breakover; After the human leaves, the switch time delay automatic shut-off load, is bright the human to the lamp, the human extinguishes to the lamp, kind convenient, safe energy conservation.
人不离开且在活动,开关持续导通;人离开后,开关延时自动关闭负载,人到灯亮,人离灯熄,亲切方便,安全节能 。
20. I know some human beings who don't have that skill and regularly run me into lamp posts.
我知道,有些人都不具备这样的能力,因为他们带着我走路时,我经常会撞在路灯竿上 。
lamp 词典解释
1. 灯
A lamp is a light that works by using electricity or by burning oil or gas.
e.g. She switched on the bedside lamp...
她打开床头灯 。
e.g. In the evenings we eat by the light of an oil lamp.
晚上我们便在一盏油灯下吃饭 。
2. (尤指治疗或美容用的)发热灯,照射灯
A lamp is an electrical device which produces a special type of light or heat, used especially in medical or beauty treatment.
e.g. ...a sun lamp.
e.g. ...the use of infra-red lamps.
lamp 单语例句
1. A rod in the center of the lamp panel was where the candle or wick was fixed.
2. It was like being in a crystal castle with high and peaked ceilings, where a splendid pendant lamp was hanging.
3. Or skip a table lamp entirely and add drama with a hanging crystal chandelier or a sleek modern one.
4. Dozens of gorgeous lamp boats speed across green jade waves and sail into the Baijia channel in front of the village.
5. He also utilizes objects which people would usually turn a blind eye to, such as lamp cords and electrical cables.
6. If you are in a dark room with a candle, a wood stove and a gas lamp.
7. The lamp can project onto a desk and turn it into a touch screen.
8. The Western Han Dynasty lamp is detachable with each part - lamp panel, lamp holder and the right arm of the maid - cast separately.
9. The girl was not far from me, under a dingy street lamp.
10. Chen's center has the only machine in Beijing which is able to separate mercury from broken lamp glass and collect it for proper disposal.
lamp 英英释义
1. an artificial source of visible illumination
2. a piece of furniture holding one or more electric light bulbs