lamp是什么意思|lamp的音标|lamp的用法( 二 )

本次展览为期一年,共设置厨房区、书房区、浴室区、客厅区、数字公交车站、未来区等六个展区,内容涵盖食、医、住、行、乐等多个方面,展示在一般民众生活中,通过IPv6应用的自动化环境,让电灯、摄影机、电冰箱、音响、微波炉、医疗设施等,都能通过远程电脑控制,实现未来聪明型的网络生活 。
7. Electrical lighting sourceincluding safety and photoelectrical parameter of bulb, single and double ended fluorescent lamp, self-ballast lamp
8. A broken compact fluorescent lamp will release its mercury content.
若紧凑型节能灯被损坏,它的水银物质将会被释放出来 。
9. I give away is the first step to take into account the installed lamp.
我第一步考虑到的就是要给天井装盏灯 。
10. This thesis includes the survey of night environmental illuminance, the investigation of glass wall application in present, the nearby environmental illuminance survey of glass wall in the day time, night advertising and signal lamp investigation, as well as 300 questionnaires about light pollution.
本文的调查测量部分包括夜间环境照度测量、玻璃幕墙应用现状调查、昼间玻璃幕墙附近的环境照度测量、夜间广告灯与标志灯调查,以及300份光污染问卷调查 。
11. Range of application: Polycarbonate is able to be used in decorations of roof, clapboard and panel wall, greenhouse, telephone booth, advertising board, lamp house, etc
使用范围:聚碳酸酯板可用于建筑物的屋顶,侯车亭顶,墙壁、隔板、幕墙等工程的内外装修,温室大棚,公共电话亭、广告牌、灯箱及展示布置等设施 。
12. Kim Tianzheng advertising outdoor advertising media center city bus station exclusive agent Office of advertising, street lamp poles light box advertising, bus ads, etc., have their own Optimus Prime part of the roof billboards and large advertising.
金天正广告传媒中心户外广告独家代理我市公交站厅广告,路灯灯杆灯箱广告,公交车等广告,拥有自己的擎天柱广告牌和部分楼顶大型广告牌 。
13. TP8A16 Timer is suit for water heater, Water dispensers, Street lamp, Staircase lamp, Advertising lamp boxes, Breed aquatics, Irrigate, Office power auto control, in anywhere need time control in civilian, home or industrial, etc.
TP8A16定时器适用于热水器、饮水机、路灯、楼梯灯、广告灯箱、养殖、灌溉,办公室用电控制等民用或工业用需要定时控制的场合 。
14. SUL180a SYN160a Mechanical Timer is suit for water heater, Water dispensers, Street lamp, Staircase lamp, Advertising lamp boxes, Breed aquatics, Irrigate, Office power auto control, in anywhere need time control in civilian, home or industrial, etc.
SUL180a SYN160a定时器适用于热水器、饮水机、路灯、楼梯灯、广告灯箱、养殖、灌溉,办公室用电控制等民用或工业用需要定时控制的场合 。
15. Methods To engage in Guangxi Medical X-ray diagnosis, interventional therapy, medical radiation radioisotope staff undergo a medical examination, slit lamp examination with lens opacities, and then summarized the results of medical analysis.
方法对广西从事医用X射线诊断、介入治疗、放射性同位素的工作人员进行体检,用裂隙灯检查眼晶状体混浊情况,然后对体检结果进行归纳分析 。
16. The solar radiation source area shall be such that the length and width of the test item shall be no more than one-half the same dimensions of the lamp bank.
光照地区的面积应该至少等于测试对象的尺寸的一半 。
17. The negative feedback method of reference light stabilized the gleamy intension of lamp-house, and thus eliminated excursion and improved measure precision.