skid是什么意思|skid的音标|skid的用法( 三 )

17. Luckily the van ahead of us skid off the road on our leave, but It be a very near miss
18. Belt pulley office adopt simple and easy pieces of urgent device, can to lead wheel loose to take off, Skid phenomenon adjust, guarantee the continuity of the transmission.
皮带轮处采用简易张紧装置,可及时的对带轮的松脱,打滑现象进行调整,保证了传动的连续性 。
19. A wind-blown brew of snow, sleet and freezing rain cut visibility and iced over highways from the Great Lakes to New England on Sunday, stranding air and road travelers and causing a jetliner to skid off a...
一个风力吹酿造的雪,雨夹雪和冻结雨削减知名度和冰镇过公路,从大湖到新英格兰地区对周日,绞线空运和公路旅行者和造成客机,以防滑掀起 。。。
20. Printing cylinder that driven by pneumatic make the skid platform back off when there is no cup and double cups, so it prevents printing ink from contaminating cup die, avoiding polluting the inside of cup and damage rollers.
正常工作时出现空杯和双杯时,印刷滚筒由气动装置使滑台后退,防止油墨沾染印刷杯模而污染杯子内部和损坏胶皮 。
skid 词典解释
1. (车辆)侧滑,打滑;(刹车时)滑行
If a vehicle skids, it slides sideways or forwards while moving, for example when you are trying to stop it suddenly on a wet road.
e.g. The car pulled up too fast and skidded on the dusty shoulder of the road...
由于刹车太急,车子侧滑到了满是尘土的路肩上 。
e.g. The plane skidded off the runway while taking off in a snow storm.
飞机在暴风雪中起飞的时候滑出了跑道 。
2. 无法挽救的;注定要失败的
If you say that something is on the skids, you believe that it is out of control and certain to fail.
e.g. His career is on the skids.
他的事业每况愈下 。
e.g. marriage was on the skids.
我的婚姻注定要失败 。
skid 单语例句
1. The downpour caused some vehicles in the tube to collide or skid off the passway, said the spokesman.
2. Toyota will replace the skid control " Electronic Control Unit " and upgrade the software.
3. A faulty skid plate in the affected cars may create increased risk for fire, the statement said.
4. Dwyane Wade returned, and just like that Miami's skid was over.
5. Police would not say what kind of motor vehicle hit the man yet, but the skid marks suggest Han was hit by a cargo van.
6. Britain's Prince William and wife Kate ended their southern California stay on Sunday, bearing witness to both the poverty of Skid Row and the power of Hollywood.
7. Daniels and Jason Terry scored 14 for Dallas, which ended a skid of six games scoring under 100.
8. The debuting crime drama " Drive " from Film District should skid into third place with around $ 10 million.
9. The Clippers missed the playoffs for nine years in a row before snapping the skid this season.
10. Shoes were strewn about in the grass, and pair of dark skid marks scarred the highway.
skid 英英释义
1. an unexpected slide
Synonym: slipsideslip
2. a restraint provided when the brake linings are moved hydraulically against the brake drum to retard the wheel's rotation
Synonym: brake shoeshoe
3. one of a pair of planks used to make a track for rolling or sliding objects
1. move obliquely or sideways, usually in an uncontrolled manner
e.g. the wheels skidded against the sidewalk
Synonym: slipslueslewslide
2. slide without control
e.g. the car skidded in the curve on the wet road
3. apply a brake or skid to
4. elevate onto skids