skid是什么意思|skid的音标|skid的用法( 二 )

6. In order to study the evaluation method of skid resistance gradations of asphalt mixture, the fractal theory was applied to the evaluation, and the principle of evaluation with fractal theory was researched.
为了研究沥青混合料抗滑级配的评价方法,分析了分形理论在级配评价中的作用和原理;在对常用抗滑级配分形特征参数求取和分析的基础上,探讨了分维数和相关系数在级配评价中的识别作用,在此基础上提出了抗滑级配的双参数定量评价模式 。
7. It is artistic and in good taste. It has functions of keeping warm, cold-proof, and skid-proof. It is necessities indoor.
美观大方、穿着方便、柔软舒适、具有保暖、防寒、防滑的功能,是家居室内的必需品 。
8. The model is simple but practical and universal, which is integrated with velocity rate controlled and pressure bias modulated aircraft anti skid system.
9. Based on the dynamic response of aircraft body, the spring, damping of landing gears, friction characteristics of the tires, sensors, and so on, mechanical model for aircraft anti skid braking system is set up.
以国内某现役机种为对象,本文在综合考虑了飞机机体、起落架、轮胎、传感器等特性的基础上,推导了适用于飞机刹车滑跑的动力学模型,该模型重点考虑了起落架和轮胎的动态特性,突出简单、实用和通用性的要求,并加入到相对滑动量控制的电子防滑刹车系统的数字仿真软件中,完善了防滑刹车系统的软件平台,以用来研究飞机系统的动态特性与刹车性能的关系 。
10. Landing gears; tires; airplanes; aircraft anti skid system; braking simulation; mechanical model
11. skid是什么意思
11. Until then, well, keep telling junior that if he spins around really fast, then stops, his face will skid around to the back of his head.
在此之前,恩,继续告诉小孩,如果他迅速的扭头,然后停下来,他的脸将会到后脑勺上去 。
12. General Motors'EV-1 includes advanced motor controllers permitting regenerative braking and limited skid around corners, yet also includes simple lead-acid batteries.
一般EV-1 包括先进的马达控制器允许再生刹车和有限的滑行在角落附近,并且包括简单的乙酸铅电池 。
13. This product is made through a unique process prescription, professionally applied to polished tiles used in all types of ceramics, glassified tiles surface polishing, maintenance, a hard and compact surface, glistening bright protective layer can be quickly generated on the surface of tiles, this method compensates the tile surface porosity and microporous, and the product is characterized with high gloss, high hardness, anti-pollution, anti-skid and green excellent performances.
本产品采用独特的工艺配方而成,专业用于各类陶瓷抛光砖、玻化砖表面的抛光处理,可迅速在瓷砖表面生成一层坚硬致密、晶莹的光亮保护层,填补了瓷砖表面气孔和微孔,并具有高光泽、高硬度、防污、防滑、绿色环保的优异性能 。
14. Based on the work, we made a study on the permeability, skid resistance, stability on high temperature, water susceptibility and low noise of OGFC mix to satisfy requirements of the pavement of road tunnel.
在此基础上,针对隧道路面的使用要求,研究了沥青混合料的渗透性、抗滑性、水稳性、降噪性和高温稳定性以及降噪性等性能 。
15. Anti-skid pads, fenders and other automotive supplies the cause of development, production and sales.
防滑垫,挡泥板等汽车用品事业的开发生产与销售 。
16. Luckily the van ahead of us skid off the road on our leave, but it is a very near miss