
manage 基本解释
及物动词经营; 使用; 完成(困难的事); 明智地使用(金钱、时间、信息等)
不及物动词能解决(问题); 应付(困难局面等); 凑合着活下去; 支撑
manage 相关例句
1. manage的反义词
1. Can the child manage chopsticks now?
2. I can't manage another mouthful.
我一口也吃不下了 。
3. How did you manage to get their approval?
4. The pilot managed to circle the balloon for some time.
这位飞行员设法绕气球飞了一阵 。
1. He had such a great deal of work to do, but somehow he managed.
他手头的工作实在太多,但他还是应付得来 。
manage 网络解释
1. 处理:当我们能掌握和理解到事物出现和运作的法则,便能提高我们处理(manage)事物的能力. 这样,当我们能掌握和理解到情绪和感受的生灭法则,我们便能更善巧和根本地处理自心的情绪和感受. 在此有必要强调,佛法对情绪和感受的觉照,
2. manage的翻译
2. 设法:2 D 词义比较逻辑推理 在这冬日的夜晚,她这个22岁的学生想方设法(manage)把车停在了路边. afford提供, 给予, 供应得起;want想要;allow允许, 承认;manage搞成, 设法, 达成. 3 A 逻辑推理词义辨析 却没有备用的(spare)轮胎.
manage 双语例句
1. manage
1. Identify and manage distributors, and set up a SPD and LPS distributor system.
发展和管理代理商,建立一个防雷产品的代理商体系 。
2. It is hard work and you must manage the process by yourself.
这是你们必须努力工作和管理过程中的自己 。
3. This can be a difficult job because you can end up with a team that is too unwieldy to manage.
这可以是一个困难的工作,因为你可以结束的团队,太烦琐来管理 。
4. manage的反义词
4. Note if you are using a hosted account''': Ask your provider what limits are placed on the number of concurrent database connections and the processor load. This will give a good estimate of the number of users your Moodle install can manage.
注意假如你使用托管帐户''':询问你的供应商并行资料库连结数及处理器载入的限制,这样可以大概估计你安装的Moodle可以管理多少使用者 。
5. As to the problems and the situation of our country`s APPC, then the deferent purchasing and supply strategies are enacted according to the importance degree indicated in the purchasing process, which can make the company`s resources well configured and effectively used, so as to reach a state of equilibrium and purchasing or manage the provider efficiently.
其次,针对供应链环境下我国农产品加工企业采购和供应商管理现状和存在的问题,探讨了在供应市场上根据采购的产品和服务对企业竞争和盈利能力表现的重要程度来制定不同的采购供应战略,从而使企业的资源获得最有效的配置和使用,使之达到一种平衡状态,以便实现高效率的采购和供应商管理 。
6. manage
6. Its job is to manage world economy and trade order, the target is to build up an integrity, have something to do with goods, serve, trading of the investment and intelligent property right's etc. has vitality and laster long multilateral system more.
其职责是管理世界经济和贸易秩序,目标是建立一个完整的、与货物、服务、贸易有关的投资及知识产权等更具活力和更持久的多边体系 。
7. I lhink I can manage.
我想我是可以胜任的 。
8. Responsible for the transport of finished formulation and delivery of finished product shipped to plan, manage our customers located in the vicinity of the interim library (library accounts and transit costs).