uove是什么意思|uove的音标|uove的用法( 四 )

17. turnover
17. See from the investment angle, its evaluation method includes investment recovery period method, investment-return ratio method, net present value method, internal rate of return method, comprehensive evaluation method etc; See from the whole angle of logistics system, the performance of information system sometimes not necessarily is the increase of the income of economy, but the increase of work efficiency of operating system and the increase of management level and service quality of the whole logistics system, finance index and non-finance index such as inventory turnover, accounts receivable rate of turnover, order processing speed, customer satisfaction etc. are available.
从投资角度看,其评价方法包括投资回收期法、投资报酬率法、净现值法、内含报酬率法、综合评价法等;从物流系统的整体角度看,信息系统的效益有时不一定是经济上收益的增加,而是作业系统工作效率的提高和整个物流系统管理水平和服务质量的提高,可用存货周转率、应收账款周转率、订单处理速度、客户满意度等相关的财务指标和非财务指标来表示 。
18. The secondary residential average price of 2721 yuan turnover/sq m, up 3%, about 61 percent of the average single-handedly, the first half of second-hand housing transaction price volatile, peaked in February of 2811 yuan per square meter, 4 On low to 2541 yuan, but began to rise in May; the highest average turnover of Dongshan, reaching 4086 yuan/sq m, followed by the Tianhe and Yuexiu 3, 000 RMB/square meters, and Panyu, Huadu and Fangcun the larger increases.
在二手住宅平均价格二千七百二十一元成交/平方米,增长3%,大约有百分之六十一的平均一手,上半年二手房交易价格不稳定,高峰在2月二八一一元每平方米4低2541元,开始上升,但在5月的最高平均营业东山,达到四千○八十六元/平方米,其次是天河,越秀3000元人民币/平方米,番禺,花都和芳村的较大升幅 。
19. In the progressively competitive coal transportation market, self-unloading coaler is welcome by the user, especially by the littoral industrial users that have large demand of coal for some of its advantages such as low berth investment price, short discharge time, fast turnover period.
在竞争日益激烈的水路煤运市场中,自卸船以其卸船泊位投资低、卸货时间短、船舶周转快等特有的优势颇受用户的欢迎,特别受临海用煤量大的工业用户的欢迎 。
20. turnover什么意思
20. By investing in a digital solution such as SolarJet, printers that have traditionally run a high-volume flexo operation can increase their turnover by offering short-run, quick turnaround jobs that were previously beyond their capabilities.
通过投资于一个数字的解决方案,如SolarJet,打印机,历来运行高容量柔印操作可以增加营业额,提供短期,快速周转的工作,以前超出了它们的能力 。
turnover 词典解释
1. 营业额
The turnover of a company is the value of the goods or services sold during a particular period of time.
e.g. Her annual turnover is around £45,000…
她的年营业额大约是 4.5 万英镑 。
e.g. The company had a turnover of £3.8 million.
那家公司营业额为 380 万英镑 。
2. (人员的)流动率
The turnover of people in an organization or place is the rate at which people leave and are replaced.
e.g. Short-term contracts increase staff turnover...
短期合同使得员工流动率增高 。
e.g. The industry has a high turnover of young people.
该行业的年轻从业者流动率较高 。
turnover 单语例句turnover是什么意思
1. Some even include their personal incomes in business turnover to evade personal income taxes, which are usually higher than corporate taxes.
2. The turnover of this business sector has doubled every year since its establishment in 2010.