uove是什么意思|uove的音标|uove的用法( 二 )

如新集团2004年第一季度的财务报告显示,中国第一季度营业额增长达到了78% 。
2. As the downtown market turnover sharp downturn in the property market may be sold to downtown housing backlog increased, the closure on May 31, town Whangpoo River, Jingan and Luwan District backlog of the three commercial housing area has more than 100, 000 square meters.
由于市中心的楼盘成交量的急剧下滑,使市中心楼市的可售房源积压量大增,截止5月31日,市中心的黄浦、静安、卢湾这三个区积压的商品房总面积已经超过10万平方米 。
3. The second part divide into Adopt All. Kinds of Men of Ability, Accelerate the Turnover of the Capital, Improve the Competitive Power, Raising Fund, Enlarged Reproduction Energetically, Seek Survival. The third part introduce Zhou XueXis economic thoughts in detail according those respects.
第二部分,将分广泛采贤纳才、加速资本周转、提高竞争能力、大力筹措资金、扩大再生产、夹缝中求生存六点详细介绍周学熙经济思想的具体内容 。
4. The parameters of turnover mechanism of 1LF-335 hydraulic plow are rational.
41LF-335 液压翻转犁的翻转机构参数设计合理,在发动机处于怠速和额定转速的整个工作范围内,都可以保证犁架可靠翻转,给使用操作带来了方便 。
5. turnover是什么意思
5. My company's building with a plastic template with a light weight, impact strength, and assembly convenience, the high turnover rate, smooth surface, non-hygroscopic, non-mildew, acid, non-cracking, plate pieces, and small joints can be sawn can be nailed, machinable into any length, and many other advantages, but also the characteristics of our plastic, arc-shaped building has to do with the unique advantages can be widely used in high-rise buildings, tunnels, bridges and other irregular buildings.
我公司生产的建筑用塑料模板具有重量轻,抗冲击强度大,拼装方便,周转率高,表面光洁,不吸湿,不霉变,耐酸碱,不开裂,板幅大,接缝少,可锯,可钉,可加工成任何长度等诸多优点,而且秉承塑料的特性,具有用做弧形建筑的独特优势,可广泛应用于高层建筑、隧道、桥梁等不规则建筑物 。
6. Will be made of deep fascia turnover flap to repair defects in the skin above.
将深筋膜制成皮瓣翻转修复缺损后在其上面植皮 。
7. turnover的反义词
7. There is no surprise in the distribution of the turnover generated by paste exports: like with volume, eight countries dominate the market in terms of value and account for 94% of the turnover val.
人们已经习以为常——8个国家在销售额和量方面占据了市场的主导,占2008年番茄酱销售总额的94% 。
8. As a result, it will definitely have a great influence on the employee`s job performance or turnover intention.
在职场上,服务人员的情绪智力将对工作压力与工作绩效产生影响,这与顾客的上门有极密切的关系 。
9. The poor management of the organization lead to weak morale and an high turnover of employees.
企业的管理不善造成人心涣散,人员流失 。
10. turnover是什么意思
10. Real estate transaction from the latest data show that in our city this year, nine months before the second-hand housing market to reach 5450 on turnover of 953, 700 square meters area, turnover 1.118 billion yuan, has gone beyond the一手房Volume.
房地产交易的最新数据表明,在我们的城市,今年前9个月的二手房市场将达到5450,成交九十五点三七零万平方米地区,营业额一十一万一千八百点零万元,已超越了一手房成交量 。
11. turnover的近义词
11. Data from the latest real estate transaction, our first nine months of the secondary housing market transactions reached 5450 cases, were 953, 700 square metres area, the amount of 1.118 billion yuan transactions has exceeded Yishoufang turnover.