il是什么意思|il的音标|il的用法( 二 )

15. Taxation is to be calculated at 20 percent of any wage greater than $200 for a week and nil otherwise.
税收是按工资的20%以上的任何一个星期$200,另有零 。
16. nil的反义词
16. In sex, I have little sexual desire and nearly nil sexual relation.
在性爱方面,我很少性欲,我的性爱次数接近零 。
17. nil的解释
17. Lose seven nil and it`s never the keeper`s fault.
就算是输了个7:0,也并不仅仅是门将的责任 。
18. nil
18. Any dealings in the eSun Shares from now up to the date on which all conditions to which the Rights Issue is subject are fulfil led, or in the Rights Shares in nil-paid form on the Stock Exchange during the period in which they may be traded in their nil- paid form such period to
由现时起至供股之所有条件达成当日止之任何丰德丽股份买卖,或於未缴股款供股股份方式进行买卖之期间(有关期间将由丰德丽尽快公布)在联交所买卖未缴股款供股股份将须承受供股未必成为无条件或未必进行之风险 。
19. nil
19. As at 31 March 2008, the Group has convertible notes amounted to approximately HK$196, 518, 000 (2007: Nil).
于二零零八年三月三十一日,本集团之可换股票据为196,518,000港元 。
20. NEW result=IsItemInRange - nil for no valid target, 0 for out of range, 1 for in range
新:目标是否在该物品射程内 。可选,那么不加的话应该指当前目标了
nil 词典解释
1. 零分(通常用于表示橄榄球、足球等比赛中的得分)
Nil means the same as zero. It is usually used to say what the score is in sports such as rugby or football.
e.g. They beat Argentina one-nil in the final.
他们在决赛中以 1 比 0 击败了阿根廷队 。
2. 零;无;不存在
If you say that something is nil, you mean that it does not exist at all.
e.g. Their legal rights are virtually nil...
他们实际上毫无法律权利 。
e.g. The heating in winter was almost nil.
冬季供暖设施几乎毫无用处 。
nil 单语例句
1. The extremely low temperatures were needed to reduce the amount of thermal vibration of the cobalt atoms to practically nil.
2. Chinese private research data is also nil, so the pharmaceutical business has to design its programs to solve the issues.
3. Carefully packaged in glamorous eau de nil Claridge colors, the puds will make a delicious gift for those who deserve them.
4. Experts said hopes of finding any of the remaining miners alive were almost nil after more than four days trapped in the flooded shaft.
5. Former Newcastle and England striker and now TV analyst Alan Shearer has been immediately installed as favorite to replace him despite having nil coaching experience.
6. He made it clear that China will realize a nil growth in water consumption for irrigation by increasing the efficiency of water used for agriculture.
7. This time, the English vocabulary of the " actor " would be almost nil.
8. The chances of finding survivors appeared close to nil and authorities were treating the passenger list as a death toll.
9. But they have had virtually nil impact on the relatively poor western region, say sources from the Ministry of Science and Technology.
10. In 1972 when the door was open to our relationship 30 years ago, our trade was practically nil.
nilnil 英英释义
1. a quantity of no importance
e.g. it looked like nothing I had ever seen before
reduced to nil all the work we had done
we racked up a pathetic goose egg
it was all for naught
I didn't hear zilch about it
Synonym: nothingnixnadanullaughtciphercyphergoose eggnaughtzerozilchzipzippo