Addicted get addicted

How can I reduce my mobile use and concentrate on my studies?
Try keeping your phone out of sight.
试着把你的手机放在看不见的地方 。
Keep it on silent or vibrate while studying.
学习时保持手机安静或振动 。
Don&39;t keep thinking about your phone.
别老是想着你的电话 。
It will be hard at first,but then you will have control over it.
一开始会很难,但之后你就可以控制它了 。

Once people started messaging me I felt obliged to reply,
and then you start getting stuck in.
一旦有人开始给我发信息,我就觉得必须回复,然后你就陷进去了 。
The wifi connection is not very good here.
This video is still buffering. Let&39;s wait for a while until it can play.
这儿wifi信号不好 。视频还在缓冲 。
咱们等一会儿它才能播放 。
Excuse me,is the wifi working here?
Yes, but wifi access is extra.
有,但是wifi需要额外付费 。
Battery has 10% remaining.
电池还剩10%的电量 。
Can you give me the Wi-Fi password for this place?
Click the square icon again to minimize the window.
再次点击正方形图标,把窗口最小化 。
Could I have your WeChat?

Do you like to post something on Moments?
Don&39;t forget to give me a mention.
He always likes his own post just as soon as he posts them.
他总是给自己刚发的朋友圈点赞 。
He just sits there all day glued to his computer screen.
他就是整天坐在那儿盯着计算机屏幕 。
How to beat an addiction to cell phones?
I added Mandy on WeChat yesterday,but still got no reply at all.
我昨天加Mandy的微信好友,但是她一直没有回复 。
I am addicted to mobile.
我对手机上瘾了 。
I can&39;t study.
我不能安心学习 。
What should I do?
I forgot to take the mobile charger.
我忘记带手机充电器了 。
I forgot to charge my phone.
我忘记给我的手机充电了 。
I had no choice but to block her on wechat.
没办法,我只能拉黑她 。
I have horrible service.
Give me one minute.
稍等一下 。
I have poor reception.
我手机信号不好 。
I hope that conversation to have lasted a bit longer,unfortunately,my cell phone was running out of juice.
我希望那个电话通得时间再长点,不幸的是,我的手机没电了 。
I need to top up my phone.
我需要给手机充值 。
I spend 30 minutes browsing on Moments before going to bed.
我每天睡觉前都花30分钟来刷朋友圈 。
I unfollowed that official account.
我取关了那个公众号 。
I was in the lift and there was no service.
我刚才在电梯里,那里没有信号 。
I went from desk-dwelling computer nerd to the kind of guy who bikes to work— for fun.
我从一个计算机宅男极客变成了一个爱骑自行车去工作的人—纯属乐趣 。
I&39;ll give him a thumb-up.
我要给他点个赞 。
I&39;ll give that a like.
我要去给那点个赞 。

I&39;m almost out of phone credit.
我手机快欠费了 。
I&39;m terribly sorry.I was browsing on Moments just now.
对不起,我刚才在刷朋友圈 。
In some cases,you may not have access to sensitive business data.
在某些情况下,您可能无法访问敏感的业务数据 。
It&39;s so weird.I have full Wi-Fi bars on my phone but can&39;t use the internet.
太奇怪了,我的手机Wi-Fi明明信号满格,但就是连不上网 。
Let me scan you( your QR code).
Mobile phone must be switched off throughout the flight.
整个飞行途中请关闭手机 。
My cellphone ran out of credit
我手机欠费了 。
My cellphone is dead.
我手机没电了 。
My cellphone is dying.
My dad sent me a friend request
on WeChat,
but I turned him down
because there are
so many crazy pictures on it.
我老爸在微信上申请加我为好友,但是我拒绝了,因为我有很多疯狂的照片 。
My phone signal has two bars.
我的电话信号只有两格 。
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