tired怎么读英文怎么读 tired怎么读 tired怎么读英文

tired怎么读英文怎么读 tired怎么读 tired怎么读英文


第二册I am (我)是[?m]
come in. 进来[k?m]
good morning! 早上好!
from beijing 从北京来的
at the zoo 在动物园里
the capital of China 中国的首都 motherland 祖国[&39;m?e?l?nd]
our我们的[&39;au?] national国家的[&39;n???n?l]
national flag国旗[fl?ɡ]
Chinese 中国的;汉语;中国人[&39;t?ai&39;ni:z]
over there 在那边 American美国的,美国人[?&39;merik?n]
an一(个) [?n] apple苹果[&39;?pl]
hand手[h?nd] egg蛋[eɡ]
umbrella 伞[?m&39;brel?] school is over. 放学了 home家[h?um]
go home 回家 rain 雨;下雨[rein] it&39;s raining. 正在下雨
can&39;t 不能 now 现在[nau] much许多[m?t?]
how much 多少 eleven 十一[i&39;lev?n] twelve十二[twelv]
here这儿[hi?] here you are. 给你
they 他(她 , 它)们 twenty 二十[&39;twenti]
these 这些[ei:z] those 那些[e?uz] door 门[d?:]
picture图画[&39;pikt??] talk说话 , 谈论[t?:k]
flower花[&39;flau?] some 一些[s?m]
boat 船[b?ut] lake 湖[leik] skirt 裙子[sk?:t]
clean 清洁的[kli:n] shirt (男式)衬衫[??:t]
cup 杯子[k?p] glass玻璃杯[ɡlɑ:s] picture-book 图画书
have a look 看一看 sure 当然 , 一定[?u?] and和[?nd]
grade 年级[ɡreid] maths数学[m?θs] your 你们的[j?: ]
their 他(她 , 它)们的 [eε?] pioneer 先锋[,pai?&39;ni?]
young pioneer 少年先锋队员 scarf 领巾[skɑ:f] red scarf 红领巾
both 两[b?uθ] all全部 , 都[?:l] peasant农民[&39;pez?nt]
soldier士兵[&39;s?uld??] class is over下课了
play 玩[plei] there are 有 do做du: ]
what are they doing? 她们在做什么?pingpong 乒乓 right对的[rait]
join 参加[d??in] them 他(她 , 它)们(宾格) [eem]
第三册piece片[pi:s] a piece of 一片 , 一张
ink墨水[i?k] bottle瓶[&39;b?tl] a bottle of 一瓶
bread面包[bred] give给[ɡiv]
me我(宾格) [mi: ] please请[pli:z] thank谢谢[θ??k]
want要[w?:nt] write写[rait]
any任何[&39;eni] have you any paper? 你有纸吗? Thanks谢谢
go去[ɡ?u] go to the door 到门那儿去 open开 [&39;?up?n]
close关[kl?uz] blackboard黑板 [&39;bl?kb?:d]
clean把…弄干净[kli:n] football足球 [&39;fut,b?:l]
match比赛[m?t?] this afternoon今天下午 [,ɑ:ft?:&39;nu:n]
time时候[taim] what time? 什么时候?
at three 在三时 but但是[b?t] jacket外衣 , 夹克[&39;d??kit]
basketball篮球[&39;bɑ:skitb?:l] TV电视 radio 收音机[&39;reidi?u]
bat球拍[b?t] maybe也许 , 可能[&39;meibi] of course 当然[k?:s]
some一些[s?m] knife小刀[naif] sorry对不起 , 抱歉
for为[ f?: ] can能够[k?n] make做 , 制作[meik]
right now立刻 there is有 , 存在 picture图画 [&39;pikt??]
near 靠近[ni?] playground操场[&39;pleiɡraund] model模型[&39;m?d?l]
model plane模型飞机 model ship 模型轮船 sky天空 [skai]
lake湖[leik] bright明亮的[brait] above 在…上方[?&39;b?v]
slogan标语 , 口号[&39;sl?uɡ?n] world世界[w?:ld] many许多[&39;meni]
lesson功课 [&39;les?n] have lessons上课 like喜欢[laik]
table桌子[&39;teibl] let让[let] us 我们(宾格) [?s]
【tired怎么读英文怎么读 tired怎么读 tired怎么读英文】have a look 看一看 toy玩具[t?i] fly飞[flai]
house房子[haus] tree 树[tri:] river河流 [&39;riv?]
dog狗[[d?ɡ] front前面 , 前部[fr?nt] in front of 在…前面
cat猫[k?t] then那么 , 然后[een] cow母牛[kau]
behind在..后面[bi&39;haind] goose鹅[ɡu:s] geese鹅(复数) [ɡi:s]
moon月亮[mu:n] air 空气[ε?] mountain山[&39;mauntin]
think想 , 认为[θi?k] so这样 , 这么 , 所以[&39;s?u]
animal动物[&39;?nim?l] life 生命 , 生活[laif] which 哪一个 [hwit?]
nineteen十九[,nain&39;ti:n] twenty二十[&39;twenti] thirty 三十[&39;θ?:ti]
twenty-one二十一[&39;twenti&39;w?n] thirty-three三十三[&39;θ?:ti&39;θri:]
miss 女士,小姐[mis] people 人 , 人民[&39;pi:pl] family家 , 家庭[&39;f?mili]
day白天[dei] week周 , 星期[wi:k] today今天[t?&39;dei]
baby婴儿 , 幼畜[&39;beibi] see看见[si:] zebra斑马[&39;zi:br?]
monkey猴子[&39;m??ki] run跑[r?n] jump跳[d??mp]
all the time 一直 count数[kaunt] lion狮子[&39;lai?n]
tiger 老虎[&39;taiɡ?] sit坐[sit] exercise练习[&39;eks?saiz]