
今天的话题稍有几分沉重,如果说一人吃饱全家不饿的你依旧以为自己百年之后,遗嘱里写了遗产由某猫某狗继承即可——恐怕事情不像你想象得那么简单 。
来Get一下我们国家在法律中对继承人的规定 。
A woman in Central China's Hubei Province has been told she cannot leave her property to her dogs when she dies, as there is no legal precedent for it in Chinese law.
年近花甲的赵远芳(化名)怎么也没想到,在自己单身、独居、日渐衰老、身体不适的关口,就连立份遗嘱也被公证扫盲了一遍《继承法》 。
Zhao Yuanfang (pseudonym), 58, lives with her two dogs. She is single, has no siblings and her parents have long since passed away, Sanxia Evening News reported on Sunday.
赵远芳女士平时就和家里养的泰迪和拉布拉多相依为命 。《三峡晚报》5月19日报道,最近出于诸多原因,她开始动了立遗嘱的心思,想把遗产赠与爱犬,并为此咨询三峡公证处,办理相关事项 。而三峡公证处负责人日前表示,因为无法可依,他们爱莫能助 。
After retiring, she has spent most of her time with her two dogs.
赵女士退休以后,这两条5岁多的狗就成了她的精神寄托 。
(图via sohu.com)
Due to worries over her health, Zhao is now making out her will, so that by the time she passes away, all her assets can be given to these two five-year-old dogs, including her 60-square-meter apartment. To complete the procedure, she consulted the Notary Public Office in the Three Gorges area for details.
她住在中心城区,有一套60多平方米的房子 。父母已经去世多年,没有兄弟姐妹,她也一直单身,没有儿女,平时就和家里养的泰迪和拉布拉多相依为命 。
身体方面,由于自我感觉不好,赵女士觉得有必要立一份遗嘱,等将来自己去世,就委托别人把现在住的房子卖掉,财产由两只狗继承 。也不枉多年的陪伴 。
(图via boqii.com)
One of the officers said that this was the first case of its kind he had seen in his career. He has also referred to the province's notary department to ask for guidance.
事与愿违,三峡公证处的某公证员表示,他从事公证几十年,还是第一次遇到把遗产赠给爱犬这种诉求 。事后,他也向省里的公证部门咨询问类似事情该如何办理 。
(图via zhuanlan.zhihu.com)
So far, there is no precedent for someone leaving their inheritance to pets or plants in Hubei Province.
目前,湖北省还没有一例将遗产赠给动植物的案例 。
Yan Jining, director of the Three Gorges Notary Office, said that the heirs are required to be individuals, according to China's Inheritance Law.


三峡公证处的主任严继宁表示,在我们国家的《继承法》里,继承人是以人为主体的 。
As animals, dogs are not entitled to be the subjects of inheritance. Even though Zhao's wish is understandable, and the office is willing to help, there is no precedent to allow work on such a request.

狗作为动物,无法作为继承的主体 。尽管他很理解赵女士的想法,但因无法可依,的确爱莫能助 。
(图via twoeggz.com)
Xu Yun, a partner at Sichuan Fa Ye Law Firm, told the Global Times that in such a case, Zhao might want to get her will executed in other ways, such as by entrusting management of her property to a third party.
四川法也律师事务所的合伙人徐云律师在接受《环球时报》英文版采访时说,主要是没有法律依据,赵女士只能从委托关系或其他方式入手实现她的夙愿 。