miss是什么意思 翻译 miss是什么意思 miss中文意思是什么( 二 )

3) 不理解,没有领会(意义或重要性) ;未注意到;未觉察到;忽略掉 ;逃过;遗失某物
Tambov had slightly missed the point.
坦波夫有点不得要领 。
She seems to have missed the joke.
她好像没有听懂这个笑话 。
He just missed a traffic accident.
他逃过了一场交通事故 。
When did you first miss your purse?
think of
be concerned with/about
cherish the memory of
long for
languish for
sigh for
pine for
yearn for/after
To think of you makes me old.思君令人老 。
I am concerned with you terribly!我好想你!
I shall evermore cherish the memory of the patriotic poet.
She longed to see him again.她很想再见到他 。
I&39;m longing for news of him.我正在盼望着得到他的消息 。
I cannot conceal from you that sometimes I long for you dreadfully.我不能对你隐瞒,我有时思念你心焦如焚 。
He languished for home.他苦苦地思念家乡 。
Spring Festival is drawing near.The Chinese students abroad sigh for home and friends.
春节将至,海外的中国留学生思念家乡和朋友 。
He&39;s still pining for his ex-girlfriend.
他还在苦苦地思念着他的前女友 。
I shall yearn for you very much.我会很想你 。
I yearn for you by day and dream of you at night. 我很想你,魂牵梦绕 。

miss是什么意思 翻译 miss是什么意思 miss中文意思是什么
