中国国宝大熊猫 熊猫是中国之最吗

One of the most famous symbols of China is the giant panda.It's in danger in the world. However, it has lots of fans around the world because of its lovely look with black and white fur. And it has also played an important role in the friendship between China and other countries.
It's head to body is 1.2 to 1.8 meters, and the tail is 10 to 12 centimeters and it weighs 80 to 120 kilograms. It can even weigh up to 180 kilograms.The black and white fur is good for it to hide in trees and snow, so that other animals can't find it easily. There is a funny fact _the baby panda's fur is pink.
The captive pandas main food is bamboo,carrots and corn bread while the wild panda eats grass, wild fruit,insects, even sheep. it can live like cats and move freely in the night although its vision is very poor.
A wild panda is normally 15 to 20 years while the captive panda can reach the age of 30 the oldest panda in history live to 38 years old and died on October 16,2016.
大熊猫是中国最著名的象征之一 。全世界大熊猫处于濒临灭绝中 。然而,由于他可爱的外貌,黑白的皮毛让他在世界范围内拥有大量的粉丝 。同时,大熊猫在中国与其他国家的友谊中也扮演着重要的角色 。
大熊猫从头到尾有1.2米到1.8米长,尾巴有10到12厘米 。重达80到120公斤 。熊猫甚至能重达180公斤 。黑白色的毛发能让他很好的隐藏于树丛与雪地中 。这样其他的动物就不能轻易的发现它 。一个很有趣的事实—熊猫宝宝的毛发是粉红色的 。
圈养的大熊猫主要食物是竹子,胡萝卜和玉米饼 。然而,野生的大熊猫吃青草,野果,昆虫,竹鼠,甚至是绵羊 。它能像猫科动物那样生活,并且在夜晚能自由的行走,虽然它的视力非常的差 。
野生的大熊猫正常能活到15到20岁,然而圈养的大熊猫能活到30岁 。历史上活的年龄最大的熊猫活到了38岁,死于2016年10月16日 。
【中国国宝大熊猫 熊猫是中国之最吗】