

In-N-Out汉堡In-N-Out汉堡是美国西海岸一家地方性的连锁快餐店 , 于1948年由Harry与Esther Snyder夫妇在加州Baldwin Park市首次创建 。现在的In-N-Out总部位于美国加州尔湾市 , 而连锁店则分布到了加州、亚利桑那州、内华达州、犹他州、与得州 。至2011年3月止 , 这家连锁餐厅已有258家分店 。一些媒体对In-N-Out与其他快餐店不同的员工政策已经作出报导 , 例如其他快餐店通常会支付其员工接近最低工资的薪水 , 而In-N-Out的加州分店于2008年左右支付的每小时10美金大大超出加州的最低工资 。
【In-N-Out汉堡】In-N-Out汉堡连锁店已有相当一部分忠诚顾客 , 并且在顾客满意度调查中多次名列前茅 。
In-N-Out汉堡于2012年1月在香港宝马山举行试食会 , 并计画在香港开设美国境外首家分店 。
外文名:In-N-Out Burger
基本简介公司名称:In-N-Out汉堡公司类型:私有公司成立于美国加州Baldwin Park市(1948年)口号:“你能尝出的质量”(英语:"Quality You Can Taste")营业据点数:258业务地区:美国(加州、亚利桑那州、内华达州、犹他州、得州)重要人物:Lynsi Martinez(总裁)Mark Taylor(COO)Roger Kotch(CFO)产业:快餐年营业额:估计46.5亿美金发展选单In-N-Out的选单公开有三种汉堡:汉堡、起士堡、与“二乘二堡”(两片肉饼、两片起士);炸薯条与饮料;以及三种味道的奶昔 。汉堡中放莴苣、番茄 , 并且顾客可以选择放入洋葱 。In-N-Out的汉堡中放有一种特色酱料 , 基于千岛酱製作 。There are, however, additional named items not on the menu, but available at every In-N-Out. These variations reside on the chain's "secret menu," though the menu is accessible on the company's web site. These variations include 3x3 (which has three patties and three slices of cheese), 4x4 (four patties and four slices of cheese), Neapolitan shakes, grilled cheese sandwich (comes with everything that the burgers come with except meat, plus two slices of melted cheese), veggie burgers (comes with everything that the burgers come with; is not an actual veggie patty, and does not come with cheese), and Animal Style, a house specialty that the company has trademarked because of its association with the chain. An Animal Style fry comes with two slices of melted cheese, spread, and grilled onions on top; Animal style burgers have mustard fried into the meat patties as they cook, and in addition to the lettuce and tomato it also includes pickles, grilled onions and extra spread 。In-N-Out原本还有一道特色是顾客可以指定一个汉堡中放置任意数量的肉饼与起士(加价需顾客自付) , 但自2004年一位顾客要求单只汉堡中放置100片肉饼与100片起士后[12]这家汉堡店还是决定禁止四片肉饼与四片起士以上的汉堡 。