

新课标国小英语阅读100篇【新课标国小英语阅读100篇】《新课标国小英语阅读100篇》是新课标国小英语丛书之一,丛书共分三本:《新课标国小英语听力100篇》、《新课标国小英语会话100篇》、《新课标国小英语阅读100篇》 。本套丛书内容编排循序渐进、由浅入深,图文并茂,听说并重,语言直观、形象、生动,贴近学生生活,符合儿童认知心理学的要求,并配有专门设计的多样化的练习,能极大地激发他们的求知慾,调动他们的学习兴趣,发展他们的自主学习能力 。本套丛书的推出,将引领小读者进入一个丰富多彩、有益实用的英语世界 。
图书信息条形码: 9787810956772尺寸: 20.8 x 14.6 x 1.6 cm重量: 358 g目录1 A Busy Day!2 Two New Schoolkids3 Twins' Bedroom4 SoupS A Shop6 The Name of a Woman7 The Snowman8 The Best Job9 Jimmy and a Salesman10 What Are Stars Like?11 How Do Mail Carriers Keep Dogs Away?12 An Old Woman and Her Cats13 Father's Hobby14 Be My FriendsIS Two Bicycles16 My Special Friend17 A Friendly American Family18 Visit Shanghai19 A Sports Lover20 The Sea21 Sea Horses22 A Flying Fox23 Where Are the Girl's Ducks?24 Flying Birds25 Air26 Mary27 Clocks28 ANice Farm29 Christmas Day30 A Desert31 Animals' Home32 The Dirtiest Hand33 Peter34 An Outing35 The Pizza Machine36 Water37 The Great Wall of China38 Funny Presents39 A Barber's Joke40 A Boy or a Girl?41 A Missing "Tiger"42 An Interesting Newspaper43 Lucky or Unlucky44 Kate's Homework45 A Yo-yo46 A Bridge47 Go Fishing48 A Good Breakfast49 Alarm Clock50 Stop Writing51 Two Different Lives52 The Robots53 A Broken Mirror and Bad Luck54 A Holiday From School55 The Candy Kings56 Yawn57 Letters58 Two Thieves59 The Proverb60 A Giant Kite61 Once a Year!62 A New Pet63 A Lovely Weekend64 Fire Fighters6S Hair and Beard66 The Martins67 A Composition68 The Frog That Changes Color69 The City of San Francisco70 A Second Language71 Two American Presidents72 Computers73 The Sun and the Earth74 Benjamin Franklin75 ?76 Be Polite!77 The Sun78 School in Air79 Helen's Glasses80 A Frenchman in New York81 Air Jordan82 Who Is the God?83 My Dog84 The Strongest Power in the World85 Quick Thinking86 The Best Salesman in the World87 Not So Stupid88 A Cheap Meal89 The Diet90 Noise91 Mr. Black and the Fishmonger92 The Favorite Coat93 The Pianist and an Old Woman94 Books on "How to ..."95 A Drunken Man96 Two Flights97 A Lazy Man98 Pandas99 FalllO0 A Warmhearted Man Key to the Exercises