成语释义 尘埃落定

成语释义 尘埃落定

尘埃落定(成语释义)【成语释义 尘埃落定】尘埃落定(chén āi luò dìng) , 是一个成语 , 多表示事情经过了曲折变化终于有了结果 , 常作宾语、定语 , 多用于书面语 。成语的反义词是悬而未决 , 近义词是盖棺定论 。
拼音:chén āi luò dìng
用法:作宾语、定语;多用于书面语 。
读音chén āi luò dìng释义1、尘埃落到地下 , 比喻事情有了结果 。2、比喻事情经过许多变化 , 终于有了结果;或经过一阵混乱后将结果确定下来 。近义词盖棺定论反义词悬而未决用法作宾语、定语;多用于书面语 。注:此词后不可以带补语!例句几经反覆 , 这件事算是尘埃落定了 。一番努力之后 , 这件事的结果尘埃落定英文解释例句当尘埃落定 , 我希望可以改变 。When the dust settles, hopefully that will change.由此产生了一场正式的拍卖 , 在1月份举行 , 两名竞拍者经过了五个小时、35轮叫价才尘埃落定 。That led to a formal auction, which was held in january and continued for five hours and 35 rounds of bidding between twoof the bidders, brokers said.然而 , 蜜月期总会有结束的时候 , 当一切尘埃落定 , 你们开始相互了解(更好或者更槽糕)到更深 , 更真实的层面 。Some of the time however, the honeymoon phase does end, and as the dust settles you get to know each other ( for betteror worse) on a deeper and truer level.随着日本努力从灾难中恢复的一个类似巨大的规模 , 这是中国的又放下一触即发的政治和历史纠葛-至少要等到尘埃落定 。With japan struggling to recover from a disaster on a similarly monumental scale, it's china's turn to put asidesimmering political and historical disputes at least until the dust settles.