上海交通大学Bio-X研究院特聘副研究员 马钢

马钢(上海交通大学Bio-X研究院特聘副研究员)【上海交通大学Bio-X研究院特聘副研究员 马钢】马钢,上海交通大学Bio-X研究院特聘副研究员,发育功能基因组学组副组长 。安徽科技学院学士,长春军需大学硕士,上海交通大学博士 。
个人简历目前承担一项国家自然科学基金项目“调节Hedgehog信号蛋白稳定性及影响範围的分子机制的研究”,负责一项973计画子课题“集胞藻基因组功能分析及其脂肪酸代谢途径的最佳化与重建” 。研究方向A-1型短指(趾)症致病基因IHH在骨发育中的功能分析;Wnt,BMP及Hedgehog等信号通路在皮肤及毛囊干细胞发育中的作用;合成生物学中特定生物学功能模组的设计与开发,及人工生命体的探索与创新性研究 。发表论文⒈ Ma G #,Li LL#,Hu YY,Chau JFL,Au BJ,Jia DY,Liu HJ,Yeh J,He L,Hao AJ*,Li BJ*. A typical Atm-p53 genetic interaction in osteogenesis is mediated by Smad1 signaling. J Mol Cell Biol (revised)⒉ Ma G,Yu J,Xiao Y,Chan D,Gao B*,Hu J,He Y,Guo S,Zhou J,Zhang L,Gao L,Zhang W,Kang Y,Cheah KS,Feng G,Guo X,Wang Y,Zhou CZ,He L*. INDIAN HEDGEHOG mutations causing brachydactyly type A1 impair Hedgehog signal transduction at multiple levels. Cell Research. 2011; 21⑼:1343-57.⒊ Gao B#,Hu J#,Stricker S,Cheung M,Ma G,Law KF,Witte F,Briscoe J,Mundlos S,He L*,Cheah KS,Chan D*. A mutation in Ihh that causes digit abnormalities alters its signalling capacity and range. Nature. 2009; 458,1196-1200.⒋ Ma G,Xiao Y,He L*. Recent progress in the study of Hedgehog signaling. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2008; 35⑶: 129-137.⒌ Ma G#,Shi Y#*,Tang W,He Z,Huang K,Li Z,He G,Feng G,Li H,He L*. An association study between the genetic polymorphisms within TBX1 and schizophrenia in the Chinese population. Neurosci Lett. 2007; 425⑶:146-150.⒍ Ma G#,He Z#,Fang W,Tang W,Huang K,Li Z,He G,Xu Y,Feng G,Zheng T,Zhou J,He L*,Shi Y*. The Ser9Gly Polymorphism of the Dopamine D3 Receptor Gene and Risk of Schizophrenia: An Association Study and a large Meta-Analysis. Schizophr Res. 2008; 101:26-35 。