

国小英语阶梯阅读训练·4年级【国小英语阶梯阅读训练·4年级】《国小英语阶梯阅读训练·4年级》是2008年7月1日南京大学出版社出版的图书 。本书是对4年级英语知识阅读能力的训练 。
ISBN:730505402X, 9787305054020
开本: 32
内容简介《国小英语阶梯阅读训练·4年级》内容包括:My family 、 Learn English、Go to the park、How many days in a week、On the hill、Rose's birthday、A woman and her cats、Pull the lion's tail、TV programs introduction、A lossing boy、Delicious bird、Let me help you、A new son、The dog's dirty fee、tThe Read family、A card……目录1. My family2. Learn English3. Go to the park4. How many days in a week?5. On the hill6. Rose's birthday7. A woman and her cats8. Pull the lion's tail9. TV programs introduction10. A lossing boy11. Delicious bird12. Let me help you13. A new son14. The dog's dirty feet15. The Read family16. A card17. How many letters?18. Two holes19. Don't cry, Miss Read20. Where is my cat?21. We have the same mother22. The crow and the frog23. My room24. Have dinner with English friends25. In the morning26. Helen's day27. Jim28. Two good friends29. Family photo30. At the zoo31. Our class32. Write a letter33. My friend Lucy34. Never late35. A new friend36. Make other people happy37. Cut the cake38. Streets of water39. Back to school40. My baskets41. Miss Li42. The twins43. A shop44. A room45. Ping46. Oh,I see47. I don't mind it48. Whose bag?49. School! Go slowly50. Open the window or close it?51. The same two coats52. The sea53. A naughty boy54. What to do?55. Why does it rain on the road?56. A dog for my daughter57. Wolf, wolf58. A fat woman59. I save two dollars less60. Mr. Going-to-do61. Eat a fly62. I like spring best!63. Hello Mickey!64. Who will put the bell on the cat?65. K Day66. Saying goodbye67. Ask in the wrong way68. The tortoise and the hare69. Be modest70. What are you going to be?71. Mousy has a stomachache72. How to keep healthy73. A music fan74. In Miss Smith's house75. Our group76. How old are you?77. Having breakfast in New York!78. Andy's drawing79. KFC80. Wang Hao and Wang Lei's day81. In a shop82. Whose is it?83. A clever crow84. A telephone call85. Snow86. Three pictures of children87. Be polite88. What's two and two?89. A funny man90. A hen and a fox91. What a good boy!92. Going shopping93. A pair of glasses94. A lucky rabbit95. A coward96. Flying kites 97. A big surprise98. At home or not?99. How lucky the man is!100. Two kinds of footballs101. English names102. A beautiful park103. A crow and a fox104. Grandpa can hear me!105 Cinema tickets106. Kate's homework107. Breakfast108. TV