dressing( 二 )

【戏剧】布置(舞台),调度(演员、布景、道具等);提高(演出)的上座率,使(剧场)满座:to keep the stalls dressed使剧场满座
用舰旗、公司旗、信号旗等装饰(舰船、商船等),悬挂(旗子):The bark was dressed with masthead flags only.那条三桅帆船只用桅顶旗装饰 。
提供或装配(附属档案、可选择的特色物品等):to have one's new car fully dressed使自己的新汽车全部装配好
vi.穿衣;更衣:Wake up and dress, now!醒来,该穿衣了!We were dressing when the phone rang.电话铃响时我们正在穿衣服 。
穿礼服;打扮:Try to dress appropriately for each occasion.试图为每个场合适当地打扮 。to dress for dinner穿礼服赴宴
(部队)整队:The soldiers dressed quickly.士兵们迅速整队 。
(士兵操练者、舞蹈者等)整齐地列队,排列整齐,看齐:The marchers dressed right.行军者向右看齐 。
(家禽、兽等煺毛开膛洗净后的)称得净重:The duck dressed five pounds.这只鸭煺毛开膛后净重5磅 。
短语ore dressing 选矿;造矿dressing room n. 更衣室;化妆室dressing plant 选矿厂;选包工场dressing up 角色扮演;乔装打扮salad dressing 色拉酱调料例句I can taste sage in the dressing. 我能尝到调味品中的洋苏叶 。《21世纪大英汉词典》We were dressing when the phone rang. 电话铃响时我们正在穿衣服 。《21世纪大英汉词典》But the mistress still mocked at her dressing mode. 但女主人仍然嘲笑她的穿衣方式 。