众大臣纷纷辞职,鲍里斯濒临绝境,处境被喻为“拉斯普京之死” 英国大臣辞职历史之最( 二 )

Suspecting he was protected by supernatural powers, he was then shot.
人们怀疑他受到超自然力量护身 , 他随后被枪杀 。
But even then, Rasputin appeared to have miraculously come back to life and managed to escape.
但即使如此 , 拉斯普京似乎奇迹般地复活了 , 并设法逃脱 。
He was shot again, but was alleged to still be alive and was found groaning the next morning.
他再次被枪杀 , 但据称他仍然活着 , 第二天早上被发现时正在呻吟 。
‘Turning his face up, he groaned and it seemed he rolled his right eye which fixed me, dazed but terrible,’ claimed Vladimir Purishkevich, a politician who was part of the plot. ”
”他把脸转过来 , 呻吟着 , 似乎转动了他的右眼 , 这让我看呆了 , 很可怕 , "参与暗杀的政治家弗拉基米尔-普里什克维奇声称 。
By then, Rasputin is said to have been viciously beaten with a cudgel by Yussoupov.
当时 , 据说拉斯普京已经被尤苏波夫用棍子狠狠地打了一顿 。
His body was finally found two days later when the sleeve of his fur coat was seenprotruding from the ice of a nearby river.
他的尸体两天后被发现 , 人们看到他的毛皮大衣的袖子从附近河流的冰面上突出来 。
There was reputedly water in his lungs when his remains were found, indicating he had been alive when he entered the water.
据称 , 当他的遗体被发现时 , 他的肺里有水 , 这表明他入水时还活着 。
disgruntle:不满 ; 使不高兴
abnormal:不正常的 ; 反常的 ; 变态的 ; 畸形的
【众大臣纷纷辞职,鲍里斯濒临绝境,处境被喻为“拉斯普京之死” 英国大臣辞职历史之最】