英语幽默故事【英语幽默故事】《英语幽默故事》是2004年5月由清华大学出版社出版的图书,作者是姜梦茵 。
作者:姜梦茵 编着
ISBN:10位[7302078203] 13位[9787302078203]
定价:¥22.90 元
编辑推荐最新的幽默故事 最纯正的英音朗读 阅读本书,体味开心一刻 聆听音带,用英语把幽默与朋友分享图书目录1 Wrong WAY2 Being Blamed for What I Haven't Done3 Smart Teacher4 Wishful Thinking5 How Many Chickens?6 Bad Warranty7 Lazy Men8 Golf and Funerals9 Tee Shot10 Does Your Dog Bite?11 Only One Wish12 First Day in School13 Aggie Accident14 P itching a Tent15 On Watch16 Microsoft Motors17 Speeding18 Talking Dog19 Mafia Christmas20 Hose Bombed21 Joe D Days22 Insulting Parrot23 Circle Flies24 They're Boasting about Ra ce Records25 Diver Meets a Guy Underwater26 Three Bears27 Call on an Expert28 Skipping Church29 Math Trouble30 First -Time Golfer31 Shut -up and Trouble……