

外教支招:专四写作胜经【外教支招:专四写作胜经】《外教支招:专四写作胜经》是2009年12月1日外语教学与研究出版社出版的图书 , 作者是(英国)斯德克(Nick Stirk)
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
图书信息出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社; 第1版 (2009年12月1日)平装: 254页正文语种: 英语开本: 16ISBN: 9787560091556, 7560091555条形码: 9787560091556尺寸: 25.6 x 18.2 x 1 cm重量: 422 g作者简介作者:(英国)斯德克(Nick Stirk) 译者:赵娇Nick Stirk , 英国人 , 先后毕业于英国贝尔法斯特大学和剑桥大学;先后在北京大学、清华大学、中国人民大学、北京语言文化大学等高校讲授研究生口语与写作课程 , 目前在厦门大学教授英语专四写作课;曾在中国台湾地区和韩国讲授从高中到研究生的英语课程;在中国参与编写过多部英语教材 。内容简介《外教支招:专四写作圣经》内容简介:权威机构·专业品质 , 总在中式英语表达中打转?苦苦寻找一本语言地道的英语专四写作书 。你的私人专属英语专四写作家教 , 教你用轻鬆的方式提高英语专四写作水平!必胜写法、黄金模板和写作应试技巧应有尽有 , 更有立意新颖 , 富含高分语句的外教原创精彩範文 。七步让你英语专四作文写作能力速达:仔细审题、举一反三、素材积累、头脑风暴、範文取经、语句扩展、精华採撷 。指出英语写作表达误区 , 教你既In又地道的英语表达 。还在用Frankly SPeaking吗?你已经Out啦!应该用To be honest…或To tell you the truth……媒体评论The book is a very comprehensive one and contains almost all the things I have taught/would teach my own students with regard to TEM-4 writing. The book is very clearly and simply written, which makes it easy for Chinese students to use on their own, without a teacher. It takes a very different approach to Chinese textbooks I have seen which consist largely of past questions and model answers.——英语专业四级写作辅导教师 Gary Lee目录使用指南第一部分 英语专业四级考试写作评分标準及备考指南第二部分 英语专业四级考试作文写作第一章 作文历年真题分析和7种题型应对策略第二章 作文必胜写法及黄金模板第三章 作文写作经典表达和结构第四章 容易误用的短语和习惯用语第五章 作文写作应试技巧第三部分 英语专业四级考试便条写作第一章 便条历年真题分析第二章 便条必胜写法第三章 便条写作应试技巧第四部分 英语专业四级考试写作必备话题及精彩範文第一章 作文写作75个必备话题及精彩範文第一节 优缺点论述Topic 1:Electronic dictionaries电子词典Topic 2:Private schools私立学校Topic 3:Jobs on the Internet网上找工作Topic 4:Independence独立精神第二节 观点论证类My View or IdeaTopic 5:Higher education for all students要让每个学生都接受高等教育吗?Topic 6:Student-teacher relationship师生关係Topic 7:Tuition fees and exams学费和考试Topic 8:Cheating in exams考试作弊Topic 9:Students , evaluation of teachers学生评价老师Topic 10:Compulsory class attendance强制学生上课Topic 11:Computers or teachers?“师”从电脑还是师从真人?Topic 12:Compulsory morning exercises强制晨练Topic 13:Dieting节食Topic 14:Dormitory or apartment?住宿舍还是住公寓?Topic 15:Campus love校园恋爱Topic 16:Computer games电脑游戏Topic 17:Women in the modern world现代社会中的女性Topic 18:The place of science and technology in modern life 现代生活中科技的地位Topic 19:Obsessive idolising of celebrities“追星”现象Topic 20:Responsibility责任感Topic 21:Hardships困难与苦难Topic 22:Learning good lessons from past mistakes从错误中吸取教训Topic 23:Respecting the elderly尊敬老人Topic 24:Economic development and environmental protection经济发展与环境保护Topic 25:Environmental ethics环境伦理Topic 26:Plastic surgery整形手术 第三节 是非讨论类Yes(Agree)or No(Disagree)Topic 27:Self-education自我教育Topic 28:Televisions in dormitories宿舍里的电视机Topic 29:Donating blood献血Topic 30:High salary or career development?追求高薪还是追求职业发展?Topic 31:Should companies hire employees for their entire lives?公司应该雇用员工一辈子吗?Topic 32:Energy resources能源资源Topic 33:May Golden Week holiday五一黄金周假期Topic 34:Famous athletes and entertainers着名运动员和演员Topic 35:On computer translation电脑翻译Topic 36:Should smoking be banned in all public places?所有公共场所都应该禁止吸菸吗?Topic 37:Privacy of famous people名人的隐私第四节 对比选择类A or BT0pic 38:Famous university or major?大学的牌子和专业 , 哪个更重要?Topic 39:A teacher-centred class or a student-centred class?课堂要以教师为中心还是学生为中心?T0pic 40:Practical courses vs.traditional courses实用性课程VS.传统课程Topic 41:Computers or books?电脑还是书本?T0pic 42:Examinations——harmful or useful?考试是好还是坏?Topic 43:City or countryside?城市还是农村?Topic 44:Career or postgraduate degree?先工作还是先上研究生?Topic 45:WOrk for a large company or a small company?为大公司还是小公司工作?Topic 46:Studying abroad after your college education大学毕业后出国深造Topic 47:Pets宠物Topic 48:Stay in one place or move around?在一个地方常住还是经常搬家?Topic 49:Ambition or action决心还是行动?Topic 50:Friends朋友Topic 51:Global warming全球变暖Topic 52:Wealth and success财富和成功Topic 53:Shopping online网上购物 第五节 重要性论述The Importance ofTopic 54:The Family Planning Policy计画生育政策Topic 55:Experience or books?经验还是书本知识?Topic 56:Physical exercise体育运动Topic 57:Looking for a job找工作T0pic 58:Etiquette when traveling abroad在国外旅游时的礼节Topic 59:Adult education成人教育Topic 60:Traditional culture传统文化Topic 61:Sportsmanship体育精神Topic 62:Punctuality守时第六节 解决问题类The Best(One)WayTopic 63:Earthquakes 地震Topic 64:Heavy traffic交通拥挤Topic 65:Aging population人口老龄化Topic 66:Tuition fees and poor students学费和贫困生Topic 67:Dormmates寝室室友Topic 68:Mutual understanding相互理解Topic 69:Generation gap代沟Topic 70:Water pollution水污染Topic 71:Air pollution空气污染Topic 72:Land pollution土地污染Topic 73:Noise pollution噪音污染第七节 比较对比类ContrastTopic 74:Online learning网上学习Topic 75:Job hopping跳槽第二章 便条写作25个必备话题及精彩範文25 Topics and Example Notes第一节 道歉ApologyTopic 1:Apologising to a friend向朋友道歉Topic 2:Apologising to an interviewer给面试官道歉Topic 3:Apologising to your boss给老闆道歉第二节 广告AdvertisementTopic 4:Seeking a part-time job找兼职工作Topic 5:Seeking a travel-mate找旅行伙伴第三节 通知NoticesTopic 6:Postponing a meeting推迟会议Topic 7:Recruiting new members招募新成员Topic 8:A forthcoming sports meeting一场即将举行的运动会第四节 呼吁Appeal Topic 9:An appeal for financial donations呼吁捐款第五节 邀请InvitationTopic 10:Inviting your friend to join you on holiday邀请朋友共度假期Topic 11:Inviting a professor to give a lecture邀请教授做讲座第六节 约会AppointmentTopic 12:Making an appointment with your supervisor约指导老师第七节 请求RequestTopic 13:Request for more information请求提供更多信息Topic 14:Request for club information请求提供俱乐部信息第八节 慰问CondolenceTopic 15:Condolence for your friend’S accident慰问遭遇车祸的朋友Topic 16:Condolence for your friend’S illness慰问生病的朋友第九节 致谢ThanksTopic 17:Expressing thanks for hospitality感谢别人的热情款待Topic 18:Expressing thanks for your friend’s help感谢朋友的帮助Topic 19:Expressing thanks for being looked after感谢别人的照顾第十节 关心ConcernTopic 20:Showing concern for a friend关心朋友第十一节 祝贺C0ngratulationsTopic 21:Congratulations on admittance as a graduate祝贺升学第十二节 投诉ComplaintTopic 22:Complaint about a roommate投诉室友Topic 23:Complaint about a purchase from a shop投诉从商店购买的商 , 第十三节 推荐RecommendationTopic 24:Recommendation of a place推荐一个地方第四节 求职Job ApplicationTopic 25:Application for a job求职申请