

香奈儿柔和卸妆洁肤水【香奈儿柔和卸妆洁肤水】香奈儿柔和卸妆洁肤水,是一款化妆品 。
产品功效:保湿 清洁
中文介绍参考价格:¥385.00产品规格:150 ml上市时间:2010年04月产品分类:化妆水/喷雾产品系列:柔和产品功效:保湿 清洁香奈儿为忙碌的现代女性或习惯化淡妆的女性度身定製了一款快速去除污垢与彩妆,无需水洗的全新洁肤产品—柔和卸妆洁肤水(CLEANSING WATER BALANCE) 。这款纯净、透明的洁肤水,质地清新、舒爽、轻盈,如水晶般透澈,散发着淡雅的花香 。温和细緻地清洁娇嫩的肌肤,惟留下柔软、亮泽的丝般触感 。柔和卸妆洁肤水蕴含多种珍贵的活性成份:锦葵精华(Mallow Extract):具有软化、柔嫩肌肤的效果;郁金香树精华(Tulip Tree Extract)与生物葡聚糖(Bioglucane)相结合,对抗外界污染,保护肌肤不受侵害 。深层清洁的肌肤如花露般澄净、柔和,周全的保护令它无惧环境污染的侵害 。使用方法以化妆棉取适量产品,轻轻擦拭面部与眼周 。无需清洗 。英文说明Price: ¥ 385.00Size: 150 mlAvailability: April 2010Product Category: Lotion / SprayProducts: SoftBenefits: Moisture CleaningChanel for the busy modern woman or habits of the makeup of a female tailor the rapid removal of dirt and make-up, no washing of the new cleansing products - soft Cleansing Lotion (CLEANSING WATER BALANCE). The pure, transparent cleansing water, texture, fresh, comfortable, lightweight, crystal-like opacity, exudes elegant flowers. Gentle and meticulous cleaning delicate skin, but leave a soft, glossy and silky touch.Cleansing water contains a variety of soft precious active ingredients:Mallow extract (Mallow Extract): a soft, soft skin effect;Tulip tree essence (Tulip Tree Extract) and biological dextran (Bioglucane) combination, against external contamination and protect the skin from damage.Deep clean the skin beneath pure flower dew-like, soft, comprehensive protection to make it without fear of environmental pollution violations.UseAppropriate amount to a cotton pad and gently wipe the face and eye. Without washing.