

张仁铎【张仁铎】张仁铎,男,博士,中山大学环境科学与工程学院教授、博士生导师 。1993年在美国怀俄明大学任教,1998年成为该校终身教授,2002年成为该校正教授 。“美国土壤学会杂誌”(SSSAJ)、国际“环境质量杂誌”(JEQ)、 国际“水文学杂誌”(J. Hydrology)的编委和国际“土壤与沉积物杂誌”(J. Soils and Sediments)编委 。在美国主持了30多项科研项目(总经费500多万美元),国内主持8项国家自然科学基金课题(重点项目2项、海外杰出青年基金一项、面上项目5项) 。获美国怀俄明大学优秀导师奖、卓越教授奖,获美国土壤科学学会(SSSA)Fellow奖和美国农业科学学会(ASA) Fellow奖(会士奖,这些科学学会的最高奖励) 。共发表SCI收录学术论文250多篇,出版学术专着6部 。
人物经历教育经历·1978-1982 学士, 武汉水利电力大学(现属武汉大学),水利工程·1984-1985 硕士, 美国亚利桑那大学,土壤和水科学·1986-1990 博士, 美国亚利桑那大学,土壤和水科学,兼修数学、计算机和水文学工作经历·1986-1990 助研, 美国亚利桑那大学, 土壤和水科学系及数学系·1990-1993博士后, 美国农业部国家实验室(加州大学)·1993-1997 助理教授, 美国怀俄明大学,再生资源系·1997-2001 副教授, 美国怀俄明大学, 再生资源系·2002-2005 教授, 美国怀俄明大学, 再生资源系·2001-2004 教育部“长江学者奖励计画”特聘教授, 武汉大学,水利工程系·2004-现在 中山大学,环境科学与工程学院,博士生导师,广东省环境污染控制与修复技术重点实验室副主任 。讲授课程1. 环境微生物学(本科生,研究生)2. 空间变异理论及套用(研究生)3. 土壤水动力学(研究生)4. 环境水文学(研究生)科研方向1.污染物质在土水环境中的物理、化学和生物迁移转化过程研究2.土壤温室气体及土壤碳汇研究3.污染土水环境的生物和微生物治理研究4.地下水资源污染修复与控制5.流域非点源污染研究6.时空变异理论和地质统计方法在环境问题中的运用7.水土环境模拟方法研究科研项目美国任职期间,从美国自然科学基金会、农业部、环保局、能源部、地质局、州政府、大学及其它有关的资助系统申请到500多万美元的科研经费,承担了30多项科研项目 。近年来在中国承担的代表性科研项目:1.土壤水动力参数的尺度效应和空间变异性,国家自然科学基金项目(优秀创新项目) (主持人), 2002-2005 。2.宁蒙河套灌区水平衡机制及耗水量研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目(主持人之一),2002 -2006 。3.三维地下水流场新测量方法和计算方法的研究,国家自然科学基金项目(主持人), 2006-2009 。4.污染物的扩散、掺混及输移理论,国家自然科学基金项目(海外杰出青年项目) (主持人之一),2006-2009 。5.矿山污染生态修复理论与技术研究,广东省自然科学基金研究团队项目(主持人之一), 2007-2009 。6.土壤碳汇的研究:物理、化学和生物过程的耦合,国家自然科学基金项目(主持人), 2008-2010 。7.珠三角典型土壤污染的生态和健康效应与修复机制,教育部专项科研业务费重大项目培育计画项目(主持人), 2010-2011 。8.农业面源污染物运移转化及其环境效应,国家自然科学基金重点项目(主持人), 2011-2014 。9.生物碳对土壤碳汇和土壤温室气体减排的机理研究,国家自然科学基金项目(主持人), 2012-2015 。10. 土壤温室气体的时空变异性及尺度效应,国家自然科学基金项目(主持人), 2015-2018 。11.农业水资源的最佳管理:减少面源污染及其对环境的负面效应,国家自然科学基金项目(国际(地区)合作与交流项目)(主持人), 2016-2017 。获奖情况1. 优秀导师奖 (美国怀俄明大学,1997,1998)2. 卓越教授奖 (美国怀俄明大学,1999)3. “先锋号”奖 (美国怀俄明大学,2003)4. 美国农业科学学会(ASA)Fellow奖(2004)(该科学学会的最高奖励)5. 美国土壤科学学会(SSSA) Fellow奖(2004)(该科学学会的最高奖励)论着一览发表SCI收录学术论文学术论文250多篇,出版学术专着6部 。代表性论文如下:1.Zhang, R. 2005. Applied geostatistics in environmental science. Science Press USA Inc.2.张仁铎 着,2005,《空间变异理论及套用》,科学出版社 。3.Zhang, R., A. W. Warrick and D. E. Myers, 1990. Variance within a finite domain as a function of sample support size. Math Geology 22:107-121.4.Zhang, R., A. W. Warrick and D. E. Myers, 1992. Improvement of soil textural estimates using spectral properties. Geoderma 52:223-234.5.Zhang, R., D. E. Myers, and A. W. Warrick, 1992. Estimation of spatial distribution of soil chemicals using pseudo-cross-variograms. Soil Science Society of America Journal 56:1444-1452.6.Zhang, R., K. Huang and M. Th. van Genuchten, 1993. An efficient Eulerian-Lagrangian method for solving convection-dispersion transport problems in steady and transient flow fields. Water Resources Research 29:4131-4138.7.Zhang, R., A. W. Warrick, and D. E. Myers, 1994. Heterogeneity, plot shape effect and optimum plot size. Geoderma 62:183-197.8.Zhang, R., and M. Th. van Genuchten, 1994. New models for the unsaturated soil hydraulic properties. Soil Science 158:77-85.9.Zhang, R., K. Huang, and J. Xiang, 1994. Solute transport in large homogeneous and heterogeneous soils. Advances in Water Resources 17:317-324.10.Yang, J. R. Zhang, and J. Wu, 1996. An analytical solution of macrodispersivity for adsorbing solute transport in unsaturated soils. Water Resources Research 32:355-362.11.Zhang, R., J. D. Hamerlinck, S. P. Gloss, and L. Munn, 1996. Determination of non-point source pollution using GIS and numerical models. Journal of Environmental Quality 25:411-418.12.Zhang, R., and J. Yang, 1996. Iterative solution of a stochastical differential equation: an efficient method for simulating soil variability. Geoderma 72:75-88.13.Zhang, R., 1997. Determination of soil sorptivity and hydraulic conductivity from the disc infiltrometer. Soil Science Society of America Journal 61:1024-1030.14.Zhang, R., P. Shouse, and S. Yates, 1997. Use of pseudo-crossvariograms and cokriging to improve estimates of soil solute concentrations. Soil Science Society of America Journal 61:1342-1347.15.Zhang, R., 1997. Infiltration models for the disc infiltrometer. Soil Science Society of America Journal 61:1597-1603.16.Zhang, R., 1998. Estimating soil hydraulic conductivity and macroscopic capillary length from the disc infiltrometer. Soil Science Society of America Journal 62:1513-1521.17.Zhang, R., P. Shouse, and S. Yates, 1999. Estimates of soil nitrate distributions using cokriging with pseudo-crossvariograms. Journal of Environmental Quality 28:424-428.18.Zhang, R., 2000. A generalized transfer function model for solute transport in heterogeneous soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 64:1959-1602.19.Zhang, R., A. L Wood, C G. Enfield. 2003. Stochastical analysis of surfactant enhanced remediation of DNAPL contaminated soils. Journal of Environmental Quality 32:957-965.20.Hao, X., R. Zhang, and A. Kravchenko. 2005. A Mass-conservative Switching Method for Simulating Saturated-unsaturated Flow. Journal of Hydrology 311: 254-265.21.Luo, H., G. Liu, R. Zhang, and S. Jin. 2009. Phenol degradation in microbial fuel cells. Chemical Engineering Journal 147: 259–264.(获“2009年中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文”称号)22.Sheng, F., K. Wang,R. Zhang, and H. Liu. 2009. Characterizing soil preferential flow using iodine–starch staining experiments and the active region model. Journal of Hydrology 367: 115–124.23.Pan, R. L. Cao, R. Zhang. 2009. Combined effects of Cu, Cd, Pb, and Zn on the growth and uptake of consortium of Cu-resistant Penicillium sp. A1 and Cd-resistant Fusarium sp. A19. Journal of Hazardous Materials 171: 761–76624.Wang, K., R. Zhang, Y. Hiroshi. 2009. Characterizing heterogeneous soil water flow and solute transport using information measures. Journal of Hydrology 370: 109–121.25.Zhang, J., Z. Lin, R. Zhang, and J. Shen. 2010. Effects of Simulated Rainfall Events on the Soil Carbon Transformation, Australian Journal of Soil Research, 48: 404–412. (评选为“特色论文”).26.Pan, R., L. Cao, H. Huang, R. Zhang, and Yu Mo,2010. Biosorption of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn from aqueous solutions by the fruiting bodies of jelly fungi (Tremella fuciformis and Auricularia polytricha). Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 88:997–1005.27.Wang, K., and R. Zhang, 2011. Heterogeneous soil water flow and macropores described with combined tracers of dye and iodine. Journal of Hydrology,397: 105–117.28.Tang, J., Y. Mo, J. Zhang, and R. Zhang,2011, Influence of biological aggregating agents associated with microbial population on soil aggregate stability, Applied Soil Ecology 47:153–159.29.Lin, Z., and R. Zhang, 2012, Effects of climate change and elevated atmospheric CO2 on soil organic carbon: a response equation, Climatic Change 113:107–120.30.Chen, S., G. Liu, R. Zhang, B. Qin, Y. Luo, 2012. Development of the microbial electrolysis desalination and chemical-production cell for desalination as well as acid and alkali productions, Environmental Science & Technology 46:2467?2472.31.Lin, Z.and R. Zhang, 2012, Dynamics of soil organic carbon under uncertain climate change and elevated atmospheric CO2, Pedosphere, 22(4): 489-496.32.Zhang, C., S. Chen, G. Liu, R. Zhang, and J. Xie, 2012,Characterization of the Strain Pseudomonas sp. Q1 in the Microbial Fuel Cell for Treatment of Quinoline Contaminated Water, Pedosphere, 22(4): 528-535.33.Yu, L., J. Tang, R. Zhang, Q. Wu, and M. Gong, 2012, Effects of biochar application on soil methane emission at different soil moisture levels, Biology and Fertility of Soil,DOI 10.1007/s00374-012-0703-434. Yang, X., S. Huang, Q. Wu, and R. Zhang, 2012. Nitrate reduction coupling with microbial oxidation of sulfide in river sediments, Journal of Soils and Sediments DOI 10.1007/s11368-012-0542-935.Qin, B., H. Luo, G.i Liu, R. Zhang, S. Chen, Y. Hou, and Y. Luo. 2012. Nickel ion removal from wastewater using the microbial electrolysis cell. Bioresource Technology, 121: 458–461.36.Luo, Y, F. Zhang, B. Wei, G. Liu, R. Zhang, and B.E. Logan. 2013. The use of cloth fabric diffusion layers for scalable microbial fuel cells,Biochemical Engineering Journal 73: 49– 52.37.Deng, Z., R. Zhang, Y. Shi, L. Hu, H. Tan, and L. Cao. 2013. Enhancement of phytoremediation of Cd- and Pb-contaminated soils by self-fusion of protoplasts from endophytic fungus Mucor sp. CBRF59, Chemosphere 91: 41–47.38.Wu, Q., J. Zhang, R. Zhang, N. Xu, and C. Li. 2013. The source and diagenesis of sediment organic matter in the upper Pearl River Estuary as indicated by amino sugars. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 13:943–952.39.Ouyang L., and R. Zhang. 2013. Effects of biochars derived from different feedstocks and pyrolysis temperatures on soil physical and hydraulic properties, J Soils Sediments 13:1561–1572.40.Hou, Y., H. Luo, G. Liu, R. Zhang, Y. Luo, B. Qin, and S. Chen. 2013. DOW CORNING 1-2577 Conformal Coating as an efficient diffusion material for cathode in the microbial fuel cell, Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering DOI 10.1007/s11783-013-0532-141.Hou Y. , K. Li, H. Luo, Liu G., R. Zhang, B. Qin, S. Chen. 2013. Using crosslinked polyvinyl alcohol polymer membrane as a separator in the microbial fuel cell. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering DOI 10.1007/s11783-013-0534-z42.Chen, S., H. Luo, G. Liu, R. Zhang, H. Wang, B Qin, and Y. Hou. 2013. Integrated utilization of seawater using a five-chamber bioelectrochemical system. Journal of Membrane Science, 444: 16–21.43.Yang, X., J. Ye, L. Lyu, Q. Wu, and R. Zhang. 2013. Anaerobic biodegradation of pyrene by paracoccus denitrificans under various nitrate/nitrite reducing conditions. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 224:1578 DOI 10.1007/s11270-013-1578-144.Yang, X., S. Chen, R. Zhang. 2013. Utilization of two invasive free-floating aquatic plants (Pistia stratiotes and Eichhornia crassipes ) as sorbents for oil removal, Environ Sci Pollut Res DOI 10.1007/s11356-013-2232-6.45.Yang, X., S. Huang, Q. Wu, and R. Zhang. 2013. Diversity and vertical distributions of sediment bacteria in an urban river contaminated by nutrients and heavy metals. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 7(6): 851–859.46.Wang, K., Zhang, and F. Sheng. 2013. Characterizing heterogeneous processes of water flow and solute Transport in soils using multiple tracer experiments. Vadose Zone Journal, doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0125.47.Ouyang, L., F. Wang, J. Tang, L. Yu, and R. Zhang. 2013. Effects of biochar amendment on soil aggregates and hydraulic properties, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 13 (4), 991-1002.48.Deng, Z., R. Zhang, Y. Shi, L. Hu, H. Tan, and L. Cao. 2013. Characterization of Cd-, Pb-, Zn-resistant endophytic Lasiodiplodia sp. MXSF31 from metal accumulating Portulaca oleracea and its potential in promoting the growth of rape in metal-contaminated soils. Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research, DOI 10.1007/s11356-013-2163-2.49.Luo, H., G. Liu, R. Zhang, Y. Bai, S. Fu, Y. Hou, 2014. Heavy metal recovery combined with H2 production from artificialacid mine drainage using the microbial electrolysis cell, Journal of Hazardous Materials 270:153–159.50.Jiang, X., L. Cao, and R. Zhang. 2014. Changes of labile and recalcitrant carbon pools under nitrogen addition in a city lawn soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 14:515–52451.Wang, K., R. Zhang, and H. Chen. 2014. Drainage process analyses for agricultural non-point source pollution from irrigated paddy systems. ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 140(1), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000662.52.Luo, H., B. Qin, G. Liu, R. Zhang, Y. Tang, and Y. Hou. 2013. Selective recovery of Cu2+ and Ni2+ from wastewater using the bioelectrochemical systems, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 7(4): 526-530.53.Ouyang, L., L. Yu, and R. Zhang. 2014. Effects of amendment of different biochars on soil carbon mineralization and sequestration. Soil Research, 52: 46–54.54.Jiang, X., L. Cao, and R. Zhang. 2014. Effects of addition of nitrogen on soil fungal and bacterial biomass, and carbon utilization efficiency in a city lawn soil. Soil Research, 52: 97–105.55.Hu, L., L. Cao, and R. Zhang. 2014. Bacterial and fungal taxon changes in soil microbial community composition induced by short-term biochar amendment in red oxidized loam soil, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 30:1085–1092.56.Jiang, X., L. Cao, R. Zhang, L. Yana, Y. Mao, and Y. Yang. 2014. Effects of nitrogen addition and litter properties on litterdecomposition and enzyme activities of individual fungi, Applied Soil Ecology 80: 108–11557.Yang X, Guo M, Wu Y, Wu Q, Zhang R, 2014. Removal of Emulsified Oil from Water by Fruiting Bodies of Macro-Fungus (Auricularia polytricha). PLoS ONE 9(4): e95162. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.009516258.Shen, X., J. Zhang, and Renduo Zhang, 2014. Phosphorus metabolic disorder of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep, PLoS ONE 9(2): e89472.59.Zheng, S., H. Huang, R. Zhang, and L. Cao. 2014. Removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solutions by fruiting bodies of the jelly fungus (Auricularia polytricha). Appl Microbiol Biotechnol., 98:8729–8736.60.Ouyang L., Q. Tang, L. Yu, and R. Zhang. 2014. Effects of amendment of different biochars on soil enzyme activities related to carbon mineralization. Soil Research, 52:706–716.61.Deng, Z., X. Cao, R. Zhang,L. Cao. 2014. Enhanced phytoremediation of multi-metal contaminated soils by interspecific fusion between the protoplasts of endophytic Mucor sp. CBRF59 and Fusarium sp. CBRF14. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 77: 31-40.62.Luo, H., S. Fu, G. Liu, R. Zhang, Y. Bai, and X. Luo. 2014. Autotrophic biocathode for high efficient sulfate reduction in microbial electrolysis cells, Bioresource Technology, 167, 462-468.63.Liu, G., H. Luo, Y. Tang, S. Chen, R. Zhang, and Y. Hou. 2014. Tetramethylammonium hydroxide production using the microbial electrolysis desalination and chemical-production cell. Chemical Engineering Journal, 258:157 – 162.64.Hou, Y., H. Luo, G. Liu, R. Zhang, J. Li, and S. Fu. 2014. Improved hydrogen production in the microbial electrolysis cell by inhibiting methanogenesis using ultraviolet irradiation. Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (17): 10482–10488.65.Liu, G., H. Luo, H. Wang, B. Wang, R. Zhang, and S. Chen. 2014. Malic acid production using a biological electrodialysis with bipolar membrane. Journal of Membrane Science, 471: 179–184.66.Lin, X., K. Spokas, R. Venterea, R. Zhang, J. Baker, and G.W. Feyereisen. 2014. Assessing Microbial Contributions to N2O Impacts Following Biochar. Agronomy, 4:478-496; doi:10.3390/agronomy4040478.67.Liu, G., S. Yu, H. Luo, R. Zhang, S. Fu, and X. Luo. 2014. Effects of salinity anions on the anode performance in bioelectrochemical systems, Desalination 351, 77–81.68.Chen, S., H. Luo, Y. Hou, G. Liu, R. Zhang, and P. Qing. 2015. Comparison of the removal of monovalent and divalent cations in the microbial desalination cell. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 9(2): 317–323.69.Tao, Q., J. Luo, J. Zhou, S.Zhou, G. Liu, and R. Zhang. 2014. Effect of dissolved oxygen on nitrogen and phosphorus removal and electricity production in microbial fuel cell, Bioresource Technology, 164:402-407.70.Teng, W., G. Liu, H. Luo, R. Zhang, and Y. Xiang, 2015. Simultaneous sulfate and zinc removal from acid wastewater using an acidophilic andautotrophic biocathode, Journal of Hazardous Materials 11:58-65.71.Wang, K., Z. Lin, and R. Zhang. 2016. Impact of phosphate mining and separation of mined materials on the hydrology and water environment of the Huangbai River basin, China, Science of the Total Environment 543: 347–356.72.Wang, K., M. Wu, and R. Zhang. 2016. Water and solute fluxes in soils undergoing freezing and thawing. Soil Science, 181 (5): 193–201,doi: 10.1097/SS.0000000000000148.73.Wu,Y., R. Han,·X. Yang, X. Fang, X. Chen, D. Yang, and R. Zhang. 2016. Correlating microbial community with physicochemical indices and structures of a full-scale integrated constructed wetland system. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology DOI 10.1007/s00253-016-7526-4.74.Wang, W., L. Cao, H. Tan, and R. Zhang. 2016. Endophytic bacterial and fungal microbiota in sprouts, roots and stems of rice (Oryza sativa L.), Microbiological Research, 188-189: 1-8.75.Wang, W., L. Cao, H. Tan, and R. Zhang. 2016. Illumina-based analysis of core actinobacteriome in roots, stems and grains of rice,Microbiological Research, 190:12-18.76.Luo, H., S. Yu, G. Liu, R. Zhang, and W. Teng. 2016. Effect of in-situ immobilized anode on performance of the microbial fuel cell with high concentration of sodium acetate,Fuel, 182: 732–739.77.Wang, W., L. Cao, H. Tan, and R. Zhang, 2016. Nitrogen removal from synthetic wastewater using single and mixed culture systems of denitrifing fungi, bacteria, and actinobacteria, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 100: 9699–9707.78.Luo, H., X. Cheng, G. Liu, Y. Zhou, Y. Lu, R. Zhang, X. Li, and W. Teng. 2016. Citric acid production using a biological electrodialysis with bipolar membrane,Journal of Membrane Science, 532: 122–128.79.Wu Y.,, R. Han, X. Yang, Y. Zhang, and R. 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High-efficient acetate production from carbon dioxide using a bioanode microbial electrosynthesis system with bipolar membrane, Bioresource Technology 233: 227–235.84.Zhang, Z., R. Zhang, A. Cescatti, G. Wohlfahrt, N. Buchmann, J. Zhu, G. Chen, F. Moyano, J. Pumpanen, T. Hirano, K. Takagi, and L. Merbold. 2017. Effect of climate warming on the annual terrestrial net ecosystem CO2 exchange globally in the boreal and temperate regions, Scientific Reports 7: 3108 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-03386-5.85.Wang, W., Y. Lu, H. Luo, G. Liu, and R. Zhang. 2017. Effect of improved gas diffusion cathode on carbamazepine removal using the electro-Fenton process, RSC Advances, 7: 25627–2563386.Li, X., Y. Lu, H. Luo, G. Liu, and R. Zhang. 2017. Microbial stratification structure within cathodic biofilm of the microbial fuel cell using the freezing microtome method, Bioresource Technology 241: 384–390.87.Xiang, Y., G. Liu, R. Zhang, Y. Lu, and H. Luo. 2017. Acetate production and electron utilization facilitated by sulfate-reducing bacteria in a microbial electrosynthesis system,Bioresource Technology 241: 821–82988.Lu, Y., H. Luo, K. Yang, G. Liu, R. Zhang, X. Li, and B. Ye. 2017. Formic acid production using a microbial electrolysis desalination and chemical-production cell, Bioresource Technology, 243: 118–125.89.Lin, Z., R. Zhang, S. Huang, and K. Wang. 2017. Impact of chemical leaching on permeability and cadmium removal from fine-grained soils, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24:18229–18239, DOI 10.1007/s11356-017-9523-290.Luo, H., G. Xu, Y. Lu, G. Liu, R. Zhang, X. Li, X. Zheng, and M. Yu. 2017. Electricity generation in the microbial fuel cell using yogurt wastewater under an alkali condition,RSC Advances, 7: 32826–32832.91.Lu, Y., G. Liu, H. Luo, and R. Zhang. 2107. Efficient in-situ production of hydrogen peroxide using a novel stacked electrosynthesis reactor, Electrochimica Acta 248: 29–36.92.Ye, B., H. Luo, Y. Lu, G. Liu, R. Zhang, and X. Li. 2017. Improved performance of the microbial electrolysis desalination and chemical-production cell with enlarged anode and high applied voltages, Bioresource Technology 244: 913–919.93.Liu, Y., L. Cao, H. Tan, and R. Zhang. 2017. Surface display of ACC deaminase on endophytic Enterobacteriaceae strains to increase saline resistance of host rice sprouts by regulating plant ethylene synthesis, Microbial Cell Factories 16:214 DOI 10.1186/s12934-017-0831-594.Chen, G., Z. Zhang, Z. Zhang, and R. Zhang*. 2018. Redox-active reactions in denitrification provided by biochars pyrolyzed at different temperatures, Journal: Science of the Total Environment, 615: 1547–1556.