冯·布朗( 三 )


于1970年 , 仍与他的火箭模型在一起 , 冯·布劳恩在他在美国航空航天局总部新办公室被拍摄去世在亚历山德里亚的冯·布劳恩之墓1977年6月16日 , 冯·布劳恩因大肠癌在维吉尼亚州亚历山德里亚逝世 。葬于当地的Ivy Hill公墓 。

着作Proposal for a Workable Fighter with Rocket Drive. July 6, 1939.
The proposed vertical take-off interceptor for climbing to 35,000ft in 60 seconds was rejected by the Luftwaffe in the autumn of 1941 for the Me 163 Komet and never produced. (The differing Bachem Ba 349 was produced during the 1944 Emergency Fighter Program.)
'Survey' of Previous Liquid Rocket Development in Germany and Future Prospects.A Minimum Satellite Vehicle Based on Components Available from Developments of the Army Ordnance Corps. September 15, 1954. "It would be a blow to U.S. prestige if we did not [launch a satellite] first."The Mars Project, Urbana, University of Illinois Press, (1953). With Henry J. White, translator. German Rocketry, The Coming of the Space Age. New York: Meredith Press. 1967.First Men to the Moon, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York (1958). Portions of work first appeared in '《这一周》杂誌.Daily Journals of Werner von Braun, May 1958-March 1970.History of Rocketry & Space Travel, New York, Crowell (1975). With Frederick I. Ordway III.2nd Edition:, Estate of Wernher von Braun; Ordway III, Frederick I & Dooling, David Jr. Space Travel: A History. New York: Harper & Row. 1985 [1975]. ISBN0-06-181898-4.
The Rocket's Red Glare, Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Press, (1976). With Frederick I. Ordway III.Project Mars: A Technical Tale, Apogee Books, Toronto (2006). A previously unpublished science fiction story by Dr. von Braun. Accompanied by paintings from Chesley Bonestell and von Braun's own technical papers on the proposed project.The Voice of Dr. Wernher von Braun, Apogee Books, Toronto (2007). A collection of speeches delivered by von Braun over the course of his career.荣誉1970年2月 , 在亨茨维尔当地表彰他多年来的杰出贡献 。(从左至右)他的女儿Iris、妻子Maria、美国参议员John Sparkman、阿拉巴马州州长Albert Brewer、冯·布朗、其子Peter、女儿Margrit德国带剑骑士战功十字勋章(Knight`s Cross Of The War Merit Cross) , 1944年10月28日 。
1959年入选BISen:British Interplanetary Society荣誉成员 , 1949年 。
德国联邦十字勋章 。
1967年获史密森尼学会航天先驱奖章 。
1969年获NASA杰出贡献奖章en:NASA Distinguished Service Medal 。
1975年获Werner von Siemens Ring 。
1975年获美国国家科学奖章 。
1970年获世界公民奖en:Civitan International
影响及评价阿波罗计画的总指挥Sam Phillips 认为 , 若无冯·布劳恩 , 美国的登月计画决不可能在如此之短的时间里取得巨大成就 。
国际天文联会(IAU)将月球上的一座环形山以其命名 , 为von Braun crater 。
在美国时期 , 冯·布劳恩由于未受战犯审判 , 长期受到公众指责 , 其纳粹身份也备受争议 。美国官方则有意隐瞒了部分纳粹档案 , 并使其成为美国公民 。