Toptics【Toptics】Toptics即顶尖光学(杭州)有限公司 , 创建于2000年 , 地处于风景优美的杭州经济开发区 , 是一家高科技外资合股企业 。本公司主要提供光学、雷射类的产品和服务 。产品覆盖了高端精密光学冷加工设备、镜片及模具加工设备、光学检测设备和镜片控制包装生产线等设备 。同时也在自主研发先进的检测设备 , 如分光测角仪等 。
简介(Intro)顶尖光学只与国际光学领域中最具领导地位的伙伴一起合作 , 提供最尖端的产品和技术支持 , 为您不断提高生产质量与效率 。Toptics Hangzhou Inc. was founded in 2000 and is located in the Hangzhou Hi-Tech industry development zone. Toptics is a joint venture which can supply the products and service for optics and laser field. Our products are included in the high accurate precision optical fabrication machines, ophthalmic and mould fabriction machines, optical measurement instruments and auto control and flow line for ophthalmic industry. In the same time, we also develop the measurement instruments such as Gonio meter.
Toptics only co-operate with the leaders in the optical industry and supplies the top quality products and techical support.技术(Tech)德国奥普泰克(Opto Tech)全世界最专业最顶尖的光学冷加工设备、镜片模具加工设备及配套软体技术的製造商及供应商 。Since its foundation in the year 1985, the OptoTech name has been associated with innovation and technological progress in the precision optics sector. Moreover, for over 20 years now, OptoTech has stood for precision and reliability, and for a unique capability when it comes to experience and knowledge in the production of high-quality optics. This makes OptoTech the prefered partner of the major manufacturers of precision optics worldwide.比利时A R(Automation and Robotics )欧洲专业光学检测、包装加工设备製造供应商 。Since 1983, Automation & Robotics has always been synonymous of innovation and customer-friendliness.We first entered the ophthalmic industry, by collaborating with the Belgian company Buchmann. That is when our first control and packaging unit for stock lenses came to be.产品(Products)A&R产品列表产品类别产品名称镜片检测、包装设备检测仪器Focovision光度测量仪Opto Tech产品列表产品类别产品名称精密光学非球面加工设备非球面铣磨设备光学定中心磨边雷射定心磨边机平面加工设备平面铣磨设备稜镜加工设备稜镜铣磨设备球面加工设备Micro系列球面铣磨设备柱面加工设备柱面抛光设备多功能光学加工中心5+1轴数控铣磨中心立式光学车削中心超高精度透镜座车削中心雷射干涉仪雷射平面干涉仪小型数控光加中心MC多功能光学铣磨机眼镜光学镜片加工设备自由曲面效率匹配生产线模具加工设备球面模具生产线上盘机OTB上盘机镀膜设备OAC镀膜机工具和辅料工具辅料眼镜光学工具和辅料顶尖(Toptics)产品列表产品类别产品名称GonioMetro分光测角仪分光测角仪分光测角仪渐进多焦点镜片移印机移印机移印机OPP 1-A渐进多焦点镜片打标机打标机打标机OLM-80