

杰出的现代派作家:詹姆斯·乔伊斯【杰出的现代派作家:詹姆斯·乔伊斯】《杰出的现代派作家:詹姆斯·乔伊斯(英文)》旨在全面阐述乔伊斯的现代主义思想,分析其形成的原因,并探讨其丰富的内涵与价值 。通过对乔伊斯4部经典力作的考察,不仅论述了其现代主义思想在不同创作阶段的具体表现和引领作用,而且揭示了其小说艺术从现实主义转向现代主义继而又向后现代主义过渡的发展轨迹 。
基本介绍外文名:The Leading Modernist Writer:James Joyce
作者:于开颜 翟悦
语种:简体中文, 英语
内容简介《杰出的现代派作家:詹姆斯·乔伊斯(英文)》由东北大学出版社出版 。图书目录Chapter One Introduction 1. Why James Joyce 2. European Literary Modernism 3. Irish Literary and Cultural Revival 4. About the Book Chapter Two Dubliners: A Naturalistic Depiction of Irish Middle Class Life 1. Ireland in Dubliners 2. The Art of Losing 3. Literary Reactions Chapter Three A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: Another Joyce with Frustration and Renaissance 1. Inspiration: From Stephen Hero to the Portrait 2. Aesthetics: Integritas and Consonantia 3. Literary Reactions Chapter Four Ulysses: The Major Transition in Joyce's Literary Career and in His Private Life 1. The Distinctive Narrative Perspective of Ulysses 2. A Nontraditional Novel 3. Particularity and University in Ulysses 4. Literary Significance and Criticism Chapter Five Finnegans Wake: A Recreation of Experiences and Dreams l. Keystone of the Creative Arch of James Joyce 2. Finnegans Wake: A Melting Pot of Various Unique Techniques 3. Literary Significance and Criticism Chapter Six Remarks on Joyce's Works 1. Joyce the Modernist 2. Joyce, Colonialism, and Nationalism