

美国梦 , 美国噩梦【美国梦,美国噩梦】《美国梦 , 美国噩梦》是2006年外语教学与研究出版社出版的图书 , 作者是休姆 。
基本介绍书名:美国梦 , 美国噩梦
丛书: 英美文学文库
内容简介《美国梦,美国噩梦:1960年以来的小说》是英美文学文库丛书之一 , 是一部反映美国当代小说发展的历史 , 全书以主题为纲来组织小说 , 书中涉及的小说超过了100部 。不仅数量大 , 而且种类多、覆盖面广 , 是一部难得的概述当代美国小说及其社会文化背景的专着 。《美国梦,美国噩梦:1960年以来的小说》适合英美文学研究者参考学习 。对于想在较短时间内广泛了解当代美国小说及其研究现状的中国读者来说是一部必备的佳作 。目录Acknowledgments ixIntroduction iChapter One The Shocks of Transplantation World’s End * Continental Drift * How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents * The Joy Luck Club * China Men * The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love * The Xenogenesis Trilogy * JasmineChapter Two Mythical Innocence Dandelion Wine * The Bluest Eye * Mama Day * Continental Drift * Original Sins * So the Wind Won’t Blow It All Away * Deadeye Dick * The Things They Carried * 1968: A Novel * Invisible Man * The Sot-Weed FactorChapter Three Yearning for Lost Civilization Fools Crow * Mr.Sammler’s Planet * The Dean’s December * Love in the Ruins * Snow White * The Free-Lance Pallbearers * Flight to CanadaChapter Four Seeking Spiritual Reality House Made of Dawn * Rabbit, Run * Rabbit Redux * Rabbit Is Rich * Rabbit at Rest * Bless Me, Ultima * Legs * Billy Phelan’s Greatest Game * Ironweed * An American Dream * Gravity’s RainbowChapter Five The Fragility of Democracy The Crying of Lot 49 * The Book of Daniel * Libra " The Terrible Twos * The Terrible Threes * The Turner Diaries * Ecotopia * Ecotopia Emerging * Cities of the Red Night * The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress * VinelandChapter Six Demonic Visions The Free—Lance Pallbearers * The Public Burning * One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest * Woman on the Edge of Time * Blood and Guts in High School * American Psycho * Why Are We in Vietnam? * Mercy * Bearheart:The Heirship Chronicles* Almanac of the DeadChapter Seven Liberating the Land of Freedom Sombrero Fallout: A Japanese Novel * Dhalgren * Tripmaster Monkey: His Fake Book * Griever: An American Monkey King in China * Always Coming Home * The Dispossessed * Woman on the Edge of Time * He, She and It * The Fifth Sacred ThingChapter Eight Small Is Beautiful 240 Sula * Hiding Place * Damballah * Sent for You Yesterday * Tracks * Love Medicine * Ceremony * The Beans of Egypt, Maine * Letourneau’s Used Auto Parts * Merry Men * Slapstick; or, Lonesome No More! * Islands in the NetChapter Nine The Failure of the Dream in Fiction Notes Bibliography Index丛书信息英美文学文库 (共30册), 这套丛书还有 《亚裔美国文学》,《文学批评方法手册》,《维多利亚人》,《文学术语彙编》,《英国的没落》等 。