

沸腾英语:高分突破英语阅读理解100篇【沸腾英语:高分突破英语阅读理解100篇】《沸腾英语:高分突破英语阅读理解100篇(4年级)》的阅读短文选材遵循本地区教材及课堂教学特点,题材全面、难易度适中、可读性强,体裁以套用文和记叙文为主,故事生动有趣,而且还附有精美的译文,便于学生对照自学提高 。《沸腾英语:高分突破英语阅读理解100篇(4年级)》题型活泼、多样化,囊括了国小升国中考试阅读题的常考题型,将辞彙、短语、语法等考点巧妙地融入试题中,引导学生在读中学、读中记、读中练 。在国小高年级的阅读训练中,部分练习的难度达到国中二年级的水平,为国小升国中的择校测试做好準备 。
作者:广外国小英语新课程研究组 蔡晔
语种:简体中文, 英语
内容简介《沸腾英语:高分突破英语阅读理解100篇(4年级)》以培养学生学习英语的兴趣为首要目标 。通过阅读训练和测试,引导学生形成良好的阅读习惯,掌握各种阅读技巧,拓展知识面,轻鬆达到学习目标 。图书目录1 I Am Beside Hilary 2 Shenzhen's Pavilion 3 A Cook in the 16th Asian Games 4 Torch Relay 5 It Is Still Too Much 6 A History Question 7 Buying Tickets 8 Need Your Football 9 Once a Year 10 Our New Teachers 11 Ma Liang 12 This Bike Has a Problem 13 Music Fan 14 Canberra 15 In Geography Class 16 Hair and Beard 17 Number Twenty Now 18 Can You Tell Me? 19 Going to the Zoo 20 Birds 21 Oil 22 How Fish Lay Eggs 23 Like My Father's 24 Air 25 Water 26 At the Circus 17 Spiders 28 The Sea 29 Who's the Shop-assistant? 30 My School Day 31 A Clock 32 Aren't You Going to the Office Today? 33 The Robots 34 Universe 35 Teachers' Day 36 Mother's Day 37 Talking about Weather 38 Why Don't You Phone Me? 39 Chinese New Year 40 Mid-Autumn Festival 41 Christmas Day 42 To Be Good 43 Mrs Black Forgets Things 44 Fall 45 A Short Holiday 46 Lucy and Uncle John 47 Giant Trees 48 I Love Stamps 49 A Careless Grandfather 50 Halloween 51 Little Tom 52 Children's Day in Turkey 53 The Sly Mouse 54 A Young Man 55 The Sun, the Moon and the Stars 56 A Fat Woman 57 No Pains, No Gains 58 Guess a New Word 59 Lithops 60 Trees Can Also Laugh 61 Hunter and Lion 62 The Traveler 63 The Public Beaches of Hong Kong 64 The Great Green Wall 65 Be Quiet 66 The Poor Farmer and the Rich Man 67 It's My Bag 68 A Good Way to Pass an Exam 69 How Can I Pay You? 70 Unity Is Strength 71 Don't Throw Good Things Away 72 Is That Clock Right? 73 The "Take-away" Food 74 American Food 75 How to Keep Healthy 76 Chinese Food 77 The Three Meals of Americans 78 Coffee 79 The Eating Habits 80 Breakfast 81 Some Education Costs in America 82 A Penguin 83 Don't Make Your Children Work Too 84 Einstein Peeled Onions 85 The Way of Studying 86 Fast Food Restaurants 87 Wall Street 88 A Special Birthday Party 89 School in America 90 American Families 91 First Floor and Second Floor 92 A Lucky Seed 93 The Love for Nature 94 Hair in Our Body 95 The Traffic in England 96 Pyramids in Mexico 97 You Will Soon Get Used to It 98 The Little Mouse 99 Jim and the Old Man 100 Skin-diving