The girl with april in her eyes

The girl with april in her eyes【The girl with april in her eyes】《The girl with april in her eyes》是由辛晓琪演唱的歌曲 。
基本介绍外文名称:The girl with april in her eyes
歌词There once was a king, who called for the spring,For his world was still covered with snow,But the spring had not been, for he was wicked and mean,In his winter fields nothing would grow;And when a traveller called, seeking help at the door,Only food and a bed for a night,He ordered his slave to turn her away,The girl with April in her eyes...Oh, oh, oh, on and on she goes,Through the winters night, the wild wind and the snow,Hi, hi, hi, on and on she rides,Someone help the girl with April in her eyes... She rode through the night till she came to the light,Of a humble mans home in the woods,He brought her inside, by the firelight she died,And he buried her gently and good;Oh the morning was bright, all the world snow-white,But when he came to the place where she lay,His field was ablaze with flowers on the grave,Of the girl with April in her eyes...Oh, oh, oh, on and on she goes,Through the winters night, the wild wind and the snow,Hi, hi, hi, on and on she flies,She is gone, the girl with April in her eyes...中文歌词从前有位国王, 他要求春天到来 因为他的国土, 长久被冰雪覆盖 然而, 春天总是迟迟, 因他之邪恶与残暴 他酷寒的领土上, 万物不生 一位旅人来到城门外 乞求食物和一张安眠的床 国王命令僕役将她赶走 一个眼中有着四月的女孩 女孩继续走 走过严冬寒夜, 刺骨冷风和冰雪 不停不停向前走 谁来帮帮这个眼中有着四月 的女孩... 她连夜赶路 直到看见树林中有光 那是一位谦卑男子的家 他引她进门 偎着火光, 女孩长眠而逝 夜里, 男子轻轻将女孩安葬 清晨天色明亮 大地一片雪白 男子来到女孩安眠的地方 只见整片土地盛开着如火燃烧的花 在眼中有着四月的女孩坟上 她还在赶路 穿过严冬寒夜, 穿过刺骨冷风和冰雪 她不停不停地飞.... 直到完全消失...... 那眼中有着四月的女歌手简介辛晓琪 , 台湾女歌手 , 被封为“疗伤系情歌天后” 。至今出道25年 , 凭藉《领悟》、《味道》、《走过》等经典情歌陪伴了一代人的成长 。辛晓琪的歌淋漓尽致的诠释世间百态的爱情 , 总能把情歌唱得直抵人心 , 让听歌的男人女人一次又一次得以灵魂共鸣 , 人们总是能在她的歌曲里找到自己的故事 , 印证自己的爱情 。