Down by the sally gardens

Down by the sally gardens

Down by the sally gardens【Down by the sally gardens】这首闻名遐迩的歌曲,是根据诗人威廉·巴特勒·叶芝的同名诗歌〈Down By the Salley Garden〉谱曲而成,讲述的是爱尔兰西部斯莱戈一条河边的柳树园 。最初翻译为《柳园里》 。为广大歌手所翻唱 。该歌曲其他的版本-国语版《我的爱曾在这里》 。
外文名称:Down by the Salley Gardens
歌曲原唱:Peter Pears,藤田惠美
谱曲: Herbert Hughes ,Benjamin Britten,Ivor Gurney
评价”Down by the salley gardens“,是叶芝早年的诗作 。他的早年诗歌韵律优美,感情细腻,辞藻华丽,象徵意味浓郁,明显受到英国浪漫主义和法国象徵主义诗歌的影响 。这首诗象民歌那样语言质朴,可咏性强 。其次,这首诗在时态的运用上也有独特之处 。全诗除了最后半行用现在时以外都是用过去时态 。这说明过去对人们的现在具有十分重要的意义 。在诗的最后,诗人用一般现在时是意味深长的 。虽然对现在情况的描述只有五个词便戛然而止,但是,由于诗人把这几个词放在全诗最突出的位置,所以给人以意犹未尽的感觉,读者可以通过这几个词来感受“我”的广阔的心灵世界这首歌的意境不必用文字来描述,也不应该用文字来描述 。只有当你静下心来亲耳听一遍,才能感受那沁人心脾的旋律,找到最初的自我 。中文歌词歌谱
Down by the sally gardens

英文版歌词Down by the salley gardens
Down by the sally gardens

My love and I did meetShe passed the salley gardensWith little snow-white feetShe bid me take love easyAs the leaves grow on the treeBut I being young and foolishWith her would not agreeIn a field by the riverMy love and I did standAnd on my leaning shoulderShe laid her snow-white handShe bid me take life easyAs the grass grows on the weirsBut I was young and foolishAnd now I'm full of tears中文翻译翻译一:Down by the salley gardens my love and I did meet;在莎莉花园深处,吾爱与我曾经相遇 。She passed the salley gardens with little snow-whitefeet.她雪花般的纤足,向着花园尽头走去 。She bid me take love easy, as the leaves grow on the tree;她嘱我爱得简单,如枝上萌发的新绿 。But I, being young and foolish,with her did not agree.但当年年少无知,不愿接受她的心语 。In a field by the river my love and I did stand,在远方河畔旷野,吾爱与我并肩伫立 。And on my leaning shoulder she laid her snow-white hand.在我微倾的肩上,她搭起纯白的手臂 。She bid me take life easy, as the grass grows on the weirs;她嘱我活得淡然,像青草滋长于岸堤 。But I was young and foolish, and now I am full of tears.但当年年少无知,如今早已泪满衣裳。翻译二:Down by the Salley Gardens my love and I did meet我曾和我的挚爱相遇在莎园中She passed the Salley Gardens with little snow-white feet她踏着雪白的纤纤玉足,轻轻走过莎园She bid me take love easy as the leaves grow on the tree她要我简单的追求真爱,就像大树长出树叶一般自然But I being young and foolish with her would not agree但我是那幺的年轻愚笨,从来没有听从过她的心声In a field by the river my love and I did stand我曾和我的挚爱并肩伫立在河畔的旷野上And on my leaning shoulder she laid her snow-white hand她把她嫩白的小手,搭在我那微微倾斜的肩膀上She bid me take life easy as the grass grows on the weirs她要我简单的去生活,就像那生长在河畔的韧草一般But I was young and foolish and now am full of tears但我是那幺的年轻愚笨,现在唯有泪水涟涟,感怀满襟翻译三:Down by the Salley Gardens my love and I did meet在那莎莉公园深处,吾与吾爱曾经相遇She passed the Salley Gardens with little snow-white feet她的步伐轻盈胜雪,飘飘然于园中穿越She bid me take love easy as the leaves grow on the tree她说愿我爱得简单,就像树枝发出新叶But I being young and foolish with her would not agree 当年的我如此稚嫩,对她心愿不以为然In a field by the river my love and I did stand还有那河畔的田野,吾与吾爱也曾驻足And on my leaning shoulder she laid her snow-white hand在我斜肩上搭着的,是她那纤纤的素手She bid me take life easy as the grass grows on the weirs她说愿我活得自在,就像河堤青草盎然But I was young and foolish and now am full of tears那时的我如此稚嫩,以至今日泪水涟涟国语版歌词《我的爱曾在这里》填词:田宇谱曲:Herbert Hughes、Benjamin Britten、Ivor Gurney原唱:Peter Pears藤田惠美(翻唱)(music)手捧着一束玫瑰花,心情只剩下美丽 。又走过熟悉的小路,我的爱曾在这里 。回忆叫人温暖舒畅,每次想起如沐浴阳光 。现在我又来到了此地,约定他/她是否遗忘?(music)手捧着一束玫瑰花,气氛充溢着晴朗 。又路过陌生的人家,我的爱这样牵挂 。记忆让人满怀希望,每次想起如放声歌唱 。现在我又来到了此地,约定他/她是否遗忘?(music)手捧着一束玫瑰花,心情只剩下美丽 。又走过熟悉的小路,我的爱曾在这里 。回忆叫人温暖舒畅,每次想起如沐浴阳光 。现在我又来到了此地,约定他/她是否遗忘?创作背景叶芝的手稿中记录了这首歌的创作背景 。叶芝在爱尔兰西部的斯莱戈郊外的村庄里,听见了一位年迈的农民在哼唱一首民谣,名叫The Rambling Boys of Pleasure,歌词里就提到了Salley Gardens ("