

新编实用英语3-学学·练练·考考【新编实用英语3-学学·练练·考考】《新编实用英语3-学学·练练·考考》是2007年7月高等教育出版社出版的图书 , 作者是《新编实用英语》(天津版)编写组 。
内容简介《新编实用英语》(天津版)系列教材以《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》为依据 , 在《新编实用英语》的基础上结合天津市的具体实际改编而成 。本套教材贯彻了“学一点、会一点、用一点”、“听、说、读、写、译并重”和“边学边用 , 学用结合”的原则;注重听说技能训练 , 注重实用文体阅读能力的培养 , 将提高套用语言基本功的能力与涉外交际实际相结合 。《新编实用英语——学学·练练·考考》(天津版)第3册是《新编实用英语——综合教程》(天津版)第3册的同步自学练习用书 。本书紧扣《新编实用英语——综合教程》(天津版)第3册各个单元的教学内容与结构 , 力求巩固和扩大教材所设计的听、说、读、写、译等语言知识和用法 , 是配合主教材并供自主学习的好伴侣 。在写作部分 , 本书除增编了相关语法和写作知识的归纳小结外 , 还融入了有关政治、经济、历史、文化、商贸和科技等方面具有天津地方特色的内容 。本书共8个单元 , 每个单元都由“听、说、读、写、乐”5部分组成 。本书附有练习答案、课文译文 , 以及辞彙表 。本书还配有录音带和多媒体课件 。图书目录1 LAUNCHING A NEW PRODUCTSection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage A Buying a House of Our OwnPassage B Haier Culture, Haier Brand and Haier ideaSection 4 Trying Your HandHaving Some Fun2 PROMOTING ACTIVITIESSection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage A Marketing: Key to Producing BestsellersPassage B Bu.siness is Business Around the World or is it?Section 4 Trying Your HandHaving Some Fun3 PURCHASE AND PAYMENTSection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage A My Shopping ExperiencesPassage B Convenience Is Most tmportantSection 4 Trying Your HandHaving Some Fun4 TRAINING AND LEARNINGSection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage A My Study-Abroad Experience at Lancaster Univerb-rtyPassage B Continuous LearningSection 4 Trying Your HandHaving Some Fun5 PARTNERSHIP AND COOPERATIONSection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage A Thai Perceptions of Their Expat Co//eagues - Survey Resu/tsPassage B A Teacher Goes Deep into ChinaSection 4 Trying Your HandHaving Some Fun6 BRANDS AND ADVERTISEMENTSSection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage A Brand NamePassage B Brand ChinaSection 4 Trying Your HandHaving Some Fun7 SHARING THE LOSSSection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage A InsurancePassage B Don'ts Hp Up on Your Cover8 DEVELOPMENT PLANNINGSELF-ASSESSMENTKEYS&TRANSLATIONSVOCABULARY&PHRASES