杭州朝睿全国电视广告监播公司( 二 )






广告监测效果评估:花了大笔的推广费用 , 却发现所做的广告 , 目标人群根本看不到 , 全部打水漂……朝睿广告监测效果评估 , 通过收视仪器安装在每个家庭 , 以家庭为单位安装数以万计的收视仪即数以万计的样本资料库 , 精準记录每个家庭人群的收看习惯——即收看的具体电视频道 , 收看时间 , 收看的栏目 , 收看的广告等等内容 。分析各广告到达的效果有利于广告主分析对比自己广告的真实效果 , 以调整下一步广告投放的策略 。通过广告监测效果评估 , 帮助客户完善广告创意与製作 , 帮助客户探知消费者内心的感受(为什幺你喜欢这个广告?怎样才能使我们的广告创意更加吸引消费者?什幺因素才会促使你去购买此产品?)朝睿媒介广告监测效果评估 , 能够分析多少人看过了该广告?多少人记住了该广告?记住了广告的哪些内容?多少人喜欢/讨厌该广告?多少人看过了该广告会有购买慾望?考虑到客户的具体需求 , 朝睿媒介广告效果评估报告分两个类别:单品牌广告效果评估报告与竞争品牌广告效果评估报告 。广告监测效果评估主要内容:(一)品牌广告总体投放效果分析广告记忆率广告到达率观众对广告的喜爱程度广告的独特性广告对观众产生的购买慾望(二)品牌广告在不同传播媒介的投放效果分析不同传播媒介的广告到达率分布不同传播媒介的广告到达率不同传播媒介观众对广告的喜爱程度不同传播媒介的广告独特性不同传播媒介的广告对消费者产生的购买慾望(三)品牌广告在不同区域的投放效果分析广告到达人群不同区域的分布不同区域广告到达率分析不同区域对该品牌广告的喜爱程度不同区域广告独特性分析广告对不同区域产生的购买慾望(四)品牌广告在不同周期的投放效果分析不同周期广告的到达率趋势不同周期对该品牌广告的喜爱程度不同周期广告独特性分析不同周期产生的购买慾望(五)品牌广告在不同人群的投放效果分析不同人群对总到达率的贡献比例不同人群的广告到达率不同性别人群对该品牌广告的喜爱程度不同性别人群对该品牌广告的独特性评价不同性别人群对该品牌广告对购买慾望的影响不同年龄人群对该品牌广告的喜爱程度不同年龄人群对该品牌广告的独特性评价不同年龄人群对该品牌广告对购买慾望的影响不同学历人群对该品牌广告的喜爱程度不同学历人群对该品牌广告的独特性评价不同学历人群对该品牌广告对购买慾望的影响不同收入人群对该品牌广告的喜爱程度不同收入人群对该品牌广告的独特性评价不同收入人群对该品牌广告对购买慾望的影响媒体环境、收视人群分析广告是企业行销组合的重要组成部分 。任何广告活动都离不开特定的环境 。广告运动的策划、实施、监控和规範需要认真研究所处的环境 , 结合品牌自身情况 , 作出相应的部署 。研究广告环境不仅仅是行销的需要 , 也是最大限度提高广告投放效益的必然选择 。媒体是广告传播的载体 , 媒介广告环境的特性包括节目内容、段位环境、广告品牌环境、形象和信誉等等 , 都会直接影响到广告传播的效果 。良好的媒介广告环境对广告品牌有提升作用 , 观众对媒介的印象影响其对广告的印象 。朝睿全国电视广告监测公司为客户按每天/每周/每月/每季度提供全国各主要媒体全天候收视人群分析 , 了解各频道各栏目的观众构成(分学历、年龄、从事行业及收入水平等) 。企业危急公关为企业讯速提供主流新闻媒体曝光信息 。让企业急时应对 。公司的服务宗旨有效的最大限度的降低客户成本 , 为客户谋取利益 。客户赢 , 朝睿赢!售后服务朝睿电视广告监播公司是同行中监播数据反应最快(广告播完三天就可以给监播报告) , 数据最準确的公司(如监播数据与投播计画出现误差 , 会立码反馈给当地监测员複查)有较好的广告监播售后服务体系 。如果数据质量比索福瑞和尼尔森差还可以不要钱(不收取任何服务费用)杭州朝睿市场研究有限公司目前可以提供全国电视 , 电台 , 报纸 , 杂誌 , 户外等广告监播 , 行业竟品分析 , 收视率 , 购后评估服务 。媒介术语介绍AcCont(000) 累积接触度(以千人为单位)Accumulated Contacts in 000's指多个载体所到达的总人次 , 以千人次表示 , 也即多个载体的接触度之和 。The accumulated number of individuals reached by a plan of supports expressed in thousands.公式 : AcCont(000) = 计画中每个载体的接触度 ( 以千人为单位 ) 之和Formula: AcCont(000) = Sum of C ont(000) for each supports in a planAcCost 累积成本Accumulated Cost计画中各载体广告段位的累积价格 。The total rate card cost for a plan of supports.公式 : AcCost = 计画中每个载体的成本之和Formula: AcCost = Sum of the c ost for each support in the planAcCost/GRP 累积每收视点成本 ( 也称累积每毛评点成本 )Accumulated Cost per rating point (also known as AcCost per GRP)每个载体的广告成本除以累积毛评点数 。The sum of the costs of each support divided by the number of Accumulated GRPs.公式 : AcCost/GRP = 累积成本 / 累积毛评点Formula: AcCost/GRP =AcCost/ AcGRPAcCost/Cont 累积每千人成本 ( 以千人为单位)Accumulated Cost per thousand (also known as AcCost per thousand)计画中各载体分别到达一千人次所需的累积成本 , 以元表示 。The accumulated cost of the plan of supports for every one thousand accumulated contacts, expressed in currency units. 公式 : AcCost/Cont = 累积成本 x 1000 / 累积接触度 (000)Formula: AcCost/Cont = AcCost x 1000 / AcCont (000)AcDuration 累积时长Accumulated Duration计画中各载体的累积持续时间或长度 , 以秒表示 。The accumulated duration or length of a plan of supports, expressed in seconds公式 : AcDuration = 计画中每个载体的时长之和Formula: AcDuration =Sum of the durations of each supports in a plan.AcGRP 累积收视率(以百分比为单位) ( 也称累积毛评点 )Accumulated Ratings in % (also known as Accumulated Gross Rating Point)累积接触度 ( 以千人为单位 ) 除以推及人口 , 以百分比表示 。The relation between the number of Accumulated Contacts in thousands divided by the Universe, expressed in percentage.公式 : AcGRP = 累积接触度 (000)/ 总体推及人口Formula: AcGRP = AcCont(000)/UniverseCov(000) 覆盖率 (以千人为单位)Accumulated Reach in 000's for a Series of Supports指特定的媒介计画(广告投放计画)实施时所能达到的不重複的观众人数 , 以千人表示 。The total number of individuals, expressed in thousands, who have viewed at least once within a campaign or a plan of supports.Formula: Cov(000) = Sum of the co ntacts in 000's for supportsCov% 覆盖率 (以百分比为单位)Accumulated Reach in % for a Series of Supports指特定的媒介计画(广告投放计画)实施时所能达到的不重複的观众人数占总体电视推及人口的百分比 。The total number of individuals who have viewed at least once within a campaign or a plan of supports, expressed as a percentage.Formula: Cov% = Sum of the co ntacts in 000's for supports / Universe of the chosen target TgAfin% 集中度Affinity (also known as Conversion)目标观众 (如15到34岁的人群)的收视率(%)与参照观众(如所有4岁以上的人口)的收视率(%)之间的关係指数 。注意:用户可选择参照观众 。An index of the relationship between the rating in % for a target audience (i.e. All 15-34) and for a reference audience (i.e. All Individuals 4+). Note: The user can choose the reference audience.公式 : TgAfin% = {目标观众收视率(%) / 参照观众收视率 (%)} x 100Formula: TgAfin% = (Rtg% for the target audience / Rtg% for the reference audience) x 100AvFid 平均忠实度Average Fidelity反映观众平均忠诚度的指数 , 以百分比表示 , 最小值与最大值分别是 0%和100% 。注意:指数越高 , 观众对特定时段越忠实 。An index showing the average loyalty of viewers, expressed as a percentage with a minimum and maximum result of 0% and 100% respectively. Note: The higher the index, the viewers are more loyal for the specified period and conditions on an average daily basis.公式 :AvFid = ( 收视率 % / 平均到达率 %) x 100Formula: AvFid = (Rtg% / AvRch%) x 100AvRch% 平均到达率 ( 以百分比为单位 )Average Reach in %特定时段内平均每天的符合到达条件的接触总人数占总体电视推及人口的比例 。到达条件一般是“至少收看了 1分钟” 。注意:用户可以改变收看的最小分钟数或收看时间在整个时段中的最小百分比来自行定义到达条件 。The percentage of the average daily contacts divided by the universe of the respected target. By default, the definition of "contacts" is "having viewed at least 1 minute" for the conditions specified.Note: The definition can be defined by the user either by the number of minute(s) viewed or percentage of the time band viewed. Formula: AvRch% = (Sum of the c ontacts in 000's per day / Number of days) / Universe of the respected target x 100AvRch(000) 平均到达率 (以千人为单位)Average Reach in 000's在特定时段内平均每天的符合到达条件的接触总人数 , 以千人表示 。“接触度”的默认定义为在指定条件下“至少收看了1分钟” 。注意:用户可根据收看的最小分钟数或收看时间在整个时段中的最小百分比来自行定义 。The average daily contacts expressed in thousands. By default, the definition of "contacts" is "having viewed at least 1 minute" for the conditions specified. Note: The definition can be defined by the user either by the number of minute(s) viewed or percentage of the time band viewed.Formula: AvRch(000) = Sum of c ontacts in 000's per day / Number of daysCont(000) 接触度 (以千人为单位)Contacts in 000's特定载体所到达的人次 , 以千人次表示 。The number of individuals reached by a given support expressed in thousands.Formula : Cont(000) = Sum of the n umber of individuals contacted in a supportCost 成本Cost一个载体的广告段位的价格 。The rate card cost for a support.Cost/Cont 每千人成本CPM (Cost per thousand)在广告媒介计画中 , 载体每到达一千人次的客群量所需要花费的成本 , 以元表示 。The cost of the support for every one thousand contacts, expressed in currency units公式: Cost/Cont = 广告成本 x 1000 / 接触度 (000)Formula : Cost/Cont = Cost x 1000 / Cont (000)Cost/GRP 每毛评点成本CPRP (Cost per rating point)指每得到一个收视率百分点所需要花费的成本 。The average cost for one rating point. 公式: Cost/GRP = 广告成本 / 毛评点Formula : Cost/GRP = Cost of the support / Rating in % of the support1+(000), 2+(000), 3+(000)…n+(000) 接触度分布 (以千人为单位)Distribution of Contacts in 000's收看广告或节目一次、二次 … 或 n次的人数(以千人为单位) 。注意:用户可通过“最大接触度数”选项来定义“ n” 的数目 。The number of individuals in thousands who have viewed a campaign or a plan of supports once, twice…or n times. Note: The user can define the number of 'n' by using the "Maximum number of contacts" option.1+(%), 2+(%), 3+(%)…n+(%) 接触度分布 (以百分比为单位)Distribution of Contacts in %收看广告或节目一次、二次 … 或 n次的人数 , 以百分比表示 。注意:用户可通过“最大接触度数”选项来定义“n ” 的数目 。The number of individuals in thousands who have viewed a campaign or a plan of supports once, twice…or n times, expressed as a percentage. Note: The user can define the number of 'n' by using the "Maximum number of contacts" optio n.公式 : n+(%) = n+(000) / 总体电视推及人口Formula: n+(%) = n+(000) / Universe of the chosen targetDuration 时长一个载体的持续时间或长度 , 以秒表示 。The duration or length of a support, expressed in seconds.ExcReach % 边际到达率 (以百分比为单位)Exclusive Reach in %在媒介计画中 , 去掉某条插播或某个载体而损失的到达率( 000 )占总体推及人口的百分比 。The number of Reach in % which is exclusive can be reached by a particular spot/support.ExcReach (000) 边际到达率 (以千人为单位)Exclusive Reach in 000's在媒介计画中 , 去掉某条插播或某个载体而损失的到达率 , 以千人表示 。The number of Reach in 000's which is exclusive can be reached by a particular spot/support. Fid 忠实度Fidelity指特定频道(时段 /节目)的收视率与到达率的百分比值 。最小值与最大值分别是0%和100% 。注意:指数越高 , 观众对特定时段和条件越忠实 。An index showing the loyalty of viewers, expressed as a percentage with a minimum and maximum result of 0% and 100% respectively. Note: The higher the index, the viewers are more loyal for the specified period and conditions.公式 : Fid = ( 收视率 % / 到达率 %) x 100Formula: Fid = (Rtg% / Rch%) x 100OTS 平均暴露频次Opportunity To See (also known as Average Frequency)在广告排期或载体计画中每条插播被观众平均收看的次数 。The average number of contacts per viewer in a campaign, or a plan of supports. Relation between the cumulated contacts and the coverage reached in a plan of supports.公式 : OTS = 累积接触度 (000) / 到达率 (000)Formula : OTS = Accumulated Rating in 000's / Total Reach in 000'sRtg(000) 收视率 (以千人为单位)Rating in 000's对特定时段或节目 , 平均每分钟的收视人数 。The average number of the universe in 000's to a channel, programme, spot, specified target, time band or channel.Formula: Rtg(000) = Sum of the total audience / Total number of time bandsRtg% 收视率 (以百分比为单位) ( 也称为电视收视率 )Rating in % (also known as TVRs (TV Ratings))针对某特定时段(或节目)平均每分钟的收视人数占推及人口总体的百分比 。The percentage of the average number of audience with respect to the universe of the determined target.Formula: Rtg% = [(Sum of the total audience / Total number of time band) / Universe of the determined target] x 100 = (Rtg(000) / Universe) x 100 Shr% 占有率 ( 也称为频道占有率 )Share (also knows as Channel Share)特定时段内收看某一频道或某一节目的人数占同一时段所有收看电视人数的百分比 , 也是特定时段内某一频道的收视率占所有频道的总收视率的百分比 。The percentage of the rating in % for a particular channel compared to the total audience for either total TV (TTV) or a specified group of channels.公式 : Shr% = [ 某一频道的收视率 (%) / 所有频道的收视率 (%) ] x 100Formula: Shr% = (Rtg% of a particular channel / Rtg% of TTV) x 100TgSat% 观众构成Target Profile (also known as Target Saturation)对于特定频道(或节目) , 目标观众平均每分钟的收视人数(千人)占参照观众平均每分钟收视人数(千人)的百分比 。注意: 用户可选择参照观众 。An index of the relationship between the rating in 000's of a target audience (i.e. All Male) and a reference audience (i.e. All Individuals 4+). Note: The user can choose the reference audience.Formula: TgSat% = (Rtg 000's for the target audience / Rtg 000's for the reference audience) x 100CTTV% 时段频道贡献Time Band's Contribution to Reference Channel Group's Total特定频道特定时段观众收视时间与该市场所有频道在参考时段观众总收视时间的百分比值 。注意: “参照频道组”及“总体时段”可由用户选定 。The contribution of TV viewing to a particular channel for a specified time band, compared to the TV viewing of a reference channel group for a determined total time band using the average minutes viewed. Note: The 'Reference Channel Group' and 'Total Time Band' used as reference can be specified by the user.公式 : CTTV% = ( 某一频道指定时段的收视时间(分钟) / 所有频道参考时段总收视时间 ( 分钟 ) x 100 Formula: CTTV% = Min. of a particular channel for a time band / Min. of reference channel group for total time band) x 100CChn% 时段贡献Time Band's Contribution to its Channel's Total特定频道特定时段的观众收视时间与该频道观众总收视时间的百分比值 。注意: 用作参照的“总体时段”可由用户选定 。The contribution of TV viewing of a particular channel for a specified time band, compared with the TV viewing of the same channel for a total time band. Note: The 'Total Time Band' used as the reference can be chosen by the user.公式 : CChn% = 某一频道特定时段的收视时间(分钟) / 该频道总收视时间(分钟) x 100Formula: CChn% = Min. of a particular channel for a time band / Min. of the same channel for total time band) x 100TBIndex% 时段 指数Time Band Index某一频道特定时段的频道占有率与这一频道参照时段的频道占有率之间的关係指数 。注意: 两个时段都可由用户指定 .The index of the relationship between channel share for a specified time band compared to a reference time band for the same channel. Note: user can specify both time bands.公式 : TBIndex% = ( 指定时段频道占有率 / 参照时段频道占有率 ) x 100Formula: TBIndex% = (Channel Share for the specified time band / Channel Share for reference time band) x 100Rch% 总到达率 (以百分比为单位)Total Reach in %特定时段内的符合到达条件的接触总人数占总体电视推及人口的百分比 。默认“到达”定义为指定条件下“至少收看了1分钟” 。注意:用户可根据收看的最小分钟数或收看时间在整个时段中的最小百分比来自行定义 。The total number of contacts for a specified period divided by the universe of the respected target and expressed as a percentage. By default, the definition of "contacts" is "Having viewed at least 1 minute" for the conditions specified. In this case, an individual will be considered as a "contact" if he has viewed at least for one minute for the total period specified. Note: The definition can be defined by the user either by the number of minute(s) viewed or percentage of the time band viewed. Formula: Rch% = Sum of c ontacts in 000's for the whole period / Universe of the respected target x 100Rch(000) 总到达率 (以千人为单位)Total Reach in '000特定时段内的符合到达条件的接触总人数 , 以千人表示 。“到达”的默认定义为在指定条件下“至少收看了1分钟” 。注意:用户可根据收看的最小分钟数或收看时间在整个时段中的最小百分比来自行定义 。The total number of contacts for a specified period expressed in thousands. By default, the definition of "contacts" is "Having viewed at least 1 minute" for the conditions specified. In this case, an individual will be considered as a "contact" if he has viewed at least for one minute for the total period specified. Note: The definition can be defined by the user either by the number of minute(s) viewed or percentage of the time band viewed.Formula: Rch(000) = Sum of c ontacts in 000's for the whole periodMin 人均接触分钟数TV Consumption观众日平均收视时间(分钟)与总体电视推及人口的比值 , 可针对特定频道或时段进行计算 。The average daily minutes viewed for an audience, either by a specified channel or time band .Formula: Min= Rtg% x Time Band's Total Length in Minute / 100