

星火英语:真题详解+标準预测【星火英语:真题详解+标準预测】《星火英语:真题详解+标準预测(6级)(2013上)》包含12套真题(答案权威,解析详尽);5套预测(标準命制,预测性强);辞彙卡片(2000高频词,附精美录音);10套听力(主播朗读,光碟收录);25篇作文(热点话题,高分範文) 。点击连结进入新版: 星火英语·2013年12月大学英语6级考试真题详解+标準预测(2013年6月-2010年6月)(10套真题+5套预测试卷+5套听力+25篇作文+2000辞彙卡片)(含2013年6月多题多卷母题彙编)(附辞彙卡片+MP3光碟1张)
语种:简体中文, 英语
作者:陈幼平 马德高
内容简介《星火英语:真题详解+标準预测(6级)(2013上)》风靡全国,畅销十年,8000万读者的选择!文摘着作权页: Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage. For many families,figuring out how many after-school activities are too many is a struggle.For parents who fear they're "over-scheduling" their children,a new study carries a comforting message.The paper,published last week by the Society for Research in Child Development,is the first to take a data-driven look at the issue-and whether being so busy is really a bad thing.The study suggests the phenomenon is more isolated than media reports suggest: in fact,40% of children (ages 5-18) are engaged in no activities,typicalkids spend just five hours a week in structured activities,and very few children-3 - 6%-spend 20 hours a week.On average,most kids spend far more time watching TV and playing games.And for kids who're extremely busy,there's also good news:the more activities they do,the better kids perform on measures of educational achievement and psychological adjustment."This popular concern [-about over-scheduling has been generated by a couple of parenting books and the media,"says Yale professor and lead author Joseph Mahoney.But looking at the data,"it's hard to argue that kids are over-scheduled." That news will be welcome in households like the Oviedos',in Highland Park,Ill.Nine-year-old Bianca spends six hours a week in rhythmic-gymnastics classes and three hours a week at ballet,plus a half-hour piano lesson."The alternative would be playing on the computer or watching TV," says her mother,Anca,who believes Bianca benefits by learning to focus,making new friends and acquiring new skills. The new paper doesn't sway some experts who've advocated against activity-creep.They say kids are far busier-and overstressed by it all-than the numbers suggest."This is an example of researchers using big data sets to dispute the lived experience of many,many parents and families,"says William Doherty,a University of Minnesota family-studies professor.Some skeptics question whether the self-reported time-diary data are really accurate; others say they don't account for all the time spent getting between activities.Alvin Rosenfeld,co-author of The Over-Scheduled Child,says:"If people follow this advice and do more activities,I think it'll be pretty damaging."编辑推荐《星火英语:真题详解+标準预测(6级)(2013上)》风靡全国,畅销十年,8000万读者的选择!