夏才初( 八 )

Xu Zhao,Caichu Xia,Chongbang Xu. Mechanism of Interaction between Tunnel and Slopes in Tunnel Portal Construction. Proceedings of the International Young Scholars' Symposium on Rock Mechanics - Boundaries of Rock Mechanics Recent Advances and Challenges for the 21st Century, p775-779,2008.EI:20084811744217,CPCI:BHT33(ISBN:978-0-415-46934-0).
Marte Gutierrez,Xia Caichu.Squeezing Potential of Tunnels in Clay- -shales from Normalized Undrained Shear Strength and Seismic Velocity, TC28,Shanghai,2007.
C.C.Xia,H.H.Mao,Z.X.Zhang,X.Zhao,and L.D.Yang.The Application ofstere -oanalytical method for block theory to the stability analysis oflo- ngtan hydropower station underground power-house:proceedings of ses- sions of geoshanghai.underground construction and ground movement .20 06:208-215.
C. C. Xia, W. Wang , Z. Lin,X. Zhao and H.H. Zhu.Optimal Design and Analysis For Reasonable Distance of Twin-tube Crossing-river Shield Tunnel:proceedings of sessions of geoshanghai.underground constructi- on and ground movement.2006:216-223.
Liu Haijing,Xia Caichu. 3D numerical simulation of large span dou- blearch tunnel construction. International Conference on omputational Method,Singapore,Dec 15-17,2004.
Xia caichu, Field Measurement and Grading of Surface Topography of Rock Structure Faces, 2st Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Beijing, China, Octobers11-14,PP627-630,2001.
Xia caichu, Study of Contact Mechanism and Closure Behavior of Rock Joint, 1st Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Seoul, Korea, Octobers 13 -15,1999.
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    刘远明,博2007届,基于直剪试验的非贯通节理岩体扩展贯通研究 。
    罗 鑫,博2007届,公路隧道健康状态诊断方法及系统的研究 。
    刘海京,博2007届,公路隧道健康诊断计算模型研究 。
    龚建伍,博2008届,扁平大断面小净距公路隧道施工力学研究 。
    赵 旭,博2009届,隧道洞口段边仰坡失稳机理及计算研究 。
    李宏哲,博2009届,岩石节理卸荷力学特性研究 。
    王 伟,博2009届,不同接触状态下节理应力-渗流耦合特性研究 。
    闫子舰,博2009届,锦屏大理岩卸荷流变力学特性研究 。
    许崇帮,博2010届,节理岩体中特大断面连拱隧道围岩稳定性研究 。
    蒋 坤,博2010届,节理岩体中特大断面小净距隧道围岩稳定性研究 。
    孔祥兴,博2011届,盾构隧道健康诊断系统及方法研究 。