Canon EOS 5D Mark II Digital Field Guide

Canon EOS 5D Mark II Digital Field Guide【Canon EOS 5D Mark II Digital Field Guide】《Canon EOS 5D Mark II Digital Field Guide》是:John Wiley & Sons出版的一本图书 。
又名:Canon EOS 5D Mark II Digital Field Guide
出版社::John Wiley & Sons
图书信息出版时间/Publication Date:2009-07-28页 数/Pages:288装 帧/Format:平装纸 张/Paper:胶版纸正文语种/Language:英文内容简介Digital Field Guides are bestselling books that deliver information to the reader in an easy-to-understand way. The Canon 5D Mark II Digital Field Guide will feature over 200 beautiful pictures by acclaimed photographer Charlotte Lowrie. This portable guide will be perfect for amateur and professional photographers to take with them anywhere to reference at any time. It'll help readers better understand their camera and show them how to get the exact shot they want when they want it. Digital Field Guides appeal to photographers with beautiful photography, step-by-step techniques, and professional tips that will further their understanding of the camera. Readers will be able to reference this guide again and again!EOS 5D Mark II是佳能公司推出的一款高端全画幅相机 , 除了配备高达2110万像素的全画幅感光元件 , 该相机还能拍摄高清晰短片 。《Canon EOS 5D Mark II佳能数码单眼摄影手册》全面介绍了EOS 5D Mark II , 全书共13章和2个附录 , 主要介绍了EOS 5D Mark II基础知识、选单设定的使用方法 , 还介绍了如何使用它在各类摄影活动中大显身手 。《Canon EOS 5D Mark II佳能数码单眼摄影手册》由资深摄影师撰写 , 书中不仅介绍了作者的大量经验 , 而且包括了大量的示例照片 , 让您可以充分领略如何最大限度地发挥EOS 5D Mark II的优势 。《Canon EOS 5D Mark II佳能数码单眼摄影手册》图文并茂 , 适合所有层次的专业和业余摄影师阅读参考 。作者简介Brian McLernon is a freelance photographer specializing in editorial, commercial, corporate, and lifestyle photography. His client list includes CBS Records, Exxon, Johnson & Johnson, Nike, Premiere Homes magazine, and the United States Tennis Association. A popular guest speaker for artistic associations, communications groups, and business organizations.Brian McLernon是一位自由职业摄影师 , 他擅长拍摄用于社论的主题照片、各类商业活动的照片以及反映生活方式的照片 。他的客户包括Johnson&Johnson、CBS Records、Exxon、Nike、Premiere Homes杂誌和美国网球协会等 。