2009年同济大学出版社出版 物流英语

2009年同济大学出版社出版 物流英语

物流英语(2009年同济大学出版社出版)【2009年同济大学出版社出版 物流英语】《物流英语》是2009年同济大学出版社出版的图书,作者是乐美龙 。《物流英语》是物流工程、物流管理专业的专业英语教材,内容精简、专业、全面、实用,深度恰当 。
内容简介《物流英语》是物流工程、物流管理专业的专业英语教材,选材内容涵盖海陆空铁运输、仓储与库存管理、货代与物流业务、国际贸易与电子商务、班轮业务、货柜运输业务、物流与供应链管理等方面 。内容精简、专业、全面、实用,深度恰当 。《物流英语》适用于物流工程与管理专业本科生、高职生和其他相关专业作教材,也可供物流部门工程技术人员参考 。作者简介乐美龙,博士,上海交通大学教授、博士生导师,中美物流研究院副院长,中国交通运输协会常务理事,美国供应链与物流专业协会(CSCMP)会员,是我国交通运输与物流工程领域的专家 。先后参与了国内两项重大港航建设项目——洋山深水港工程、广州南沙港工程的规划工作以及上海世博会物流(非贸)运营手册的起草工作,主持了宁波化工区物流配套、江苏洋口液化品物流园区等十几项大型物流规划与管理项目 。2007年,应邀赴美国乔治亚理工大学工业与系统工程学院,担任供应链与物流研究员 。目录Lesson 1 What is Logistics1.1 Basic Concepts1.2 Five Major AreasLesson 2 Maritime Transportation2.1 The International Transport System2.2 The Nature of Transport Demand2.3 Introduction of Bulk Cargo and General CargoLesson 3 EC,EB and ED3.1 What iS Electronic Commerce3.2 What iS E-business3.3 Difference between E-commerce and E-business3.4 What iS EDILesson 4 Truck Transportation4.1 General Service Characteristics4.2 Equipment4.3 Types of VehiclesLesson 5 InternationaI Trade5.1 Merchandise Exports and Imports5.2 Service Exports and Imports5.3 Licensing5.4 Trading Companies5.5 Joint Ventures5.6 Investment5.7 Visible and Invisible TradeLesson 6 Air Transportation6.1 Elements of Air Transport6.2 Characteristics of Air Transport6.3 Air Cargo Containers6.4 Documents of CarriageLesson 7 Rai l Transportation7.1 Commodities Hauled on the Rail7.2 Feature of Rail Transport7.3 Innovations in Rail TransportLesson 8 Warehousing Operations8.1 What’S Warehousing8.2 Public,Private and Contract Warehousing8.3 OperationsLesson 9 The Role of Freight Forwarders9.1 IntrOductlOn9.2 What a Freight Forwarder Can Do for You9.3 Freight Forwarders and Customs Agents and Brokers9.4 Arrange Your Own Transport or Use a Freight Transporter9.5 Finding and Choosing a Freight Forwarder9.6 The Costs of Using a Freight Forwarder9.7 Freight Trade AssociationsLesson 10 Third Party Logistics10.1 Overview10.2 Outsouring10.3 Supply Chain Essentials and Nonessentials10.4 Going beyond the 3PLModel10.5 Advantages & Disadvantages of 3PLLesson 11 E-logistics11.1 Introduction11.2 Forward E-logistics11.3 Reverse E-logisticsLesson 12 Operations in Container Terminals12.1 Introduction12.2 Containers,Storage Blocks,and Yard Cranes12.3 Quay Cranes12.4 The Yard Operations12.5 Key Performance Measures of a Container TerminalLesson 13 Operations in Shipping Liners13.1 Two Basic Shipping Services13.2 General Procedures of Ocean Transport by Liners13.3 Shipping and Forwarding Agents13.4 Freight Rates13.5 Bill of LadingLesson 14 Inventory Management14.1 Why Keep Inventory14.2 Controlling Inventory14.3 Balancing Inventory and CostsLesson 15 Supply Chain Performance Assessment15.1 Supply Chain’S Performance Categories15.2 Customer Service Metrics15.3 Internal Efficiency Metrics15.4 Demand Flexibility Metrics15.5 Product Development MetricsLesson 16 What Is SC and SCM16.1 What iS SC16.2 Some Related Concepts16.3 What is SCMLesson 17 Supply Chain Development Strategy17.1 ntroduction17.2 Developing a Supply Chain Strategy17.3 Executing Supply Chain Strategy17.4 Avoiding Potential Pitfalls17.5 Conclusion参考文献