柴彦威( 五 )

Danwei System and its Effects, Arid Land Geography, 2008, 2, 155-163. (in Chinese)85. Chai YW, Weng GL, Shen J, A Study on Commercial Structure of Shanghai Based on Residents Shopping Behavior, Geographical Research, 2008, 4, 897-906. (in Chinese)86. Yao JC, Chai YW, The Characteristic of Transportation Mode in Residents Travel for Buying High-Class Clothes in Shanghai, Areal Research and Development, 2007, 3, 45-50. (in Chinese)87. Zhou QJ, Chai YW, Peng X, The Distribution of CVs in Beijing Urban Area and the Characteristics of the Consumer Behavior: A Case Study of 7-11, Economic Geography, 2007, 4, 595-598. (in Chinese)88. Chai YW, Shen J, Travel-Activity Based Research Frame of Urban Spatial Structure, Human Geography, 2007, 5, 62-70. (in Chinese)89. Chen LJ, Chai YW, The Study on Shopping Behavior of Hypermarket Shoppers in Shanghai City, Human Geography, 2006, 5, 124-128. (in Chinese)90. Liu YG, Chai YW, Development Characteristics and Trends of Japanese Human Geography, Human Geography, 2006, 6, 6-10. (in Chinese)91. Long T, Chai YW, Study on Residents Utilization of Suburban Shopping Mall in Beijing City: A Case Study of Jinyuanshidai Shopping Mall, Human Geography, 2006, 5, 117-123. (in Chinese)92. Shen J, Chai YW, Study on Residents’ Utilization of Downtown Retail Center in Beijing in the Contest of City Suburbanization, Human Geography, 2006, 5, 113-123. (in Chinese) 93. Chai YW, Li CX, The Spatial Characteristics of Shopping Behavior of the Chinese Urban Elderly: A Case Study of Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai, Acta Geographica Sinica, 2005, 3, 401-408. (in Chinese)94. Chai YW, Methodological Problems in Behavioral Geography Study, Areal Research and Development, 2005, 2, 1-5. (in Chinese)95. Chai YW, Shang YR, The Study on the Temporal-Spatial Characteristics of the Consumer Activities of Shenzhen Residents at Night, Geographical Research, 2005, 5, 803-810. (in Chinese)96. Li CX, Chai YW, The Change of Shanghai Citizens Consumption Behavior and its Spatial Expansion Since 1978, Economic Geography, 2005, 4, 528-531. (in Chinese)97. Chai YW, Wang MJ, Progress of Geographical Study on Consumer Behavior in Japan, Acta Geographica Sinica, 2004,S1, 167-174. (in Chinese)98. Chai YW, Weng GL, Gong H, A Study on Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Shopping Behavior of Shenzhen Residents, Human Geography, 2004, 6, 79-84. (in Chinese)99. Chai YW, Lin T, Gong H, Spatial Decision Making Process of Shopping Behavior of Shenzhen Residents, Human Geography, 2004, 6, 85-88. (in Chinese)100.Shang YR, Chai YW, A Study on Preference and Spatial Characteristics of Service Consumption of Shenzhen Residents, Human Geography, 2004, 6, 93-96. (in Chinese)101.Araki H, Chai YW, Fresh vegetable supply system at the Dazhengsi wholesale marlet in Beijing: in the context of commodity chain analysis, Annals of the Japan Association Of Economic Geographers,2004, 3, 249-265. (in Japanese) 102.Li CX, Chai YW, Liu X, The Characteristics of Appraisive Cognition of the Elderly in Beijing During Shopping Decition-Making Process, Human Geography, 2004, 6, 89-92. (in Chinese)103.Chai YW, Lin T, Liu ZL, Research and Application of Central Place for Tourism, Geography Science, 2003, 5, 547-553. (in Chinese)104.Chai YW, Weng GL, Liu ZL, Prospect of Research on Urban Female Residents’ Behavioral Space in China, Human Geography, 2003, 4, 1-4. (in Chinese)105.Weng GL, Chai YW, Ma M, et al., Cognition and Housing Preference for Boomtown in Urban Fringe Area: the Case of Tianjin, China, Human Geography, 2003, 4, 5-9. (in Chinese)106.Chai YW, Liu X, Frame and Prospect of Time-Geography Research on Urban Senior Citizen, Area Research and Development, 2002, 3, 55-59. (in Chinese)107.Chai YW, Gong H, Time-Geography Research on Urban Society, Peking University Transactions (Edition of Philosophy and Sociology), 2001, 5, 17-24. (in Chinese)108.Chai YW, Shi ZH, Wang HW, Conception, Formation and Policy Significance of Zone Axsis, Urban Planning, 2001, 5, 25-28. (in Chinese)109.Wu ZQ, Chai YW, Dai XZ, et al., Hierarchy Structure of Shopping-behavior Space, Geographical Research, 2001, 4, 480-488. (in Chinese)110.Chai YW, Hu ZY, Wu ZQ, Characteristics and Mechanism on Residential Mobility in Tianjin,Chian, Geographical Research, 2000, 4, 391-399. (in Chinese) 111.Chai YW, Zhou YX, Status, Mechanism and Trend of Residential Suburbanize in Dalian, China, Geography Science, 2000, 2, 127-132. (in Chinese)112.Wu ZQ, Chai YW, Zhang ZB, Residents’ Shopping-behavior Characteristics in Tianjin, China, Geography Science, 2000, 6, 534-539. (in Chinese)113.Chai YW, Gong H, Time Geography: Science Concerning Life Quality, Transaction of Chinese Academy of Science, 2000, 6, 417-420. (in Chinese)114.Gong H, Chai YW, Liu ZL, Spatio-temporal Structure of Shenzhen Residents’ Daily Activities, Human Geography, 2000, 6, 60-66. (in Chinese)115.Li ZR, Chai YW, Residents’ Commuting Characteristics in Dalian, Human Geography, 2000, 6, 67-71. (in Chinese)116.Liu ZL, Chai YW, Gong H, Free Time Using Characteristics of Shenzhen Residents, Human Geography, 2000, 6, 73-78. (in Chinese)117.Chai YW, Li ZR, Liu ZL, et al., Research Evolvement and Prospect of Time Geography, Human Geography, 2000, 4, 54-59. (in Chinese)118.Wu ZQ, Chai YW, Problems of Research on structure of Urban Commercial-activity space, Economic Geography, 2000, 1, 38-42. (in Chinese)119.Chai YW, Comparison of Urban Spatial Structure between China and Japan, Human Geography, 2000, 1, 6-10. (in Chinese)120.Li ZR, Chai YW, Weekend Scheduling Characteristics of Dalian Residents, Economical Geography, 1999, 5, 80-84. (in Chinese)121.Chai YW, Li ZR, Shi ZH, Retrospection and Prospect of Life-Time Survey Research, Progress in Geography, 1999, 1, 68-75. (in Chinese) 122.Chai YW, Cao GZ, Interior Spatial Structure Transformation and Suburbanization: the case of Dalian, Geography Science, 1998, 3, 234-240. (in Chinese)123.Chai YW, Origin, Conception and Application of Time Geography, Geography Science, 1998, 1, 66-72. (in Chinese)124.Chai YW, Wang EZ, Basic Conception and Representation in Time Geography, Economic Geography, 1997, 3, 55-61. (in Chinese)125.Chai YW, The internal structure of a city in Chinese arid area: a case study of Lanzhou, Gansu Province, Chinese Journal of Arid Land Research, 1996, 1, 30-38. (in Chinese)126.Chai YW, Suburbanization and suburbanization study, Economic Geography, 1995, 2, 48-53. (in Chinese)主讲课程教学工作 主讲本科生专业基础课《城市形态与空间》主讲研究生专业基础课《城市社会专题》主讲研究生课程班《城市空间结构与形态》人文地理学专业博士生高级讨论课讲座中国科学院博士学位课程《人文地理学理论与实践》讲座地理科学与资源环境城乡规划管理本科专业教学方案制定人文地理学硕士与博士专业教学方案制定指导硕士研究生20多名,协助指导博士生10多名指导国内外进修教师2名,留学生1名人文地理学重点学科申报与建设人地关係分析模拟试验室规划与建设 获奖记录2013年,北京大学优秀班主任 。2011年,民建海淀区参政议政先进个人优秀奖 。2008年,北京大学“正大奖”教金 。2008年,中国地理学会授予“吴传钧优秀人文地理学论文奖” 。2005年,民建海淀区委优秀会员 。2001年,中国高校科学进步二等奖 。2000年,国家教育部高等学校优秀青年老师学与科研奖 。1999年,中国地理学会“活动先进个人”称号 。1999年,中国地理学会“第四届全国青年地理科技奖” 。