柴彦威( 三 )

Danwei community: A case study of Maofangnan community, Beijing, Urban Development Studies, 2013, 3, 17-21.(in Chinese)33. Chai YW, Tana, Zhang Y, Rethinking time-geography in long-term space-time behavior study: integrating with life course theory, Human Geography, 2013, 2, 1-6. (in Chinese) 34. Ma J, Chai YW, Liu ZL, Urban form and carbon emissions from urban transport: based on the analysis of individual behavior. Urban Planning International. 2013, 2, 19-24. (in Chinese)35. Zhang Y, Chai YW, Interpreting the cultural connotation of Beijing’s modern industrial heritages: from the Perspectives of Danwei in Urban China, Urban Development Studies, 2013, 2, 23-28. (in Chinese)36. Chai YW, Shen Y. Ma XJ. Zhao Y, The collection and management of space-time data of individual behavior based on location-based technologies: A case study of activity-travel survey in Beijing, Geographical Research, 2013, 1, 441-451. (in Chinese)37. Liu TB, Chai YW, Influencing factors in formation of Danwei system in Chinese cities, Urban Studies, 2012, 7, 53-60. (in Chinese)38. Chai YW, Shen Y, Xiao ZP, et al., Review for space-time behavior research: theories frontiers and application in the future, Progress in Geography, 2012, 6, 667-675. (in Chinese)39. Shen Y, Chai YW, Study on commuting flexibility of residents based on GPS data: A case study of suburban mega-communities in Beijing, Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012, 6, 733-744. (in Chinese)40. Du CL, Chai YW, Zhang TX. et al., The comparative study of the unit yard and the housing estate from the perspective of the neighborhood theory, Urban Development Studies, 2012, 5, 88-94. (in Chinese)41. Liu TB, Chai YW, The meaning, content and prospect of Danwei system research in the perspective of Geography, Progress in Geography, 2012, 4, 527-534. (in Chinese) 42. Tana, Chai YW, Liu ZL, Hybridization of Danwei neighborhood and the emergence of urbanism, Human Geography, 2012, 3, 39-43. (in Chinese)43. Chai YW, Xiao ZP, Liu ZL, Low-carbon optimization strategies based on CO2 emission mechanism of household daily travels: A case study of Beijing, Geographical Research, 2012, 2,334-344. (in Chinese)44. Gu ZL, Chai YW, Study on the elderly-livability of Danwei community under the background of aging society: a case study of Yan-dong-yuan in Peking Unviersity, Urban Studies, 2012, 1, 89-102. (in Chinese)45. Liu TB, Chai YW, The formation logic of Chinese Danwei system in the perspective of structuralism, Human Geography, 2012, 1, 34-38. (in Chinese)46. Xiao ZP, Chai YW, From individual outgoing planning to individual behavioral planning. Planners, 2012, 1, 5-11. (in Chinese)47. Xu XX, Chai YW, Gender difference in daily leisure behavior of Beijing residents. Human Geography, 2012, 1, 22-28. (in Chinese)48. Ye C, Chai YW, Exploring the methodology on production of space, Urban Development Studies, 2011, 12, 86-89. (in Chinese)49. Xu XX, Chai YW, A study on influencing factors of women’s leisure behavior and the differences between weekday and weekend, Urban Development Studies, 2011, 12, 95-100. (in Chinese)50. Fang CL, Zhou SY, Chai YW, et al., Updated progress and perspectives of the discipline of human geography in China, Progress in Geography, 2011, 12, 1470-1478. (in Chinese) 51. Xiao ZP, Chai YW, Liu ZL, Quantitative Distribution and Related Factors for Household Daily Travel CO2 Emissions in Beijing, Urban Studies, 2011, 9, 104-112. (in Chinese)52. Zhang Y, Chai YW, The spatio-temporal Activity Pattern of the Middle and the Low-income Residents in Beijing, China. Scientia Geographic Sinica, 2011, 9, 1056-1064. (in Chinese)53. Ma J, Chai YW, Liu ZL, The Mechanism of CO2 Emissions from Urban Transport Based on Individuals’ Travel Behavior in Beijing. Acta Geographic Sinica, 2011, 8, 1023-1032. (in Chinese)54. Chai YW, Xiao ZP, Liu ZL, Comparative Analysis on CO2 Emission Per Household in Daily Travel Based on Spatial Behavior Constraints. Scientia Geographic Sinica, 2011, 7, 843-849. (in Chinese)55. Chai YW, Zhao Y, Liu YG, Research Progress and Prospect of Urban Geography Methodologies and Methods. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2011, 4, 430-435. (in Chinese)56. Shen Y, Chai YW, Wang DG. Reviews on Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies on Human Spatial-temporal Behavior. Progress in Geography, 2011, 6, 643-651. (in Chinese)57. Chai YW, Xiao ZP.Urban Transportation Development Transition in 12th Five-year Plan. Planners. 2011, 7, 21-25. (in Chinese)58. Ye C, Chai YW, Zhang XL. Review on Studies on Production of Urban Space. Economic Geography, 2011, 3, 409-413. (in Chinese) 59. Chai YW, Tana, Mao ZD. Urban Spatial Reconstruction in Cities in China: From the Perspective of