Your Girl

Your Girl

Your Girl【Your Girl】2016年7月22日,华人女歌手曲婉婷发行了一支新的单曲《Your Girl》,这首歌写给她的母亲,歌词中处处透着对母亲的思念,以回忆的形式使听众能够丝丝缕缕重建她童年时母亲在她心里的形象 。在2015年6月8日她接受了UBC的採访,当她被问及:“谁是你童年时的英雄”时,她表示:“?My mother. She is a hard worker and has given me the best life I can have, no matter what struggles she went through to do it.”( 我的母亲 。她十分努力的在自己的岗位上工作,她给了我我所能得到的最好的生活,而不管那是她自己曾经过了怎样的挣扎与奋斗之后才得到的 。)
外文名称:Your Girl
歌词Your name gives it away你的名字渐渐离我远去You're my sun and my moon, the bright light of my every day你在我的世界中就像那日月一般明媚,是我每天生活中无可替代的曙光And I was your girl, still am your girl而我曾是你的女儿,以后也会是你的婷儿Until the end of time直到时间的尽头I will write this song sing this song play this song for you我会为你将我写的这首歌用最真挚的感情表达Can you hear me over there?而你能听到我此刻的心声吗?I'm dying over here我在原地守候,希望渐渐冷却I will fight for you pray for you cry for you I got love for you我会为你而奋斗 为你而祈祷 也会为你而落泪,我会对你付出我的真心I don't care what people say我不在乎别人会怎幺说I don't care what people say那也不是我应该关心的I'll always be your girl我永远都是你的婷儿Still remember the time我仍旧记得那时Had that bad dream again我再一次从那个噩梦中惊醒You held me close got me through the night是你紧紧抱住了我,陪我度过漫漫长夜Just give me a chance to show you the world and everything that's beautiful给了我一个机会,让我能够让你看到这个世界上所有的美好I will write this song sing this song play this song for you我会倾尽我所有的情感,只为你能感受到我的心Can you hear me over there?而你是否可以听到我的心声呢?I'm dying over here我仍在原地等待,希望慢慢冷却I will fight for you pray for you cry for you I got love for you我会为你而战 为你祈祷 也会为你而哭泣,只因你拥有了我所有的爱I don't care what people say我不在乎人们会怎幺说I don't care what people say那也不是我应该关心的I'll always be your girl我永远都会是你的婷儿You taught me wrong from right你教会了我去辨明是非It's never black or white但却不仅仅只有黑白之分But through the lies, truth is what you'll find但穿过层层谎言的迷雾,真相就在你的眼前Didn't always see eye to eye请不要总是面面相觑而没有去探寻的勇气But still you sacrificed可你最后还是离开了You took the fall你为我承受所有挫折To watch me fly只为了能看着我翱翔于天际And I will write this song sing this song play this song for you所以我会为你将我写的这首歌用最真挚的感情表达Can you hear me over there而你能听到我此刻的心声吗?I'm dying over here仍旧站在原地等候,希望尚有余温I will fight for you pray for you cry for you I got love for you我会为你而奋斗 为你而祈祷 也会为你而落泪,我的爱永远属于你I don't care what people say我不在乎别人怎幺说I'll always be your girl我永远都会是你的婷儿oh...I'll always be your girl永永远远Always your girl一直都是Forever your girl直到时间尽头One and only girl无可取代的婷儿I'll always be forever be your one and only girl 我永远都属于你,是你唯一的婷儿