

梦妆多效矿物修容霜【梦妆多效矿物修容霜】梦妆多效矿物修容霜为皮肤滋润/保湿产品,产品功效为赋予肌肤多重美容修饰功效,缔造透明裸妆肤感的多效BB修容霜 。
产品功效: 底妆
产品基本信息中文名称: 多效矿物修容霜(滋润/保湿) 产品分类: 梦妆隔离霜产品功效MAMONDE梦妆多效矿物修容霜,赋予肌肤多重美容修饰功效,缔造透明裸妆肤感的多效BB修容霜 。使用方法在肌肤护理的最后阶段,取适量薄薄地涂抹于脸部 。品牌介绍梦妆,由法语Mamonde而来,Ma(我的)+monde(世界),寓意“我的世界” 。梦妆,为在自然生态中寻求美肤智慧的女性,提供全面的护肤方案,强调以聪慧的自然科学缔造女性靓丽的容颜 。详细介绍近年来,BB霜的热潮席捲了整个亚洲!这样一支小小的“BB霜”,究其神奇之处就在于它能打造出无瑕透亮但却毫无妆感的“看不见”的裸妆效果,而这无疑与近年来掀起的自然裸妆风潮不谋而合 。2010年6月,韩国品牌Mamonde梦妆将倍受亚洲女性追崇的多效BB修容霜带到中国 。梦妆多效矿物修容霜,兼具修饰肤色、隔离紫外线、水润滋养等多重功效,满足了时下不少女性all in one的简单生活哲学 。只需轻鬆一步,完美缔造透明裸妆肤感 。敏感肌肤也能安心使用喔!梦妆多效矿物修容霜蕴含珍贵的複合矿物元素,不仅能瞬间修饰肤色,缔造完美裸妆肤感,更能长期改善肤色黯沉,令肌肤日渐焕发靓白光彩 。同时,还含有50%以上的矿物质水分,涂抹瞬间即可感受清新沁凉的水分感,长效补给肌肤深层水分,提升肌肤紧緻度,令肌肤由内而外润泽健康 。另外,带有双重防晒指数,帮助隔离紫外线,满足日常防晒需求,带来健康水润的裸妆肤感 。Recent, BB cream craze sweeping the whole of Asia! Such a small "BB cream," is that it can study its magic to create a flawless translucent but no makeup feeling "invisible" nude makeup effects, which no doubt set off in recent years the natural nude wave coincides with makeup.June 2010, Korean brands Mamonde dream makeup Kyrgyzstan and Asian women pursue careers in the multi-effect repair capacity BB cream to China. Dream mineral makeup and more efficient repair capacity frost, both modified color, isolation UV, moisture and nutrition and other multiple effects to meet many women nowadays are all in one simple philosophy of life. Just easy step, a perfect sense to create a transparent skin nude makeup. Sensitive skin can be at ease using the Oh!Dream mineral makeup multi-effect repair cream contains precious contents of mineral elements in the compound, not only transient modification of color, to create a perfect makeup bare skin feeling dull and so forth more long-term improvements, increasing skin glow Whitening glory. At the same time, it also contains more than 50% of the mineral water, smear can instantly feel a sense of fresh water Qin Liang, long-lasting skin deep water supplies, improve skin firmness, moisturize the skin healthy from the inside out. In addition, with double SPF to help isolate UV sunscreen to meet daily needs, bring healthy hydrated skin nude makeup sense.