

新课标国小英语听力100篇【新课标国小英语听力100篇】《新课标国小英语听力100篇》是一本由上海外语教育出版社在2006年出版的书籍 。
图书信息出版社: 上海外语教育出版社; 第1版 (2006年1月1日)平装: 352页开本: 32开ISBN: 7810957422条形码: 9787810957427尺寸: 21 x 14.9 x 1.4 cm重量: 358 g内容简介《新课标国小英语听力100篇》:新课标国小英语丛书共分三本:《新课标国小英语听力100篇》、《新课标国小英语会话100篇》、《新课标国小英语阅读100篇》 。本套丛书内容编排循序渐进、由浅入深,图文并茂,听说并重,语言直观、形象、生动,贴近学生生活,符合儿童认知心理学的要求,并配有专门设计的多样化的练习,能极大地激发他们的求知慾,调动他们的学习兴趣,发展他们的自主学习能力 。本套丛书的推出,将引领小读者进入一个丰富多彩、有益实用的英语世界 。其主要特点是:始终贯穿“玩中学”的理念:以小学生日常生活学习为主线进行编排,使英语学习在日常生活中自然而然地实现;由浅入深,由简到难:每本书分蜗牛篇、鹦鹉篇、百灵篇三个梯度,可以帮助小读者增强信心,逐步提高语言能力,也有利于教师因材施教;内容时尚,语言地道:语言材料由有外国生活经验的教师精心採集,配套磁带由外籍专家精心录製,让学生掌握地道的英语发音,学会听、说,从小培养良好的英语语感 。目录蜗牛篇Tony and His FamiIyMy Foreign ClassmatesJQck and His DogPoor AmwShe Wants to Wear Somethi ng FormalMy Fami}yJoe Is Learning CookingMiehoel’s DreamMy Name Isn't JackA Beautiful Sunny DayBob’s DaydreamWho’s the Printer?A Sinail FarmHaving LunchMy Good FriendsChildren’s DayHow Can Betty Get to Her School?There’S Somethi ng Wrong wi th the CarA Footba JI MatchMy ClassMrBlack and His S0nsJenny’S DayVisiting TomTonyManager I QI D g1Mary Smith and Her Chinese ChiIdrenThe Same MotherShe Is Happier NowMrBlack’S CarBiII's RoomBilly’s BedroomPoor DickThere’s Little Food at the PartyTwo PicturesMy Friend Is a Fortuneteller鹦鹉篇New StudentsNever Talk to StrangersSaving a Drowning BoyJohn Plays the GuitarIs He Dying?A Lonely FrogA Trip to Disney WorldMy Daddy Said It,TooTwo ShoesA Careless GrandfatherRinging the Bell TwiceWhich Woman7A Special NumberMaking Other People HappyMerry Christmas!ShoppingA Naughty BoyA World GirIThey Had a Russian BabyThe First TripLily and NancyIs Mother Clever?Lucy and Her FarrilyAn OId Woman and Her CatsToO Much TV Is NOt Good for Chi}dren111ree Meals in AmericaWhat a Mess!My First Day in My New SchoolA Birthday Card for Aunt JaneMary’s Birthday PartyCan MrBrown Do Housework?Boiling an Egg or a Watch7What a Nightmare!Late for WorkThe Calot of SkinBuying TicketsMannersThe Meals in EnglandA DogA Clever Dog百灵篇1 Plus 1 IS 1 ?The Lion and the HareThe Crow and the FoXWhy Does It Rain?Asking the WayA Put-up JobOne Cigar a DayWh0 Is Cleverer?A Lion and Four BullsAnts An Animal Sports MeetingVisiting a FactoryIt’S Not Good to Take the Bigger OneA Father and FriendAntarcticaThe Secret of SuccessThe Hare and the TurtIeA Stupid RobberPoor BoysA Museum in LondonImproving Reading SkiIIs 。。Catch of the DayGetting Information over the PhoneGomputersHelping HandsTapescript and Key