American You

American You

American You【American You】《American You》是出自Shady旗下艺人yelawolf新专辑《Love Story》,MV于4月4日发布 。
外文名:American You
所属专辑:《love story》
中英歌词Man you got it all worked out, don't you,Old pair of shoes哥们儿,你解决了生活中的一切问题,不是吗?你如同穿了一双旧了的鞋.Never wear your hearton your sleeve cause it don't go with the suit.从不表露内心的感受,因为这和西装革履不搭调.You got a bad,bad woman with a young little pretty face.你拥有一个有着美丽脸庞的坏姑娘.They told you not to go get married,but you went and did it anyway .他们告诫你不要和她结婚,但你依然这样做了.Singin', oh sweet sounds of American you,Never miss a Sunday service, never got tattoos.喔,作为美国人的你,听起来多美好,从不错过周日礼拜,从未有过纹身.Every time we drive by wavin', I see right through .每一次我们开车挥手而过,我都能看见你经过.Fxxk you too .Mama said steer clear of the devil ,so you never played in the road .妈妈说要远离街上的小混混,所以你从不去街头玩耍.Always lookin' on the bright side,so you never see the potholes .永远只看到事物光明的一面,所以你从未经历坎坷.You got a house on a hill, big news,that's a big deal .你在上山有座房子,这真是一个大新闻,真了不起.Big party with your big time friends,man imagine how that feels .和你高大上的朋友开个大趴,哥们想想这种感觉吧.Singin', oh sweet sounds of American you,Never miss a Sunday service, never got tattoos.喔,作为美国人的你,听起来多美好,从不错过周日礼拜,从未有过纹身.Every time we drive by wavin', I see right through .每一次我们开车挥手而过,我都能看见你经过.Fxxk you too .I believe in the modest dream,ain't lookin' for a pot of gold .我相信平凡的梦想,不相信奢侈的黄金.A 6 pack and some good marijuana,I can watch my mama roll .来上半打啤酒再看我妈妈卷大麻.I believe I can buy a few things like a house with a nice pool .我想我可以买一座带有漂亮水池的大房子.Invite my nobody friends to the party,and we'll be in it, fxxk you .邀请我一文不明的朋友来这个聚会,我们身在其中,滚你丫的.You got a blue collar fatherwho drinks Budweiser out the bottle .你父亲是蓝领工人,他喜欢喝Budweiser啤酒.20 dollars, an old Impala, a baby's mama.怀揣20美金,开着旧雪佛兰impala,载着孩子的妈妈.You work hard, you don't beg, you don't borrow .你努力工作,你从不乞求他人,你也不去借钱.Night at the factory, daytime job at McDonald's .白天在工厂,晚上在麦当劳.Your daddy told you that girl was nothin' but a problem .你爸爸告诉你这个女孩不是什幺只是个麻烦.But you fell in love cause to youshe was like a supermodel .但你深陷爱河因为她对你来说就像超模.They told you not to go get married,but you went and did it anyway .他们告诫你不要和她结婚,但你依然这样做了.It ain't no problem,You make somethin' out of nothin',youmake money for a livin' .一切都不是麻烦,你从一无所有到小有成就,赚钱为生.Pushin' buttons, stickin' digits,flippin' burgers in the kitchen .按下电子钟的按钮,在厨房里煎汉堡.With the vision, you've been dreamin',you've been savin',You've been given nothin' but shit . 梦想着对未来的憧憬,你辛苦攒钱,到头来却什幺都没得到.But you take it cause you're patient in this prison,Fxxk everybody visitin',it ain't them who gotta live in this skin .但你忍受了一切,因为你是监狱的病人,去他的所有人,不是他们活在这皮肤之下.With all these tattoos that you got,it fxxkin' offends them .你身上的所有纹身都让他们反感.If it's you that I'm speakin' to,you must be my extension .如果这些话是对你讲的,你一定能够与我产生联繫.I take my drink up and sip it,take my hat off and tip it .Slumerican .我举杯一饮而尽,摘下帽子对你说:Slumerican .oh sweet sounds of American you,Never miss a Sunday service, never got tattoos.喔,作为美国人的你,听起来多美好,从不错过周日礼拜,从未有过纹身.Every time we drive by wavin', I see right through .每一次我们开车挥手而过,我都能看见你经过.Fxxk you too .TranslatebyleslieyanfromEMINEM.CN