

欣欣市场【欣欣市场】《欣欣市场》是一款IOS平台的套用,支持iOS4.3.1及以上版本,软体大小是6.60MB 。
套用介绍欣欣市场,这是官方的应用程式 。免费的应用程式提供我们的最新信息 。是你的口袋里的演出 。全年保持联繫与您的欣欣窥视的,这是你的手机目录功能... - 信息,以帮助计画您的访问演出 - 浏览参展商和他们的产品 - 喜欢的参展商,您希望看到的 - 规划你想参加的研讨会活动日程 - 保持了欣欣的最新讯息 - 按照我们的社交媒体运动 - 保持穿梭时间表今天免费下载的应用程式请注意,已竭尽所能提供儘可能多的数据可能在此应用程式可以访问在脱机状态下和在国外 。讯息和Twitter的某些功能,如使用实时数据和可能产生的费用取决于您的运营商和计画 。This is the official app for Showtime Market. The free app features our most current info. and is your pocket guide to the show. Stay connected year round with your Showtime peep’s, this is your mobile Directory Features … - Information to help plan your visit to the show - Browse exhibitors and their products - Favorite exhibitors you want to see - Event schedule for planning the seminars you want to attend - Keep up with the latest Showtime news - Follow our social media movement - Keep up with shuttle schedules Download the app for FREE today Please note that every effort has been made to provide as much data as possible in this app that can be accessed while offline and abroad. Some features such as messaging and Twitter use live data and may incur charges depending on your carrier and plan.