中国科学院近代物理研究所研究员 黄文学

中国科学院近代物理研究所研究员 黄文学

黄文学(中国科学院近代物理研究所研究员)【中国科学院近代物理研究所研究员 黄文学】黄文学,中国科学院近代物理研究所研究员 。
教育经历1995-08--1998-10,中国科学院近代物理研究所粒子物理与原子核物理专业,理学博士1992-08--1995-06,中国科学院近代物理研究所原子核物理专业,理学硕士1988-09--1992-07,四川大学物理系原子核物理及核技术专业,理学学士工作经历2012-12--2013-08,EMIS2012 Proceedings managing editor2010-03--2010-04,GSI, Germany 访问学者2010-03--2010-03,Michigan State University, USA 访问学者2009-10--今,中国科学院近代物理研究所,研究员2008-05--今,中国科学院近代物理研究所,离子操纵研究组组长2003-01--2009-10,中国科学院近代物理研究所 副研究员2000-03--2002-12,Jyvaskyla University, Finland 博士后及研究人员1997-09--2002-12,中国科学院近代物理研究所 助理研究员1995-07--1997-08,中国科学院近代物理研究所 实习研究员奖励信息(1) 胡济民教育科学奖,其他级,2007(2) 甘肃省科学技术奖一等奖,一等奖,省级,2002(3) 中国科学院院长奖学金优秀奖,院级级,1998发表论文(1) RFQ冷却聚束器束流冷却后性质的模拟,原子能科学技术,2014,第2作者(2) LPT的RF分相偏置电路的研製,原子核物理评论,2014,通讯作者(3) A CsI(Tl) gamma detection array at the external target hall of CSRm,Nucl. Instrum. Methods B,2013,第4作者(4) Numerical and graphical description on the ion motions in a Penning trap for mass measurements,Nucl. Instrum. Methods A,2013,通讯作者(5) Status of Lanzhou Penning Trap for accurate mass measurements,Nucl. Instrum. Methods B,2013,第1作者(6) On-line gas chromatographic studies of Nb, Ta, and Db bromides,Radiochimica Acta,2012,第4作者(7) RF power supplies for the RFQ cooler and buncher RFQ1L,Journal of Instrumentation,2012,通讯作者(8) A Brief Presentation of Lanzhou Penning Trap Control System,Plasma Science and Technology,2012,通讯作者(9) Progress on the Lanzhou Penning trap,Plasma Science and Technology,2012,第1作者(10) Energy limitation for models to simulate the buffer gas cooling,International Journal of Mass Spectrometry,2012,通讯作者(11) Direct Mass Measurements of Short-Lived A=2Z-1 Nuclides 63Ge, 65As, 67Se, and 71Kr and Their Impact on Nucleosynthesis in the rp Process,Phys. Rev. Lett.,2011,第5作者(12) RFQ1L宽频射频功率信号源的研製及调试,原子能科学技术,2011,通讯作者(13) Design of a 7 T Superconducting Magnet for Lanzhou Penning Trap,Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on.,2010,第4作者(14) Optimal design of a 7 T highly homogeneous superconducting magnet for a Penning trap,Chinese Phys. C,2010,第4作者(15) Progress on the RFQ1L and LPT,AIP Conf. Proceedings,2010,第1作者(16) Nuclear physics program at HIRFL,AIP Conf. Proceedings,2010,第2作者(17) 原子质量测量及其评估的历史和现状,中国核科学技术进展报告(第一卷),2010,第1作者(18) OVERVIEW ON THE HIRFL-CSR FACILITY,Int. J. Modern Physics E,2009,第5作者(19) First mass measurement of short-lived nuclides at HIRFL-CSR,Chinese Science Bulletin,2009,第5作者(20) Simulation of the Lanzhou Penning Trap LPT,Chinese Phys. C,2009,第1作者(21) RFQ1L系统压升率的理论与实验研究,原子核物理评论,2008,第2作者(22) Latest Progress of the RFQ Cooler and Buncher RFQ1L,Chinese Physics C,2008,第2作者(23) High Precision Mass Measurement and LPT,Chinese Phys. C,2008,第1作者(24) 高压击穿现象的实验研究和对RFQ冷却聚束器RFQ1L的模拟,高能物理与核物理,2006,第1作者(25) 超重核研究谱仪的RFQ冷却聚束器RFQ1L,原子核物理评论,2006,第1作者(26) Alpha-decay properties of 266Bh,原子核物理评论,2006,第5作者(27) Radioactive ions and atoms in superfluid helium,AIP Conference Proceedings,2006,第5作者(28) RFQ 冷却聚束器的离子引出系统,高能物理与核物理,2005,第1作者(29) beta-delayed proton decays near the proton drip line,PHYSICAL REVIEW C,2005,第5作者(30) RFQ 冷却聚束器研究简介,原子核物理评论,2005,第1作者(31) RFQ冷却聚束器,原子核物理评论,2005,第1作者(32) 质子滴线附近的β缓发质子衰变,中国科学G辑,2005,第4作者(33) Revised rates for the stellar triple-α process from new measurement of 12C resonances,Nature,2005,第5作者(34) 用于放射性束流的RFQ冷却聚束器,高能物理与核物理,2004,第1作者(35) Beta-Delayed Multiparticle Emission Studies at ISOL-type Facilities,Nuclear Physics A,2004,第5作者(36) 质子滴线附近的β缓发质子衰变,高能物理与核物理,2004,第4作者(37) News on 12C from β-decay studies,Nuclear Physics A,2004,第5作者(38) New information on C12 from the beta-decays of N12 and B12,Nucl. Phys. A,2003,第5作者(39) Mirror decay of 75Sr,Euro. Phys. Journal A,2003,第5作者(40) Clarification of the Three-Body Decay of 12C (12.71 MeV),Phys. Rev. Lett.,2003,第5作者(41) Extraction of radioactive positive ions across the surface of superfluid helium: A new method to produce cold radioactive nuclear beams,Europhys. Lett.,2003,第1作者(42) Transport and extraction of radioactive ions stopped in superfluid helium,Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B,2003,第1作者(43) Production of zero energy radioactive beams through extraction across superfluid helium surface,Physica B,2003,第2作者(44) Experimental study on high spin study on 119Xe,Chinese Phys. Lett.,2000,第1作者(45) β-delayed proton decays of the Tz=1/2 series nuclei, 81Zr and 85Mo,Phys. Rev. C,1999,第1作者(46) beta-delayed proton decay of 69Kr,Phys. Rev. C,1997,第2作者(47) 20Na 衰变性质研究和16O反冲,中国科学(A辑),1997,第1作者(48) Half-lives of the Tz=1/2 series nuclei, 81Zr and 85Mo,Z. Phys. A,1997,第1作者(49) Proton branching ratios in the β-delayed proton decay of 87Mo,Phys. Rev. C,1997,第1作者(50) 新核素65Se半衰期的首次实验测定,高能物理与核物理,1996,第1作者出版着作(1) EMIS2012会议文集,Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Techniques (EMIS2012),Elsevier,2013-12,第5作者(2) STORI08国际会议文集,Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Nuclear Physics at Storage Rings (STORI08),World Scientific,2009-02,第4作者参与会议(1) Facilities for low energy physics with RIB,2014-12,Wenxue Huang(2) LPT进展及计画,HIRFL-RIBLL合作组会议,2014-07,黄文学(3) 兰州彭宁离子阱最新研製进展,第十五届全国核物理大会,2013-10,田玉林,黄文学,王均英,王永生,赵建民,王玥,孙宇梁(4) High precision mass measurements and related activities at IMP,2013 Korean Physical Society (KPS) Spring Meeting,2013-04,Wenxue Huang(5) Lanzhou Penning Trap and its superconducting magnet,2012-12,W. X. Huang, Y. L. Tian, J. Y. Wang, Y. L. Sun, Y. S. Wang, J. M. Zhao, Y. Wang, W. Wu, L. Z. Ma, H. S. Xu, G. Q. Xiao(6) Status of the Lanzhou Penning Trap (LPT),Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science (ARIS 2011),2011-05,HUANG, Wen-xue; TIAN, Yu-lin; WANG, Jun-ying; SUN, Yu-liang; ZHAO, Jian-min; WANG, Yue; ZHU, Zhi-chao; XU, Hu-shan; XIAO, Guo-qing(7) Status of LPT and its CS,CS-framework 2011,2011-02,W. X. Huang(8) 兰州彭宁离子阱的研製进展,第十四届全国核物理大会,2010-11,黄文学,田玉林,王玥,王均英,朱志超,孙宇梁,吴巍,何源,马力祯,徐瑚珊,肖国青(9) Progress on Lanzhou Penning Trap,The 7th Stored Particles Atomic physics Research Collaboration Meeting (SPARC2010),2010-08,W. X. Huang (10) RFQ cooler and buncher RFQ1L,The International Workshop on Stopping and Manipulation of Ions and related topics (SMI-10),2010-03,W. X. Huang(11) 原子质量测量及其评估的历史和现状,2009中国核学会学术年会,2009-11,黄文学,朱志超,王猛,王玥,田玉林,徐瑚珊,肖国青(12) Progress on the RFQ1L and LPT,The 7th Japan-China Joint NP Symposium (JCNP2009),2009-11,W. X. Huang(13) RFQ cooler and buncher RFQ1L and Lanzhou Penning Trap LPT,第六届全球华人物理大会(OCPA6),2009-08,W. X. Huang, Y. Wang, Y. L. Tian, Z. C. Zhu, J. Y. Wang, H. S. Xu and G. Q. Xiao(14) Latest progress of the RFQ cooler and buncher RFQ1L,二〇〇九年全国核反应会暨生物物理与核物理交叉前沿研讨会,2009-04,Wang Yue, Huang Wenxue, Tian Yulin, Zhu Zhichao