
外文名:SHENGYANG HUAYANG Machinery Co. Ltd
主营产品:破碎设备 破碎机
历史介绍瀋阳华扬机械有限公司由我国唯一一位破碎机领域研发国务院专家津贴享有者陈万明先生创建,长期生产及研发各种型号圆锥破碎机 。was founded by Chen Wanming, who is the only state department expert enjoying life long benefits in cone crusher design area. The company dedicates in the designing, manufacturing and installation of different types of cone crushers.自1999年创建以来,华扬机械有限公司始终坚持质量为本,研发领先的原则,在圆锥破碎机领域和市场中做出很大的贡献 。其各类产品除在中国各地区获得广大认同之外,同时销往在欧洲,南亚,东南亚以及非洲地区并获得高品质的口碑 。Since the establishment in 1999, Huayang Machinery Co. Ltd always sticks to the basic principle of the company which is “Quality coming in the first place, design leading the market”, and attributes a lot in the market of cone crusher. Products of Huayang Machinery Company have been sold to different areas of China as well as overseas markets such as Europe, South Asia, Southeast Asia and Africa, etc, and have been recognized with the high performance.生产及工艺在生产和工艺方面,华扬机械有限公司生产的各类各型号破碎机在材料和零件的选用上严格把关,生产流程和工艺精益求精,以达到最佳的品质和表现 。In the aspect of manufacturing, Huayang Machinery Company strictly chooses high quality materials and components and strictly checks every single link in the process of manufacturing. The performance and quality has been widely recognized by customers of both domestic and overseas in practice.设计能力在设计方面,华扬机械有限公司研发队伍长期致力于产品的改进和新产品的开发,拥有独立的研发与设计能力,并且在结构密封等方面获得专利,有效改善了漏油、能源高消耗等市场上同类破碎机存在的常见问题 。对于圆锥破碎机结构的改进使其在保证了优美的石形的同时,产量得到了大幅提高,比传统圆锥破碎机的产量提高了15%(由于具体产量与石料的硬度与其他自然属性有关,15%为提高的平均值) 。In the aspect of designing, Huayang Machinery Company continuously dedicates in the improving of current products and the design of new cone crushers to reach higher performance. With the independent ability of designing and the patent in the design of core parts (structural sealing, etc), the common problems in manufacturing of cone crushers such as oil leaking, high energy consuming have been solved effectively. The design of improvement, while maintain the best shape of the discharged stones, improving the volume of production by 15% (15% is the average improvement of production, however, the production can be reached up to 25% in practice).售前售后服务在服务方面,本公司提供售前流程设计和设备选型,售后提供现场安装、调试、技术培训、产品使用跟蹤服务,及时提供优质的备件和维护 。In the aspect of service, Huayang Machinery Company provides the designing of circuit including the selection of the whole set of equipment. Aftersale service includes installation in site, adjustments, instructions and training. Tracing services after sales are also being conducted, in order to get the feedback and provide customers with best maintenance and spare parts accordingly.瀋阳华扬的宗旨是以最优质的产品开拓市场,以最优秀的服务赢得用户 。The principle of Shenyang Huayang Machinery Co. Ltd isTo open the market with best quality, to win the customers with best service产品介绍瀋阳华扬机械有限公司的主要产品有:H系列高性能多缸液压圆锥破碎机,Y系列高性能单缸液压圆锥破碎机,S系列弹簧圆锥破碎机以及用于超细碎与人造沙的盘旋式破碎机,大型破碎机,金属破碎机 。Main products of Shenyang Huayang Machinery Co. Ltd are:H series high performance multi-cylinder hydro-cone crushersY series high performance hydro-cone crushersS series spring cone crushersGD series gyradise crushers,Large Crusher, Metal Crusher.H系列高性能多缸液压圆锥破碎机H系列高性能多缸液压圆锥破碎机在结构上不同于传统的圆锥破碎机,其主轴固定在主机架上 。动椎旋摆速度更快,增加了动椎的冲击作用和对物料的破碎次数,物料在破碎腔中科实现粒子间的层压破碎,既提高了破碎机产量,又使破碎产品的粒度更加均匀,石形更好,同时保证破碎产品中小于排矿口的细粒级含量增加,即成品率提高,是实现多碎少磨,减少入磨粒度,提高系统生产能力,降低破、磨生产成本的首选设备 。H series high performance multi-cylinder hydro-cone crushers:H series high performance multi-cylinder hydro-cone crushers are structurally different from traditional ones with its main shaft fixed to main frame. This feature enables a faster speed of gyrating in head, which made the feeds in the space of cavity crush to a deeper degree, causing the product sizes more even with better shape, and increase the portion of production with smaller size. It is the best choice to increase crush, decrease smash, improve the production and save energy.Y系列高性能单缸液压圆锥破碎机Y系列高性能单缸液压圆锥破碎机结构简单,便于操作维护 。其动椎旋摆速度比传统圆锥破碎机快,增加了动椎冲击作用和破碎次数,产品粒度更均匀,石形更好,产量更高 。Y series high performance hydro-cone crushersThe structure of Y series high performance hydro-cone crushers is simple and daily maintenance is easy to conduct. The gyrating speed of head is faster than traditional ones, increasing the times of crushing in every gyrating time, making the discharge with better size and shape while the production can be improved. S系列弹簧圆锥破碎机S系列弹簧圆锥破碎机因由效率高、产量大、运行可靠、生产成本低等优点,是一种在世界各地矿山、碎石场获得最广泛套用的圆锥破碎机机型 。S series spring cone crushersWith the advantages of high efficiency, high production, high reliability and low cost, etc, S series spring cone crushers are the most widely used cone crushers worldwide.GD系列旋盘式破碎机GD系列旋盘式破碎机的传动方式和外形和S系列弹簧圆锥破碎机相同,因特殊设计的破碎腔型而实现物料粒子间的层压破碎,破碎产品细而均匀,是製备人造砂和向磨矿机提供比圆锥破碎机更细入入磨粒度的首选设备 。GD series gyradise crushersWith the same driving method and shape to S series spring cone crushers, GD series gyradise crushers with the special cavity design realize the laminating crush between articles, which cause small and even discharge products. It is the best machine to make man-made sands than cone crushers.瀋阳华扬生产的各类形式的圆锥破碎机适用于各类矿山和碎石场的中(二次)碎、细(三次)碎作业;GD系列盘旋式破碎机则适用于各类矿山和碎石场的细(三次)碎、超细(四次)碎作业 。竭诚欢迎国内外各户惠顾!Feel free to contact us!