福州别墅装修设计哪家好 福州别墅装修费用怎样

福州别墅装修设计哪家好 福州别墅装修费用怎样

别墅私宅,作为融于山水间的翘楚,可陶冶心性,安享退休生活,也是接待老朋友品茗闲聊的最佳场所 。因此,设计师并未将一楼最大的主空间做成传统的客厅,而是根据业主实际需求,设置成泡茶区 。正如中华传统文化所述“守正出奇,以人为本”,设计师的巧思恰恰体现了新中式的“新” 。而在整体把控方面,设计师连云龙以大地色系为主,与灰色系结合,营造一种缥缈而不失温馨质感的独特空间 。
Villa private house, as a leader in the integration of mountains and rivers, can cultivate the mind and enjoy retirement life. It is also the best place to receive old friends for tea and chat. Therefore, the designer did not make the largest main space on the first floor into a traditional living room, but set it into a tea making area according to the actual needs of the owner. Just as the Chinese traditional culture says, "being upright and people-oriented", the designer's ingenious thinking just reflects the "new" of the new Chinese style. In terms of overall control, the designer focuses on the earth color system and combines it with the gray system to create a unique space with ethereal but warm texture.
福州别墅装修设计哪家好 福州别墅装修费用怎样

作为传统与现代的集大成者,新中式是设计师们从时光变幻中得来的灵感之作 。新与旧的融合在空间表现上从来不是单纯的混搭,而是骨肉一般的巧妙融合 。框架是现代的,功能分区、元素色彩皆明快简洁,追求效率和节奏 。气韵却是传承的,保有旧时文人情怀的底色,有藏有露,不急不躁,浑然自适 。它既是物质层面上的安身之所,又是精神层面上的栖息之地,也许这就是现代人对于中式居住方式的完美展现 。
As a master of tradition and modernity, new Chinese style is a work inspired by designers from the changes of time. The fusion of the new and the old has never been a simple mix and match in spatial expression, but an ingenious fusion of flesh and blood. The framework is modern, functional zoning, element colors are bright and concise, and the pursuit of efficiency and rhythm. The charm is inherited. It retains the background of the feelings of the old literati. There are hidden and exposed. It is not urgent or impatient, and it is completely self-adaptive. It is not only a shelter on the material level, but also a habitat on the spiritual level. Perhaps this is the perfect display of modern people's Chinese way of living.
福州别墅装修设计哪家好 福州别墅装修费用怎样

餐厨一体化设计处处闪耀着设计师内心的“新东方”!开放的情怀,内敛的气韵、时尚的追求、文化的溯源,摈弃古板,汲取精华,拥抱时代 。
The integrated design of food and kitchen shines the "New Oriental" in the designer's heart everywhere! Open feelings, introverted charm, fashion pursuit, cultural tracing, abandon the old, absorb the essence, embrace the times.
福州别墅装修设计哪家好 福州别墅装修费用怎样

书香氤氲,红袖添香 。以新东方风格演绎书房空间,将中式经典元素加以提炼,并与现代风格及材质兼容并蓄,既体现出对东方精神的追求,又为家居文化注入新的时尚气息 。
The fragrance of books is dense, and the fragrance of tea is added. Deduce the study space with the New Oriental style, refine the classical elements of Chinese style, and integrate with the modern style and materials, which not only reflects the pursuit of Oriental spirit, but also injects a new fashion atmosphere into the home culture.