- 美国哈佛大学“哈佛一燕京学社” Harvard-Yenching Institute, Harvard University, USA
美国普林斯顿大学“人类价值研究中心” The Center for Human Values, Princeton University, USA
美国基督教哲学联合会 The Association of American Christian Philosophers, USA
比利时鲁文大学哲学学院 Institute of Philosophy,Leuven University, Belgium
荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学哲学系和逻辑、语言与计算机科学研究所 Department /Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam,The Netherlands
德国波恩大学中国文史哲系 Abteilung fur Sprache and Geschichte Chinas, Llniversitat Bonn, Deutschland
澳大利亚墨尔本大学套用哲学和公共伦理研究中心 Center for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, University of Melbourne, Australia
义大利罗马大学哲学系 Department of Philosophy, Rome University, Italy
韩国首尔大学哲学系 Department of Philosophy, Seoul National University, Korea
韩国成均馆大学儒学东洋学部 School of Confucian and Oriental Studies, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
日本一桥大学社会学系 Faculty of Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
- 香港大学哲学系、公共行政管理学系Departments of Philosophy&Public Administration, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
香港中文大学哲学系Department of Philosophy, Hong Kong Chinese University, Hong Kong
香港浸会大学哲学系套用伦理学中心Center for Applied Ethics in the Department of Philosophy,Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
香港道风山汉语基督教文化研究所Institute of Sino-Christian Studies, Fung Shan Road, Hong Kong
台湾清华大学哲学系The Department of Philosophy, Tsinghua University, Taiwan
台湾政治大学哲学系Department of Philosophy,National Chengchi University, Taiwan
- "公共理性与和谐社会—多元文化视野中的政治哲学之未来200"Public Reason and the Harmonious Society: The Future of Political Philosophy in Cross-Cultural Perspectives(Professor Micheal Walzer as the Keynote Speaker)2007
“中美哲学论坛2007"Forum of Philosophy between China and America 2007
“中国文化与现代性2004"Chinese Culture and Modernity 2004
“赵紫宸宗教思想2004"The Religious Thoughts of Zhao Zichen 2004
“传统与后现代2004"Tradition and Post-Modernity 2004
“政治哲学国际学术研讨会,2003"International Conference on Political Philosophy(Professor Joseph Raz as the Keynote Speaker) 2003
“佛教与基督教对话2003"The International Congress for the dialogue between Buddhism and Christianity
“中美哲学论坛2002"Forum of Philosophy between China and America 2002
- "伟伦特聘讲座教授”,清华大学人文社会科学学院Weilun Lecturing Professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tsinghua University
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“法鼓人文讲座”,清华大学国际交流合作处Fagu Lecture for Humanities, Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, Tsinghua University
“清华形上学论坛”,清华大学哲学系Tsinghua Metaphysics Forum, Department of Philosophy, Tsinghua University
“访问学者”、“高级访问学者”,清华大学继续教育学院Visiting scholar\Higher-Visiting scholar, School of Continuing Education, Tsinghua University
“博士生联合培养计画”,清华大学研究生院Project of Co-education for Candidate Doctor, Graduate School, Tsinghua University
“研究生联合培养计画”,清华大学研究生院Project of Co-education for Graduate students, Graduate School,Tsinghua University
“哲学博士后流动站”,清华大学博士后管理办公室Current Station of Post-doctored program in Philosophy, Office of Postdoctor, Tsinghua University