从此秒杀hisoical和hisoic用法 世界之最历史介绍英文

1.Historical usually describes something that is connected with the past or with the study of history, or something that really happened in the past.
I have been doing some historical research.
我一直在进行史学研究 。
Was Robin Hood a historical figure?
The book is based on historical events.
这本书是根据历史事件写成的 。
When she was a little girl, her father often led her around some historical sites and told her many stories about things that had happened many years ago.
当她还是个小女孩的时候,她的父亲经常带她参观一些历史遗址,给她讲很多关于多年前发生的事情的故事 。
a historical event历史事件(历史上真实存在,不管是否重要或著名等因素)
a historical novel ( film, play, phenomenon, investigation, method, document )
historical studies历史研究
historical records历史记载
historical papers历史文件
historical people历史人物
2.Historic is usually used to describe something that is so important that it is likely to be remembered.
Today is a historic occasion for our country.
今天是我国具有历史意义的日子 。
People acclaimed his historic decision.
人们欢呼称颂他这一历史性决定 。
We are living in a great historic era.
我们正处在一个伟大的历史时代 。
The invaders gutted the historic building.
侵略者们将那幢历史上有名的建筑洗劫一空 。
The Battle of Normandy was a historic event in World War II.
诺曼第战役是二次世界大战中的历史性事件 。
We should take more care of our historic buildings.
我们应该更加爱护有历史意义的建筑 。
The area is of special historic interest.
这个地区有特别历史意义 。
May 4, 1919 is a historic day.
【从此秒杀hisoical和hisoic用法 世界之最历史介绍英文】1919年5月4日是有历史意义的一天 。
Today is a historic occasion for our country.
今天是我国具有历史意义的日子 。
There are efforts under way to designate the bridge a historic landmark.
人们正在努力将这座桥定为历史遗迹 。
The historic feeling of the town makes it a pleasant place to base oneself for summer vacations.
该镇的历史气息让它成为人们夏季度假的好去处 。
It was an historic day, yet its passing was not marked by the slightest excitement.
那是具有历史意义的一天,但是一天过去了,也没有一丝的兴奋激动 。
Unfortunately historic American fiction is constantly being used as a stick to beat contemporary British writers with.
不幸的是,经典的美国小说经常被用来作为批评当代英国作家的依据 。
a historic spot历史上著名的地点;
a historic document具有历史意义的文件
a historic city历史名城
a historic speech具有历史意义的演讲
a historic tradition历史传统
a historic building 有悠久历史的建筑物
a historic event 历史上重要或著名的事件
the historic Long March具有历史意义的长征