
深圳市盛发伟业电子有限公司【深圳市盛发伟业电子有限公司】公司成立于1996年,是一家专业的电子元器件分销商,主要代理经销MAXIM、LINEAR、DALLAS、ANALOGDEVICES、INTERSIL、 INTEL 、 XILINX、 CYPRESS、 TI/BB等国外知名品牌电子元器件,产品涉及积体电路,电容电阻,二三极体,各类模组和光电产品等,兼营诸多偏冷门、停产、军工业产品。


公司LOGO凭着优质的服务、良好的信誉、可靠的品质得到了客户的高度认可 。公司名称:深圳市盛发伟业电子有限公司外文名称:SHENZHEN SHENGFAWEIYE ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD总部地点:中国深圳成立时间:1996年经营範围:电子元器件 积体电路 IC董事长:林创发(Kenny)公司口号:团结互助,超越梦想,雄霸天下,共创天高!公司简介公司自成立以来秉承“服务第一、信誉第一、品质第一、效率第一 ”的经营理念,凭藉着专业的素质和执着的敬业精神,先后与国内外众多高新科技企业、科研机构、国内外贸易商保持着稳定、信任、互相支持、互惠互利的多方位合作 。“令客户满意,获取客户的信任”,是我们追求的目标,我们为此而不懈努力,成为您的伙伴是我们诚挚的期盼 。

盛发伟业电子Our company is a professional distributor of electronic components ,founded in1996,.we are specialized inMAXIM、LINEAR、DALLAS、ANALOGDEVICES、INTERSIL、 INTEL 、 XILINX、 CYPRESS、 TI/BB and other world well-know brand electronic components . Produce include Integrated Circuit (IC), Capacitor ,Resistor, Diodes, Transistor ,all kinds of Modules, and Optronics, Meanwhile , we can also provide scarce products, Military industrial products and so on . We are highly recognized by our customers because we offer excellent service ,good reputation and best quality .Our business principle is “Best service ,Best reputation,Best quality ,Best efficiency” ,with professional skills and dedication,we have been keeping mutual trust ,mutual benefits cooperations with domestic and overseas high tech enterprises, scientific research institution and trade companies .“Gain customer trust ,Satisfied customers“ is the first goal we pursue.We will keep moving , to be your partner is our sincerely expectation.公司文化使命:帮助同事成长,携手伙伴共赢,让客户因为我们而感觉其实採购其实很简单 。

佳和大厦Mission : help colleagues growing , to win-win with partners hand in hand ,we will let our customers feel easy for purchasing .宗旨:感动客户,感动家人,感动朋友 。Purpose : Touch our customers ,families ,friends.愿景:成为一家行业领先,客户信任的电子元器件专业供应链 。Willing : To be a electronic components supplier with high professional and customers’ trust.价值观:做人--感恩,尊重,责任,拼搏 。做事--奉献,诚信,团结,共赢 。Value is : Be a person-- Gratitude, respect, responsibility, hardness.Handling things-- Dedication, integrity, unity, mutual benefit.口号:团结互助,超越梦想,雄霸天下,共创天高 。Slogan is : solidarity , beyond our dream , to be the best.五大执行力:绝对服从,勇于承担,没有藉口,马上行动,创造价值 。Five executive forces: Absolutely obedience, have the courage to bear, no excuses, and action immediately, to create value.梦想:海阔天高——我愿化作雄鹰,为梦想飞翔,不管前方是否艰难险阻,以梦为支柱,与伙伴比肩,在TENCO 的天空中尽情翱翔 。Dream of: Even better - I would like to turn into eagle, flying dream, regardless of the difficulties and obstacles , the dream as the pillar,towards the same goal, enjoy flying in the TENCO sky.宣言:我是盛发伟业的主人 。我爱盛发伟业,我爱这里的每一位战友!我绝对服从《盛发伟业基本法》!我是有尊严的战士! 我绝对不浪费青春虚度光阴,面对每一次的战斗我将全力以赴!我感恩与我并肩作战的所有的战友,因为你们给予了我无私的爱和帮助!我感恩盛发伟业,因为盛发伟业成就了我!我有权利和义务为我的战友们提供帮助 。我必须更努力地做到更出色,来帮助所有我需要和需要我的人!我会成为一个优秀的盛发伟业的人,因为我身上流淌的是盛发伟业的血液!我爱盛发伟业!爱每一位盛发伟业的人! Declaration :I am the a part of SHENGFAWEIYE ! I love every soldier of SHENGFAWEIYE ! I will absolutely obey 《the basic principles of SHENGFAWEIYE》! I am a soldier with dignity ,I will never spend my time without goals , I will throw myself into every fight . I am grateful to all soldiers of SHENGFAWEIYE who together with us ,for their help and love . I also show great thanks to SHENGFAWEIYE , I keep improving because of SHENGFAWEIYE . It is my right and duty to help my comrade-in-arms. I will try best to be the best , and help anyone in SHENGFAWEIYE who needs help and also the ones I need . I will be an excellent SHENGFAWEIYE man ,because I am the one with SHENGFAWEIYE blood ,I belong to SHENGFAWEIYE ,love SHENGFAWEIYE and also everyone in SHENGFAWEIYE .